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Edible water is a type of packaging that contains a water-based liquid inside a biodegradable
membrane. The membrane is made from seaweed extract and is edible, making it a sustainable
and eco-friendly alternative to plastic water bottles. The edible water packaging is designed to be
consumed in one bite, releasing the water inside. It is a convenient and sustainable way to
transport and consume water and can be used for a variety of beverages, including sports drinks,
juices, and even alcoholic.

Innovation is needed in the edible water industry to make it more accessible and affordable
for everyone. This could include developing new packaging materials that are more
sustainable and cost-effective, creating new flavours and textures, and exploring new
production methods that reduce waste and energy consumption.
Additionally, research and development into new technologies such as 3D printing
could help to reduce the cost of production and make edible water more widely

Commercial feasibility: The commercial feasibility of edible water depends on several factors such as the cost of
production, consumer demand, and competition.
 Cost of production: The cost of production for edible water is relatively high compared to traditional bottled
water due to the special packaging and materials required. This will affect the overall profitability of the product.
 Consumer demand: The concept of edible water is relatively new and may take some time to catch on with
consumers. The target market for this product will likely be health-conscious consumers who are concerned
about reducing plastic waste and looking for convenient hydration options.
 Competition: There is already a strong presence of traditional bottled water and sports drinks in the market,
which will likely make it challenging for edible water to gain market share. Additionally, new entrants into the
market may offer similar products at lower prices, making it difficult for edible water to remain competitive.

The technical feasibility for edible water, also known as Ooho, is high as it has been successfully
created and demonstrated by various companies and organizations. The technology involves
encapsulating water in a edible membrane made from seaweed extract and calcium chloride. This
membrane acts as a water bottle and can be easily consumed without any waste.
However, there are some technical challenges in mass producing edible water, such as
consistency in the size and quality of the membrane, as well as ensuring it is safe for
consumption. The production process also requires specialized equipment and materials, which
may increase the cost of production.

The financial feasibility of edible water depends on several factors, including the current
market trends, production costs, and consumer demand. While the initial costs may be
higher, the long-term financial benefits and the environmental impact of reducing plastic
waste may make edible water a financially viable option in the future.
 Convenient and portable packaging: Edible water is packaged in small spheres that are easy to carry and
can be stored in pockets or bags.
 Environmentally friendly: Edible water packaging eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles,
reducing waste and contributing to a more sustainable future.
 Innovative technology: The technology behind edible water is new and exciting, making it an attractive
option for consumers who want to try something new.
 Versatile use: Edible water can be consumed on its own or used as an ingredient in a recipe, making it a
versatile option for those who want to stay hydrated.

 Limited availability: Edible water is still a new product and is only available in a few
locations. This can limit its appeal to consumers who may not be able to find it easily.
 Expensive: Edible water is priced higher than traditional bottled water, making it a more
expensive option for consumers who are looking for a convenient hydration option.
 Unfamiliar taste: The flavor of edible water may be unfamiliar to some consumers and
may not be appealing to everyone

 Growing demand for sustainable packaging: With more and more consumers concerned about the environment,
there is a growing demand for products with environmentally friendly packaging, making edible water a
potentially attractive option.
 Expansion into new markets: Edible water can be easily exported to new markets, providing opportunities for
growth and expansion.

 Partnering with sports and outdoor brands: Edible water can be marketed as a hydration option for outdoor
activities, such as camping, hiking, and sports, providing opportunities for partnerships with outdoor and sports
Competition from traditional bottled water: Edible water faces competition from traditional
bottled water, which is widely available and less expensive.
Lack of consumer education: Edible water is a new product and may be unfamiliar to many
consumers. This can make it difficult to market and sell, especially if consumers are not educated
about its benefits.
Food safety concerns: Edible water is a food product and may be subject to food safety
regulations, which can be costly and time-consuming to comply with.
Lack of brand recognition: Edible water is a new product and may not have the brand recognition
of more established hydration options.

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