Reading Cards For Sal 2022 Level 3 - 4

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1.Read the passage carefully.

2.Answer the questions.

Iskandar is an active boy. He likes outdoor activities and games. He prefers football to
playing chess or scrabble with his friends. He dislike going to the playground but prefers to go to
the field to play football with his friends.
Iskandar’s sister, Alia, is a quiet girl. She likes reading and listening to music. She usually
goes to the library with her friends every weekend.
Encik Adi and Puan Anis are Iskandar’s parents. Encik Adi likes fishing and gardening. He
grows many different types of flowers in his garden. Puan Anis, Iskandar’s mother, enjoys reading,
cooking and baking cakes. She always bakes cookies and cakes for tea.

Answer the questions.

1. What does Iskandar like to do?


2. When does Alia go to the library?


3. Besides reading, what does Alia like to do?


4. Which two members of the family have the same hobby?


5. What does Encik Adi like to do?

1.Read the passage carefully.
2.Answer the questions.

The largest animal on land is the elephant and the only animal with a long trunk. They are
found in Africa, India and South-East Asia.
Elephants are divided into two species – the African and the Asian elephant. Elephants are
herbivore. They only feed on leaves and fruits.
An elephant has two long tusks which it uses as self-defence weapons. The trunk is very
strong. A female elephant can loft its calf with its trunk even when the calf is quite big.
An elephant uses its trunk to squirt water down its throat. It also uses its trunk to seize
branches from the tree.
Elephants are protected species. We can find elephants in zoo and circus.

Fill in each blank with only one word.

1. An elephant’s diet consists of only ………………………………………… and


2. Elephants can be found in ……………………………………..,

……………………………………… and ……………………………………………

3. Elephants have ……………………………………. which they use as


4. Elephants are ………………………………………. Species that can now be found in

1.Read the passage carefully.
2.Answer the questions.

“Good morning, Mr. Tan,” said Encik Hamid. “What are you doing here?”
“I want to buy some stamps,” replied Mr. Tan.
Both the men queued up to buy stamps. They had to wait for about half an hour. After
buying their stamps, Encik Hamid went to the next counter to pay the bills. Next, he put some
envelopes into the post box.
“I’ll see you at the factory this evening,” said Mr. Tan.
“All right,” replied Encik Hamid.

Choose the best answer.

1.The men were at 2. How do you think Encik Hamid felt when he
……………………………………… saw Mr. Tan?
A. office. A. Sad
B. factory B. Kind
C. post office C. Surprised
D. police station

3. Why do you think the men had to queued for 4. Encik Hamid most probably had to
about half an hour? A. post a letter
A. They liked to queue up. B. pay a bill
B. It was crowded. C. withdraw money
C. The clerks were not there. D. send a telegram
D. They were late.

5.From the passage, we know that Mr. Tan and

Encik Hamid
1. were neighbours
2. were schoolmate
3. worked at the post office
4. worked in the same factory
1.Read the letter carefully.
2.Fill in the missing words in the exercise below.

Zurina bt. Zakaria,

23, Jalan Damai,
Taman Damai Jaya,
25351 Kuantan,
Pahang Darul Makmur.
20 July 2021
Dear Lily,
How are you getting on? I hope you are fine. I am sorry I did not write to you
earlier. This is because I was busy helping my mother in our new house. We
shifted to our new house three weeks ago. My new address is as stated above.
Tomorrow, I will be going to my new school. I hope to meet new friends
there. The school is only five minutes walk from my house so I will just walk to
school every day. Oh yes, I will be in the morning session. That’s all I can tell
you for now. I hope to hear from you soon.
Goodbye and take care.

Yours sincerely,


Fill in the missing words.

1.Zurina lives at
2.She ………………………………………………………………………………………… to
school every day.
3.The school is ……………………………………… her house.
1.Read Rashid’s diary entries carefully.
2.Answer the questions

Sunday – 21st March

7.00 a.m. - Woke up.

8.00 a.m. - Had breakfast – fried noodles
8.45 a.m. - Did school work.
10.30 a.m. - Helped father to water the plants.
11.30 a.m. - Washed school shoes.
12.00 noon - Had lunch at Selera Restaurant with father and mother.
1.30 p.m. - Attend tuition classes p English and Mathematics.
5.30 p.m. - Visited uncle and aunt – uncle’s birthday. Enjoyed the food
served. Had Nasii Briyani, chicken rendang and laksa.
9.30 p.m - Packed school books. Checked schoolwork.
10.00 p.m. - Went to bed.

Answer the questions.

1. What time did Rashid have his breakfast?


2. What did he do at 10.30 p.m?


3. Where did Rashid and his parents have their lunch?


4. Whose birthday did Rashid go to?

1.Read the passage carefully.
2.Answer the questions.

Every year, Thaipusam is celebrated in a grand manner. People from near and far join the
crowd. Thousands of people gather at Batu Caves. Foreigners enjoys themselves as well.
On this colourful festival, hundreds of kavadi-carriers dance to the beat of drums and
Indian musical instruments. They carry the kavadis barefooted. They carry the cavadis to thank
God for fulfilling their vows.

Answer the questions.

1. What is celebrated in a grand manner every year?


2. How many people gather at Batu Caves?


3. Who dance to the beat of drums and musical instruments?


4. Why do they carry the kavadis?

1.Read the passage carefully.
2.Sequence the statements

How to make scramble eggs

You need two eggs, some butter, milk and pepper.

Step 1 : Break the eggs into a bowl. Add about one eighth of a cup of
milk. Beat the eggs and the milk until they are well mixed.

