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Ceyx Alcyone

• The King of a kingdom called • Queen of Thessaly

Thessaly • Loving Wife
• Good Ruler • Understanding
• Peace and Prosperity • Devoted
• The king was dismayed because of many mishaps that happened
within his kingdom, Ceyx believed that his kingdom was no longer in
the favor of the gods, therefore he made the descision to go to the
Oracle of Delphi to search for answers. To reach the oracle the king
would have to travel through dangerous waters.

• Alcyone had a bad feeling and begged her husband to relinquish the
idea or atleast take her with him, Ceyx refused however he made a
promise to his wife that he will be back in 2 weeks.
• Ceyx embarked on his journey while waving goodbye to his wife on
the shore, at first the waters were quiet but the weather suddenly
changed and the sailors were hit by a powerful storm, resulting in the
sinking of the ship along with Ceyx.

• Alcyone spent everyday praying for the safety of her husband, when
the deadline had passed she began to pray even more and made a lot
of offerings to the Goddess Here (the protective goddess of marriages
and couples).
• The Goddess decided to act in response to the queens grief. Hera
called the goddess Iris, her faithful messenger and ordered her to
deliver a message to Morpheus (The god of dreams) and have him
convey the message of Alcyone to Ceyx in a dream.

• Morpheus took on the form of Ceyx and visited Alcyone in her sleep
to convey the message of her husband (he appeared pale, with a
saddened face as well as wet hair and clothes). ‘I have come to tell
you my saddening fate, I went overboard and my life was prematurely
interrupted, I will not come back to life to fulfill my promise”
• Alcyone woke up from her dream and was sure that her husband
would never be coming back, she went to the beach where they
parted ways. That’s when she spotted the lifeless body of her
husband, desperate she quickly tried to go to her husband despite her
not knowing how to swim. This would result in her almost drowning,
however the gods levitated her body and made her a beautiful half
human and half bird. She then flew up to her husbands body and
kissed him, Ceyx then reborn as a full on bird together they
conquered the air.

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