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Evaluasi English Week, Qur’an

Memorization, Gardening
Kelompok Donald Duck & Daisy Duck
• Almira
• Siti
• Tanza
• Bunga
Day 1
Nouns at school
Verb 1) Book = buku
• Write – wrote – written = menulis 2) Desk = meja
• Read - read – read = membaca 3) Pencil = pensil
• Take – took – taken = mengambil 4) Chair = kursi
• Do – did – done = melakukan/mengerjakan 5) Pen = pulpen
• Eat – ate – eaten = makan 6) Eraser = penghapus
7) Ruler = penggaris
Example of sentences 8) Sharpener = rautan
• I write english
• I read a novel
• I take my plant
• I do cleaning
• I eat sausage

Siti : Hello friends!

Mira, Bunga, Tanza : Hello!
Mira : What do you write Siti?
Siti : I write english, what do you read Mira?
Mira : I read a novel.
Bunga : what do you eat Tanza?
Tanza : I eat sausage, what do you do on saturday Bunga?
Bunga : i do cleaning
Mira : I have to go now, see you guys
Siti, Bunga, Tanza : see you too
Day 2
Verb Places at school
• Say – said – said = bilang • Classroom = ruang kelas
• Give – gave – given = memberi • Teacher’s office = ruang guru
• Have/Has – had – had = mempunyai • Library = perpustakaan
• Study – studied – studied = belajar • Stairs = tangga
• Wear – wore – worn = memakai • Aisle = lorong
• Gate = gerbang/pagar
• Canteen = kantin
4 Magic Words
• Restroom = toilet/wc
1) Thank you
2) Sorry
3) Help me
4) Excuse me
Example of sentences
• I can say loud if i in the classroom.
• I give a pen to my friend in the library.
• We have foods in our canteen.
• We study in the aisle.
• I wear uniform in the classroom.
• I eat my meal in the stairs.
• They do pray in the aisle.
• I take teacher’s marker in the teacher’s office.
• I do washing hands in the restroom.
• I say goodbye to my friend in the school gate.
Day 3
Verb Story assignment
• Go – went – gone = pergi Me and my friends are go on holiday to
• Buy – bought – bought = membeli hotel. I ask my friend what can i buy
• Speak – spoke – spoken = berbicara for holiday’s preparation. They say i
• Come – came – come = datang can buy some food and beverage. After
• Play – played – played = main/bermain arriving at hotel, we check in the room
• Drink – drank – drunk = minum and sleep for a while. After that, we
• Run – ran – run = berlari come to swim in the hotel’s pool, my
• Ask – asked – asked = bertanya friend speak loud that she’s thirsty. So
• Swim – swam – swum = berenang we decided to drink. After swimming,
• Sleep – slept – slept = tidur we decided to play at the hotel’s park.
We’re having fun, run in the park.
Tomorrow, we’re going to check out the
hotel’s room and go back to home.

Langkah – langkah menanam bibit pakcoy =

1) Siapkan polybag dan alas
2) Media tanam dan sekam diaduk
3) Dimasukkan ke dalam polybag
4) Tuang air ke dalam polybag
5) Siapkan bibit yang sudah direndam air hangat minimal 3 jam & maksimal 1 hari
6) Beri lobang untuk bibit
7) Bibit dimasukkan
8) Disiram setiap hari
Qur’an Memorization
Day 1
Mira = Al-Baqarah Juz 1 ayat 36 – 37
Latanza = Al-Baqarah Juz 2 ayat 225 – 230
Siti = Al-Baqarah Juz 1 ayat 38 – 40
Bunga = An naba Juz 30
Day 3
Day 2
Mira = Al-Baqarah Juz 1 ayat 41 – 43
Mira = Al-Baqarah Juz 1 ayat 38 – 40
Latanza = Al-Baqarah Juz 2 ayat 234 –
Latanza = Al-Baqarah Juz 2 ayat 231 – 233
Siti = Al-Baqarah Juz 1 ayat 41 – 43
Siti = Al-Baqarah Juz 1 ayat 44 – 46
Bunga = An naziat Juz 30 ayat 1 – 10
Bunga = An naziat Juz 30 ayat 11 - 14

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