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General Bacteriology


Saleh Bahaj
Prof. of Medical
General Bacteriology

Def. of Microbiology

General Bacteriology
General Bacteriology

28 lectures
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 1: Introduction to

I) Definition of Microbiology
II) Classification (Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic)
III) Infectious agents( viruses, viroids &
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 2 Bacterial structure-1
(Intracytoplasmic structure)
I) Nucleoid
II) Ribosome
III) Inclusion granules
IV) Cell membrane
V) Plasmid
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 3 Bacterial structure
( Cell wall)
I) Definition
II) Composition
III) Function
IV) Cell wall deficient
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 4 Bacterial structure
( Structures outside the cell wall)
I) Capsule
II) Flagella
III) Pili
IV) Spore formation
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 5 Bacterial growth & Phsiology-1

I) Definition
II) Culture Media
A) definition
B) Classification
C) Types
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 6 Bacterial growth & Phsiology-2
I) Growth requirements
A) Nutrition
B) Gaseous
C) Temp. & pH
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 7: Bacterial growth curve

1) Lag phase
II) Cytoplasmic membrane
2) Log phase
3) Stationary phase
4) Decline phase
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 8: Bacteriophage-1 (Lytic cycle)

I) Definition
II) Morphology
III) Lytic cycle & Outcomes
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 9: Bacteriophage-2
( Lysogenic cycle)
I) Definition
II) Morphology
III) Reproduction & Outcomes
IV) Uses
V) Test yourself
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 10: Bacterial genetics
(Bacterial chromosome)

I) Definition
II) Composition
III) Function
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 11: Bacterial genome
I) Definition
II) Properties
I) definition
II) Types
III) Function
I) definition
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 12 Transposable genetic
I) Definition
II) Insertion sequences
III) Transposons
I) definition
IV) Pathogenicity islands
V) Integrons
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 13: Bacterial variation-1

I) Def. of bacterial variation

II) Phenotypic variation
III) Mutation (genetic)
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 14: Bacterial variation-2

Gene transfer
A) Transformation
B) Transduction
C) Conjugation
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 15 Genetic recombination

I) Definition
II) Steps
III) Application
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 16: Molecular diagnostic

I) Nucleic acid probe

II) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
III) Real time PCR (Quantitative PCR)
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 17: Antimicrobial Chemotherapy-1

I) Definitions
II) Types
III) Selective toxicity
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 18: Mechanism of action-2
I) Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
II) Inhibition of cytoplasmic membrane
III) Inhibition of protein synthesis
IV) Inhibition of nucleic acid
V) Competitive inhibition
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 19: Methods of susceptibility test in

I) Disc diffusion method

II) Dilution method
III) Gradient diffusion (E test)
IV)Choice of antimicrobial agent for
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 20: Resistance to
Antimicrobial agents -4
I) Origin of resistance
A) Non-genetic drug resistance (Natural)
B) Genetic acquired drug resistance
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 21: Complications&
Chemoprophylaxis -5
I) Combined therapy
II) Complications
A) Non-genetic of antimicrobial
drug resistance (Natural)
B) Genetic acquired drug resistance
III) Chemoprophylaxis
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 22: Sterilization & Disinfection-1

I) Sterilization
II) Disinfection
III) Antiseptics
IV) Germicide
V) Cleaning
VI) Decontamination
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 23: Sterilization & disinfection-2
(Physical methods for disinfection)

I) Moist heat
II) Radiation
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 24: Sterilization & disinfection-2
(Chemical methods for disinfection)

I) Low level disinfectants

II) Intermediate level disinfectants
III) High level disinfectants
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 25: Sterilization & disinfection-2
(Physical methods for sterilization)
I) Moist heat (Autoclave)
II) Dry heat
III) Ionizing radiation
IV) Filtration
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 26: Sterilization & disinfection-2
(Chemical methods for sterilization)

I) Gaseous methods
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 27: Bacterial pathogenesis-1

I) Relation bet. Bacteria & Host

II) Stages of infectious process
III) Koch’s Postulates
General Bacteriology lectures
Lecture 28: Bacterial pathogenesis-2
Microbial virulence

I) Definition
II) Adherence factors
III) Invasion factors
IV) Toxin production
General Bacteriology lectures
Hospital acquired infections Old
or Nosocomial infections name
Health care associated
infections (HAIs)
IV)Principles of antibiotic policy
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