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Preliminary Design
The ideal structure must not collapse in use. It must
be capable of carrying the loading required of it with
the appropriate factor of safety. This is more
significant at detailed design stage as generally any
sort of preliminary design can be made safe.

The ideal structure must not suffer from local
deterioration/failure, from excessive deflection or
vibration, and it must not interfere with sight lines on
roads above or below it. Detailed design cannot
correct faults induced by bad preliminary design. 2
The structure must make minimal demands on labour and
capital; it must cost as little as possible to build and
maintain. At preliminary design stage it means choosing the
right types of material for the major elements of the
structure, and arranging these in the right form.

The structure must be pleasing to look at. decisions about
form and materials are made at preliminary design stage;
the sizes of individual members are finalized at detailed
design stage. The preliminary design usually settles the
appearance of the bridge.
Before starting to design, the following information must be made
•Present and anticipated future of traffic on the road at the bridge
•Hydraulic data pertaining to the river, including the highest flood
level, site shape and nature of the catchments, intensity and
frequency of rainfall in the catchments and probability of large trees
rolling debris floating down the stream.
The data may collected from the relevant authority such as
the Ministry of Infrastructure Development
•Year design flood through the bridge
•Design Return Period = 50 years, for major structures (bridges)
•Mean rainfall per year in mm
•The weighted Mean Annual Pavement Temperature (w- MAPT)
has to be determined in Centgrade
•The minimum width for all trunk roads is 7.5m
•HB loading is 37.5units
•Parapet loading 5kN/m

A bridge has a carriageway width of 7 m, and 15 m span.
Determine the live loading on the bridge per unit area

For 7 m width of carriageway,
the number of notional lanes = 2

For a loaded length of 15 m,

HA UDL = 30 kN/m/lane
Therefore, the load is; 30/3.5 = 8.5714 kN/m2

The knife edge load KEL

KEL = 120 kN/lane
= 120 /3.5 = 34.286 kN/m (transversal line
load) 5
3 .2 0 m
12 0 k N

12 0 k N

KEL in a 2-Lane bridge

12 0 k N

6 .4 0 m
12 0 k N

3 .20
24 0 k N

Slab–Beam Bridge of 15.0 m span

Gu a rd Gu a rd
Ra il Ra il
Ke rb fo r Ke rb fo r
P e d e s tria n P e d e s tria n
S u rfa c in g 3 % s lo p e


300 Un its a re in m m 300

1650 7 000 1650

Loading analysis
Dead load Slab: 0.25 x 24 x 1.15 = 6.90 kN/m2
Kerb: 0.10 x 24 x 1.15 = 2.76 kN/m2

Superimposed dead load

Surfacing: 0.105 x 22 x 1.75 = 4.04 kN/m2
Surfacing: 0.03 x 22 x 1.75 = 1.16 kN/m2
Parapet: 5.00 x 1.75 = 8.75 kN/m2

HA Load
Loaded length = 15.00 m
Carriageway width = 7.00 m
Number of notional lanes = 2

HA alone
UDL: 30 kN/m/lane: 30 x 1.5/3.5 = 12.9 kN/m2
KEL: 120 kN/lane: 120 x 1.5/3.5 = 51.4 kN/m (transversal
line load)

HA with HB
UDL: 30 x 1.3/3.5 = 11.14 kN/m2
KEL: 120 x 1.3/3.5 = 44.57 kN/m (transversal line load)

Total wheels: 16 wheels in 4 axles

Load per wheel: 45 x 2.5 x 1.3 = 146.25 kN

Load per axial: 146.25 x 4 = 585.00kN

Total vehicle load: 585 x 4 = 2340 kN

Pedestrian Load: 5 x 1.5 = 7.50 kN/m2

Dead Load (DL)
Consider 1.0 m width along the slab
2 .7 6 k N /m 2.7 6 k N /m
6.9 0 k N /m

1 .65 7.0 m 1 .65

Slab VL = 6.90 x 1.65 = 11.4 kN ML = 6.9 x 1.652/2 = - 9.40 kNm

VR = 6.90 x 7/2 = 21.15 kN MR = 6.9 x 72/8 – 9.4 = 32.9 kNm
Kerb VL = 2.76 x 1.65 = 4.55 kN ML = 2.76 x 1.652/2 = -3.76 kNm

