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By Dr.

Eeman Alghamdi
Grammar Units
12 & 13 & 14
Simple past: Negative statements

S + Did + not + V + O
I did not write my name.
She didn’t have money.
Simple Past: Yes/No Questions

Did + S + V + O

Did You walk home?

Did she have money?
Past Continuous

S + was/were + (V+ing) + O
I was walking home yesterday.
She was having dinner yesterday night.
Negative statement

S + was/were + not + (V+ing) + O

We were not watching a film.
It wasn’t raining this morning.
Yes/No Questions

Was/Were + S + (V+ing)
Were you watching a film?
Was it raining this morning?
Information Questions

Wh + was/were + S + (V+ing)
When were you watching a film?
What was she writing?
Past Continuous Uses
1. A short action interrupts a long action. We use
(when) as a time marker.
He was reading when the phone rang.
2. Two long actions taking place at the same time. We
use (while) as a time marker.
I was watching a film while it was raining.
Simple Past vs. Past Continuous

Simple past : short actions

I walked home yesterday.
Simple past : Long action + time marker
I walked for an hour yesterday.
Past Continuous “ : Long actions
I was walking for an hour.

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