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Article guidelines
September 2022

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To keep in mind when writing an article

Writing the article/post:

- You can sign your articles
- Think about putting the sources of your article + !! Check your sources. Also beware of not using some
text from competitors !!
- Be careful regarding SEO. You can check relevant words by connecting on free SEO tracker website.
Tips to keep in mind:
- Keep your sentences short and in the active tense (try to avoid the passive formulation)
- Avoid big blocks of texts by adding sub-titles when relevant
- Don’t hesitate to add graphs/visuals/other to lighten the text
- Average number of pages for the article: 2-5 (5 is really a maximum and to be avoided as much as

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What is the process?

1. Send articles and/or posts minimum 1 week before the publication to Nina Hasratyan & Beatrice
!! Please be cautious about the timings as we need some time from receiving to publishing on LinkedIn !!
2. You will get a feedback within the next days if some changes need to be done in the article.
3. Once the article is OK, Nina or Beatrice send it to one of the members who put the article online (Stefan,
Pierre-Olivier, Jean or Alexandre).
4. We receive the link and send it to Paris Communication team.
5. We validate a photo made by Paris to illustrate the article/Post
6. The communication team in Paris posts the article/post on the decided day.
7. Your article is ready be LIKED & SHARED! 

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When uploading in wordpress (for the team members in charge of the

• Need to check tabs: lisibility & SEO (see following slides)

• Etiquettes: need to use as much as possible existing etiquette (plurals cannot be done to
differentiate). The tool will suggest some options when you start writing the etiquette.

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Wordpress implementation:
at the bottom, elements to check the article quality

You need to check these 2 tabs:

- Lisibility

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Wordpress implementation:
Lisibility tab

Need to click on:

- Analyse SEO premium
- Analyse de lisibilité

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Wordpress implementation:
SEO tab
Need to click on:
- “Maillage interne” to put link in other articles
- “requête cible”: words need to appear in the title or 1rst

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Wordpress implementation:
How to duplicate an article

Need to click on icon on top bar

Need to select this icon

• Type article name, example: DORA

• Then click on “+”
 A new page is created HOWEVER NOT TRANSLATED.
The format with the different categories & etiquets
are kept as the original article.
 Need to translate titles & paragraphs in english

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Thank you!

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