8 .7 5 k N 8 .7 5 k N
4 .0 4 k N /m
1 .1 6 k N /m

1 .6 5 7 .0 m 1 .65

Surfacing: VR = 0.5 x (1.16 + 5.2) x 3.5 MR = 11.1 x 3.5 – 1.16 x 3.52/2 – (0.5 x
= 11.1 kN 4.04 x 3.52/2 = 23.6 kNm
Parapet: VL = 8.75 kN ML = 8.75 x 1.65 = - 14.4 kNm

Case 1: HA on both lanes

12 .90 k N /m
51 .40 k N /m

1 .6 5 7 .0 m 1 .6 5

Due to HA VR = 12.9 x 7/2 = 45 kN MR = 12.9 x 72/8 = 79.0 kNm

Due to KEL VR = 51.4 x 7/2 = 180 kN MR = 51.4 x 72/8 = 315.0 kNm


1 2 .9 0 k N /m
5 1 .4 0 k N /m

1 .65 7 .0 m 1 .6 5

Due to HA VR = 3/8 x12.9 x 7 = 33.8 kN MR = 12.9 (3/8x72)/2 = 44.3 kNm

Due to KEL VR = 3/8 x 51.4 x 7 = 135 kN MR= 51.4(3/8x 72)/2 = 177.2 kNm

7 .5 0 k N /m 7 .5 0 k N /m

1 .65 7 .0 m 1 .6 5

VL = 7.5x 1.65 = 12.4 kN ML = 7.5 x 1.652/2 = 10.2 kNm

F o r S h ea r V
P P P P P = 1 4 6 .2 5 k N
a 1.0 1 .0 1 .0 a = 0 .2 5 m

1 .65 7 .0 m 1 .6 5

R 4
7 (
4 x

Fo r Mo m e n t M
P P P P P = 1 4 6 .2 5 kN
a 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 a = 2 .2 5 m

1 .6 5 7 .0 m 1 .6 5

 L  a L  ( a  1 ) L  ( a  2 ) L  ( a  3 )
MR  P



L   a  1  P  736.5 kNm
 

In simplified form:
M R  4 L  4 a  6  a  1  P = 736.5 kNm

P = 1 4 6 .2 5 k N
a = 0 .2 5 m a 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 1 .1 k N /m
4 4 .6 k N /m

1 .6 5 7 .0 m 1 .6 5

VR,HB = 438.8 kN
VR,HA,UDL = (1/8)WL = 11.1 x 7/8 = 9.80 kN
VR,HA,KEL = 44.6 x 7/8 = 39.0 kN
MHB = 438.8 x (2 + 0.25) -146.25 x 2 – 146.25 x 1 = 548.6 kNm
MHA,UDL = 44.3 x 1.3/1.5 = 38.4 kNm
MHA,KEL = 177.2 x 1.3/1.5 = 153.5 kNm
Load type - Case Shear Force Reaction Bending Moment
in kN in kN in kNm
Outer Inner Hogging Sagging

Dead Load (DL)

Slab 11.4 24.2 35.5 9.4 32.9
Kerb 4.6 4.6 3.8

Surfacing Dead Load

Surfacing 11.1 11.1 23.6
Parapet 8.8 8.8 14.4

Live Load
Case 1: HA on both lanes
HA UDL 45.0 45.0 79.0
HA KEL 180.0 180.0 315.0
Sub-Total 225.0 225.0 394.0
Case 2: HA on one
HA UDL 33.8 33.8 44.3
HA KEL 135.0 135.0 177.2
Sub-Total 168.8 168.8 221.5

Case 3: HB 438.8 438.8 736.5

Case 4: HA + HB
HA UDL 9.8 9.8 38.4
HA KEL 39.0 39.0 153.5
HB 438.8 438.8 548.6
Sub-Total 487.5 487.5 740.5

Self weight = 0.8x0.3 x 24 x 1.15 = 6.6 kN/m
DL from slab: 35.5 + 4.6 = 40.1 kN/m
Surface DL from slab: 11.1 + 8.8 = 19.9 kN/m

Live Loads – Critical case 4

HA UDL: 9.8 kN/m
HA KEL: 39.0 kN
HB: 438.8 kN

Pedestrian: 12.4 kN/m

S elf w t: 6.6 k N /m
D L fro m sla b : 4 0 .1 k N /m
S u rfac in g D L : 1 9 .9 k N /m
H A U D L : 9 .8 k N /m
P ed estrian: 1 2 .4 k N /m
P = 4 3 8 .8 kN
P P KEL = 3 9 kN P P H B + H A -K E L
4.2 m 1 .8 6 .0 m 1 .8 1 .2
1.5 1 .5 3.0
R1 S CG R2

