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Quarter 1 – Module 4:

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. define a hyperbola (STEM_PC11AG-Id-1);
a. identify the parts of a hyperbola; and
b. determine the properties of a hyperbola;

2. determine the standard form of equation of a

hyperbola (STEM_PC11AG-Id-2).
Cutting the inverted double napped cone by a plane formed a hyperbola as performed in
Module 1. For this week’s module, you will learn how the sketch of a hyperbola can be
visualized or drawn in the cartesian coordinate plane to write the standard equation of a
hyperbola. The following activity will provide you the skill of how a hyperbola can be drawn in
a cartesian coordinate plane using rectangular method.
Step1: In a cartesian coordinate plane, plot the points: A (-2,1), B (2,1), C (2,-1) and D (-2,-1).
What shape is formed connecting segments AB, BC, CD, and AD?
Step 2: Draw two intersecting lines 𝑦 = ± on the same coordinate plane.
What is the point of intersection between two lines 𝑦 = ±
Step 3: Locate the midpoints between AD and BC and name the points as V1 and V2
What are the coordinate of the midpoint?
Step 4: Draw a curve passing through V1 such that the curve does not touch the lines 𝑦 = ± and
another curve contains V2 such that the curve does not touch the lines 𝑦 = ± . (The lines 𝑦 = ±
serve as the asymptotes.)
What shape is formed?
Step 5: Locate the points (-5,0) and (5,0).
How far is each point from V1 and V2 respetively? Are they equidistant?
Definition of a Hyperbola
A hyperbola is the set of all the points (𝑥, 𝑦) in a plane, the
difference of whose distances from two distinct two points
(foci) is a positive constant.
The hyperbola is the last type of the conic section, formed
by the intersection of a plane and a double cone. (A circle is a
special case of an ellipse.) The definition of hyperbola is
similar to that of an ellipse. The difference is that for an
ellipse, the sum of the distances between the foci and a point
on the ellipse is constant: whereas for a hyperbola, the
differences of the distances between the foci and a point on
the hyperbola is constant. Consider Figure 1 which shows the
graph of a horizontal hyperbola from the initial activity. Study
the parts of a hyperbola below.
Parts of a Hyperbola

Conjugate Axis



Latus Rectum

Transverse Axis

Figure 1
A hyperbola, similar to ellipse has two axes of symmetry, two
vertices, two foci, and two latus rectums.
The intersection of the two axes of symmetry called the transverse
axis and conjugate axis is the center of the hyperbola.
• Center: (0, 0)
The two fixed points located inside each branch of a hyperbola are
called the foci.
• Foci: F1 (-5,0) and F2 (5,0)

The hyperbola intersects the focal axis in two points called the

vertices. The line segment connecting the vertices is called the

transverse axis.
• Vertices: V1 (-2,0) and V2 (2,0)
• Length of the Transverse Axis is 4 units; 2𝑎 = 4
A segment passing through a focus of the hyperbola that is
perpendicular to the focal axis is called a latus rectum.
An auxiliary rectangle that is not part of the hyperbola plays an important
role in sketching the graph of the hyperbola. The extended diagonals of
the auxiliary rectangle are the asymptotes which serve as a guide in
graphing the hyperbola.

Asymptotes: 𝑦 = − and

For a hyperbola, the distance between the foci and the center is greater than the distance
between the vertices and the center.

Standard Equation of a Hyperbola

The standard form of the equation of a hyperbola with center at the origin is
Asymptotes of the Hyperbola

𝑦=± Horizontal Transverse Axis

𝑦=± Vertical Transverse Axis

The vertices are 𝑎 units from the center, and the foci are 𝑐 units
from the center. Furthermore, .
Example 1. Center, Foci, Vertices, and Asymptotes and Standard Equation of the Hyperbola Refer
to the definitions of the parts of a hyperbola to determine the coordinates of the foci and vertices of
the given graph below. Write also the standard form of the equation of the hyperbola and
asymptotes of the hyperbola.

Center: (0, 0)
Foci: (0, 3.5) and (0, -3.5)
Vertices: (0, 2) and (0, -2)
Transverse Axis: Vertical
Length of the Transverse Axis:
4 or 2𝑎 = 4.
Length of the Conjugate
Axis: 6 or 2𝑏 = 6 𝑎 = 2 ;𝑏 = 3
Example 2. Finding the Standard Equation of a Hyperbola Find the standard form of the
equation of the hyperbola with foci (-2,0) and (4,0) and vertices (-1,0) and (3,0).
Solution: Locate the foci and vertices of the hyperbola to determine the transverse axis if it is
horizontal or vertical. In this case, the transverse axis is horizontal. This means that the branches
of the parabola opens to the left and to the right.
By the midpoint formula, calculate the midpoint for the center of a hyperbola using the
coordinates of the vertices (-1,0) and (3,0).

Thus, are the coordinates of the center of the hyperbola. You may also use counting method
that is 2 units from V1 to the right and 2 units from V2 to the left, reaching the center at (1,
0). Hence, 𝑎 = 2. Moreover, 𝑐 = 3, since focus is 3 units away from the center. Then by the
formula = 𝟓.
With center at (1, 0), ℎ = 1 ; 𝑘 = 0 ; = 4 ;𝑎𝑛𝑑 = 5, the standard equation of the hyperbola
with horizontal transverse axis of the form is
Independent Activity 2 Go
Through My Standard!

Determine the value of and

and write the equation of
the asymptotes and standard
form of the hyperbola from
each graph.

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