Step 2 : Melt some butter in a frying pan. Make sure that the fire is not
too hot, just enough for the butter to cover the bottom of the
frying pan.

Step 3 : When the butter had melted, pour in the eggs. When it begins
to stick to the frying pan, add more butter. Your scrambled
eggs should be ready after a few minutes.

Scrambled eggs can be eaten during breakfast with coffee and toasted bread or during lunch
with rice and vegetables.

Sequence the following statements correctly. Rewrite.

1. When the butter had melted, pour the eggs into frying pan.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl and add a cup of milk.

3. Melt some butter in a frying pan.

4. You need two eggs, some butter, milk and pepper.

5. Scramble eggs is ready and can be eaten during breakfast with coffee.
1.Read the passage carefully.
2.Write TRUE of FALSE in exercise below.

During the holidays, I stayed with my Uncle Razlan in Kedah. He lives in a

wooden house near a paddy field. It was the planting season for the farmers. One day,
Uncle Razlan took me out to the paddy fields. We walked along the narrow paths between
the fields.
There were a group of women bending down and planting the young paddy plants.
They had a handful of plants in one hand and were planting with other hand. They wore
large straw hats to keep off the sun. Their feet were in the water up to their ankles.
Uncle stopped and spoke to some of them. They said that they had started to work
early in the morning. Some of them looked very young. They lived in a village nearby.
They also said that they were going home for lunch. They would start work again the next

Write T (True) or F (False) for the statements below.

1. Uncle Razlan live in a wooden house near a rubber plantation.

2. Uncle Razlan took me out to paddy fields.

3. There were a group of men bending down and planting the young paddy field.

4. They wore large straw hats to keep the rain.

5. They continue their work in the afternoon after lunch.

1.Read the notice carefully.
2.Choose the best answer.
Date : 14 October 2020
Venue: School Hall
Time : 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

1. The English Language Society of our school will be organizing a jumbo sale on Canteen Day
to help raise for the school building fund.
2. Pupils who are interested in helping out on the day, can give their name to Puan Siti, the
teacher advisor of the society.
3. We also need donations for the sale in the form of used or old clothing, toys, crockery,
decorative items or books. These items can be given to any of the following committee
members of the society:
(a) Wan Adilah – 6 Pintar
(b) Zainal - 6 Bijak
(c) Melina - 6 Cerdik
4. Suggestion for the sale are welcomed. Please support our campaign.

English Language Society

1. __________ is organizing this sale. 2. When is the Jumbo Sale?

A. Latifah A. 14 October
B. Puan Siti B. 24 October
C. Year 6 Pintar C. 12 October
D. The English Language Society D. 20 October

3. What is the purpose of the Jumbo Sale? 4. Which of the following is true?
A. To get rid of old things A. Pn. Siti is the President of the club
B. To help collect money for the school’s B. The Jumbo Sale will be opened for 24
building fund hours
C. To give donation to help the poor children C. Suggestions for the sale are welcomed
D. To help the committee members D. Latifah is the headmistress

5.The word campaign refers to

A. English Language Society
B. School building fund
C. Items for sale
D. Jumbo Ssale
1.Read the notice carefully.
2. Answer the questions.

I have many hobbies. One of my hobbies is writing letters to pen-pals. I

started having pen-pals when I was only nine years old. I have two pen-pals They are
from The Philippines and Indonesia. They are ten years old.
Amelda is from The Philippines. She speaks Tagalog. The Head of her
country is a President and she uses the peso as the currency.
Budi Hartono is from Indonesia. He speaks Bahasa Indonesia. He uses rupiah
as the currency and The Head of his country is also a President.

Answer the questions.

1. Where does Amelda come from?


2. What is The head of The Philippines called?


3. What is Filipinos language?


4. Where does Budi Hartono come from?


5. What is the currency of Indonesia?

1.Read the notice carefully.
2. Answer the questions.

Ramli is a taxi driver. He drives around the town. He is very friendly and kind
man. He can get passengers easily everyday. His passengers usually enjoy the ride to their
destination in his taxi. He likes to talk and tell stories to his passengers while driving.
One day, Ramli picked up a man near Jalan Setia. He was carrying a small bag
with food in it. He wanted Ramli to send him to the hospital to see his daughter. His
daughter was knocked down by a car.
When they reached the hospital, Ramli showed him the fare stated on the meter.
The poor man did not have enough money to pay the fare. Looking at his torn clothes,
Ramli told the man he would not charge him. The poor man thanked Ramli for his

Answer the questions.

1. Who is Ramli?



2. Where did Ramli pick up the man?



3. What was he man carrying?



4. Where did he want to go?



5. Why was his daughter in the hospital?

1.Read the notice carefully.
2. Fill in the blanks with the best answer.

Nazrul went to a shop to buy some clothes. He wanted to buy a shirt

and a pair of trousers. He asked the shopkeeper, “Do you have any coloured
cotton shirts?” The shopkeeper said, “Oh! Yes, what colour are you looking
“ I need a red shirt and a black trousers for the party tonight. I want to
look attractive because today is my birthday!”
“Yes, here you are,” the shopkeeper said. Nazrul bought the shirt and
the trousers for RM42.00. He looked attractive that night.

Answer the questions.

1. Nazrul went to a shop to buy some ______________.

2. He wanted to buy a shirt and a pair of ___________________.

3. “I need a _____________ shirt and a _____________ trousers for the party


4. Nazrul bought the shirt and the trousers for ________________.

5. He looked _________________ that night.

Use the words in the word bank to complete the crossword puzzle.

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