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Types of Salads

Appetizer Salad

 Stimulate the appetite

 Fresh, crisp ingredients
 Tangy, flavorful dressing
 Appearance is important so
garnishes should be
Accompaniment Salads

 Light and flavorful

 Should complement and balance the meal
 Sweet fruit salads can accompany ham and
 Vegetable salads accompany hearty meal
 Heavier salads such as pasta should be
served with lighter entree
Main Course Salad

 Large enough to serve with as a meal

 Contain protein
 Well balanced meal both visually and
 Variety of fruits and/or
 vegetables
Separate course salad

 Cleanse the palate after a rich dinner and

before dessert
 Served in classic French meals
 Must be very light
 Bibb lettuce with vinaigrette
 Fruit salad
Dessert Salad

 Sweet and often contain fruit, sweet gelatin,

whip cream
 Too sweet to be served as accompaniment
or appetizer

Parts of a Salad

 Usually a layer of salad greens that line the

plate or bowl
 Romaine, chicory or loose leaf lettuce can be
used as the base

 The main ingredient

 Can be a mixture of vegetables, meats, and
Salad ingredients can vary by season or

occasion but freshness

is always important

 Adds color and appeal

 Simple garnishes are best
 Can be mixed with other ingredients or
added at the end
 Examples include parsley,
paprika, fresh cherry tomato
Salad dressings

 Purpose is to moisten, flavor and enrich the

 Tart or sour dressings work with greens and
vegetable salads
 Slightly sweet dressings work with fruit
 Heavy dressings such as mayonnaise mixed
with the salad are called bound salad
Arranging Salads

 Look at the plate or bowl as frame. Pick the

right size dish. Keep
salad off the rim
 Maintain good balance of color Three
colors is usually enough
 Height makes the salad more
 Cut ingredients neatly and
 Be sure ingredients can be
 Keep arrangement simple

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