Presentation 1

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Ayesha Humayra Ahmed

Digital media is any communication media that

operate in conjunction with various encoded machine
readable data formats. Digital media can be created,
viewed, distributed, modified, listened to, and preserved on a digital
electronics device. Digital defines as any data represented by
a series of digits, and media refers to methods of
broadcasting or communicating this information.
Together, digital media refers to mediums of digitized
information broadcast through a screen and/or a speaker.
 This also includes text, audio, video, and graphics that are
transmitted over the internet for viewing or listening to on
the internet.

Source- Digital media - Wikipedia

• Data can be thought of as unorganized facts that mean little by
• Information is displayed using a range of hardware devices.
• Digital data is not represented continuously, but in a series of steps.
• A word (word size) is the number of bits processed by the
computer at one time. Data

True or false?
• Information must be attractive and easy to use. True
• Sounds, images and video are naturally in digital form. False
• Information technology works with data in analogue form. False
• A bit is a binary digit. True
• A group of eight bytes is called a bit. False

Q: What is the difference between data and information?
Ans: Data is the raw material put into a computer system. This raw material could be
text, numbers, graphics, audio, animation or video. On the other hand, information is
data organized to make something understandable and meaningful. Information
valuable if it is relevant, accurate, current, appropriately shown and easy to use.

Q: Describe some of the ways of converting data into information.

Ans: There are numerous different ways of converting data into information,
like combining data, displaying data in an understandable way or deleting
inapplicable data. Information depends on the data entered. For example, data might
be measurements, survey results, a document, or photograph. By itself, this data
would not mean much, but when it is transformed in an appropriate way it can
provide useful information.
Original Levels Hue/saturation Curves

Posterize Threshold HDR toning

• An arithmetic system using a base of two: Binary
• The ASCII code for ‘full stop’ character: Code 46
• A code that changes letters, numbers and symbols into an 8-bit binary code: Extended
• Another name for the binary system: Binary code
Original Distort-ripple Pixelate-mosaic Sharpen Stylize-solarize

Noise- Render-
Dust and Difference
Scratches Clouds
Replace the letter in brackets with a suitable term:
The internet has become a major source of data. Websites present information
on a particular topic. Each single document is called a web page. In addition to
the World Wide Web, data is collected from newsgroups
Complete the following definitions:

Primary source - When data is collected firsthand, it is referred to as the

primary source. Many organizations prefer to generate their own primary data
because they believe it is more meaningful and reliable, despite the fact that it is
time consuming and costly.

Secondary source - The use of data collected or created by someone else is

referred to as a secondary source. Secondary data is available in printed form as
well as on the Internet.

Layer Blending Mode

Layer Blending Mode Layer Mask


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