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Time and reason

Reducing Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial clauses of time and reason can be reduced to
adverb phrases without any changes in meaning, but you
have to observe the following:
a. The subjects of both clauses must be the same;
otherwise, reduction is not possible.
b. The subject of the dependent clause and the be form of
the verb are always deleted.
c. If there is no be form of a verb, the verb form is changed
to verb -ing form or verb -ed form.
d. Retaining the conjunction is sometimes optional in time
a. With before, after, since, and
when: 1. Before she had a heart attack,
- delete the subject; she was happy at the nursing
- change the verb to a verb-ing form; home.
- sometimes the clause can be 2. Before having a heart attack, ...
reduced to a prepositional phrase.

b. With while:
- delete the subject; 1. She had a heart attack while
- change the verb to a verb-ing she was visiting her daughter.
form; 2. While visiting her daughter, ...
- while may be deleted when the 3. Visiting her daughter, ...
meaning is “at the same time”.
c. With as: 1. She had a heart attack as she
- as must be deleted; was visiting her daughter.
- the phrase must come at the 2. Visiting her daughter, ...
beginning of the sentence.
d. With as soon as: 1. As soon as the children
- replace as soon as with upon; heard about their mother’s
- change the verb to an –ing heart attack, they rushed to the
form; hospital.
- on can also replace as soon 2. Upon hearing about their
as. mother’s heart attack, ...
3. On hearing about their
mother’s heart attack, ...
e. With because:
1. Because I have seen the
- the link is not included in the movie, I don’t want to go again.
modifying phrase; 2. Having seen the movie
- having + past participle. before, I don’t want to go again.

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