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Analysis of the poem

In the first stanza of the poem the poet is very lonely and is aimlessly over valleys and hills.
While the poet is aimlessly walking over valley’s and hills his eyes meet a very beautiful sight of
golden daffodils. The daffodils are stretched out a lot so it’s looking that is endless. Therefore,
the poet say’s that there are ten thousand which he saw at a glance in the second stanza. The
poet refers the daffodils to a host as there is a whole bunch of daffodils. Also, a personification
has been used when it was told that they were fluttering and dancing in the breeze. The
daffodils were given the human quality to dance.

In the second paragraph the poet has used a lot of figures of speech. In the first line ‘continues
as the stars that shine’ the daffodils are compared to shining stars which are forever shining.
Also, the poet is also telling the reader that nature is very beautiful. Also, the poet is amazed
by the energetic dance done by the daffodils when they were dancing with the breeze. Also,
the daffodils stretched along the valley, and the daffodils very all in order and it looked like
they starched along in a long line which was as far as the human eye could see.
The analysis of the poem
In the third stanza shows how happily the lake is dancing along with the daffodils. The daffodils
and nature seemed such a wonderful company tighter. The poet also gazed a lot at the beauty
with amazement but he didn’t know what would happen with this happy memory afterwards
in his life. Also, the poet is mesmerized with the beauty of the daffodils that his gazed was
transfixed at the beauty of the nature’s, daffodils dancing in the breeze along with the waves.
Also, the poet had gotten a very happy memory so he didn’t know that the little show of the
daffodils dancing in the breeze had been a memory that would cheer him up when he was sad
as he has written in the last stanza.

The last stanza of the poem tells us that poet is in a thoughtful or whenever he is day dreaming
the memory of the daffodils comes to his mind and it makes him very happy. After the memory
of the daffodils flashes in his eyes he feels very happy and his heart starts to dance. When his
heart starts to dance this shows that the poet gets immense amount of pleasure.
Theme, rhyme scheme, message, Tone and
Mood of the poem
The theme of the poem is of the beauty nature which is not noticed by us in our daily lives.

The tone of the poem is full of emotions.

The mood of the poem is very calm and relaxing.

The poem has a rhyming scheme throughout the poem. The rhyming scheme of the poem is

The message of the poem daffodils that one should always stop and look at nature in their
life no matter how busy they are. Also the world we are living is very beautiful.
Literary devices
The poet makes use of several literary devices in poem. The poem includes similes,
hyperbole and personification and many figures of speech. Some of the examples are: -

Continuous as the stars that shine, And twinkle on the milky way – use of simile, comparing
the daffodils with twinkling stars
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance – use of personification, as daffodils are tossing their
heads like humans
The waves beside them danced – The waves are also dancing along with the daffodils
Hyperbole: The line “Ten thousand saw I at a glance” is a hyperbole, describing as it is not
possible to have ten thousand daffodils at one place at one time
high and hills.- this is an alliteration as the sound of ‘h’ is being repeated

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