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The major

resources that fuel

the earth
Fossil fuels

• These are the most

commonly used sources of
energy on the planet and
include coal, oil, and
natural gas. These fuels
are formed over millions of
years from the remains of
dead plants and animals,
and they are non-
Renewable energy sources:

• These are sources of

energy that are
replenished naturally and
can be sustained over long
periods of time.
• Examples of renewable
energy sources include
solar, wind, hydro,
geothermal, and biomass.
Nuclear energy:

• This is energy that is

generated from the
process of nuclear fission,
which involves splitting
atoms. Nuclear energy is
used to generate electricity
and is a non-renewable

• Water: Water is a natural

resource that is used to
generate electricity
through hydroelectric
power plants.

• Minerals such as iron,

copper, and gold are used
in various industries and
are an important resource
for fueling the earth's
economic growth.

• Although air is not

typically thought of as a
resource that fuels the
earth, it is an essential
element for life and is
needed to support
combustion, which is
necessary for the
production of energy.
Discuss the properties of the soil

• Soil is a complex mixture of

minerals, organic matter, water,
air, and living organisms. The
properties of soil are determined
by a combination of factors,
including the type of rock that it
formed from, the climate, the
vegetation, and the organisms
that live in it. Some of the key
properties of soil include:

• Soil texture refers to the

size of the mineral
particles that make up the
soil. The three main soil
textures are sand, silt, and
clay. Soil texture
influences soil fertility,
water-holding capacity,
and aeration.

• Soil structure refers to

how the mineral particles
are arranged in the soil.
The structure of the soil
affects the porosity,
drainage, and aeration of
the soil. A well-structured
soil has good tilth and
allows roots to penetrate
and grow easily.

• The porosity of soil refers

to the amount of space
between soil particles.
This space is important for
the movement of air and
water through the soil,
which is necessary for
plant growth.
Water-holding capacity

• The water-holding
capacity of soil refers to
the amount of water that
the soil can hold. This is
determined by the texture
and structure of the soil.
Soils with a high water-
holding capacity are better
able to support plant
growth during dry periods.
Nutrient content:

• The nutrient content of

soil is important for plant
growth. Soil nutrients
include nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium,
and other micronutrients
that plants need to grow
and produce crops.
Soil PH:

• Soil pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.

The pH of soil affects the availability of nutrients to
plants and can influence the types of plants that
can grow in the soil.
Organic matter content

• Organic matter in the soil

comes from the decay of
plant and animal materials.
It is important for soil
fertility, water-holding
capacity, and the overall
health of the soil.
• Overall, the properties of soil are important for plant growth,
ecosystem function, and human livelihoods. Understanding
the properties of soil is essential for sustainable agriculture,
land use planning, and environmental management.
In conclusion, the earth is fueled by a variety of resources, including
fossil fuels, renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, water,
minerals, and air. These resources are used to generate energy,
support economic growth, and sustain life on the planet. Soil, on the
other hand, is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air,
and living organisms, and its properties play an important role in
supporting plant growth, ecosystem function, and human livelihoods.
Understanding the properties of soil is crucial for sustainable land use
planning, agriculture, and environmental management. Together, these
resources and properties are essential for the health and sustainability
of the planet and its inhabitants.

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