1 5 .0 m

HB Arrangement for maximum moment

Criterion for Maximum Moment from HB loading: Bending

moment under any load P is maximum when that load and the
CG of the whole system of loads on the span are equidistant from
the mid-span.
Beam self weight: 6.6 x 15x15/8 = 186.3 kNm

DL from slab: 40.1 x 15x 15/8 = 1127.5 kNm

Surface DL from slab:19.9 x 15x15/8 = 558.8 kNm

LL – HA UDL: 9.8 x 15x15/8 = 274.2 kNm

Pedestrian: 12.4 x 15x15/8 = 348.0 kNm

HA KEL 39 x 15/4 = 146.3 kNm

HB R1 R1 x 6 – 1.8P = 3422.4 kNm

TOTAL = 6063.5 kNm

P = 4 3 8 .8 kN
1 .8 6 .0 m 1 .8

R1 R2

1 5 .0 m

Beam self weight: 6.6 x 15/2 = 49.7 kN

DL from slab: 40.1 x 15/2 = 300.7 kN

Surface DL from slab: 19.9 x 15/2 = 149.0 kN

LL – HA UDL 9.8 x 15/2 = 73.1 kN

Pedestrian 12.4 x 15/2 = 92.8 kN

HA KEL 39 x 1 = 39.0 kN

HB R (max) P(15+ 13.2 + 7.2 + 5.4)/15 = 1193.4 kN

TOTAL = 1897.7 kN

Assume a width of 4.0 m and thickness of 1.00 m for the foundation base
Ab u tm e n t

1.0 5 m
0 .3 0

Total length

4 .9 5 m
of the abutment:
L = 7.0 + 1.65 x 2
or L = 10.30m
1 .7 5 0 .7 5 1 .5 0

1 .0 0 m
4 .0 0 m Fo u n d a tio n
Self weight of abutment:
(0.3 x 1.05 x 24 x 1.15) + (0.75 x 4.95 x 24 x 1.15) = 111.16 kN/m
Abutment DL = 111.16 kN/m

Weight of beam: 0.8 x 0.3 x 24 x 0.5 x15 x 1.15 x 2 / 10.3 = 9.66 kN/m
Slab : 6.9 x 15/2 = 51.75 kN/m
Curb: 2.76 x 1.65 x 2 x 7.5/10.3 = 6.63 kN/m
Total dead load beam + curb: 68.04 kN/m

Superimposed Dead Load

Surfacing: 0.5(1.16 + 4.04) x 7 x 15 x 0.5/10.3 = 13.30 kN/m
Parapet: 2 x 8.75 x 15 x 0.5/10.3 = 12.74 kN/m
Total SDL = 26.04 kN/m

Live Load:
Critical case is HA + HB for this problem
HA UDL: 11.1 x 3.5 x 15 x 0.5/ 10.3 = 28.29 kN/m
HA KEL: 44.6 x 7 x 0.5/10.3 = 15.16 kN/m
HB: 585 x 2.72/10.3 = 154.49 kN/m
(V1 = 438.8 kN and V2 = 143.2 kN , total = 585 kN )
Pedestrian: 7.5 x 1.65 x 15 x 0.5 x 2 /10.3 = 18.02 kN/m
Total live load = 215.96 kN/m
Longitudinal Load
Braking load:
Due to HA: P = (8 kN/m x 15 + 200) = 320 kN
Due to HB: P = 25% x Total HB = 0.25 x 1800 = 450 kN
Factored loads:
Due to HA = 320 x 1.25 / 10.3 = 38.83 kN/m
Due to HB = 450 x 1.1 /10.3 = 48.06 kN/m
Therefore use the critical load: P = 48.06 kN/m

Earth Pressure
1  sin 
P   s .H .K a   s .H .
1  sin 
Due to backfill
Given that; s = 18 kN/m3,  = 350
P = 18 x 0.271 x 6 x 1.5 = 43.90kN/m2 (triangular pressure)
Hence PH = 43.9 x 6 x 0.5 = 131.71 kN/m,

Due to Surcharge
For HA loading, 10 kN/m2
For HB loading, 20 kN/m2 for 45 HB units
Choose the critical value from HB, hence
P = 20 x Ka x f = 20 x 0.271 x 1.5 = 8.13 kN/m2 ( udl)
Therefore PH = 8.13 x 6 = 48.78 kN/m

0 .30 0 .45

1 .0 5 m
10 m m Nd = S u p e rs tru c tu re lo a d
0.1 5 5
G = