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Facts about Austria

Almost nine million people live in Austria. The area of ​

the country is 83 871 km². The population density is 106
people / km². Its capital is Vienna and the main
language is German.
Austrian nature

The highest peak in Austria is Grossglockner - 3798 m

above sea level. The longest river is the Danube - 357
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Austrian food
Particularly popular meat dishes include the Viennese
schnitzel and the strudel stuffed with black pudding,
reminiscent of Polish black pudding wrapped in strudel
Sports in Austria

Popular sports are soccer, alpine skiing, snowboarding

and ski jumping. There is also a Racing track – Redbull
Famous people in Austria

Famous Austrians: Mozart - musician, Schubert - musician, Lauda – F1
driver, Strauss - musician,   Porsche - founder of a car manufacturing
company, Baumgartner - jumped 40 km with a parachute.
• Over 60% of electricity comes from
renewable sources.
• The national flag of Austria is one of
the oldest in the world. It comes from
Other facts 1191.
• In Vienna, there is the largest
about Austria emerald in the world, having as much
as 2,860 carats.

The summer residence of the Habsburgs
- Schonbrunn Palace has 1,440 rooms.
• Salzburg is home to the world's oldest
inn still in operation, built in 803.
It is also the longest operating
Other facts company.
• The Vienna Central Cemetery has over
about Austria 2.5 million graves.
• W miejscowości Serfaus mającej około 1
150 mieszkańców znajduje się linia
Dziękuję za uwagę I mam nadzieje,
że się podobało

Dawid Rojek

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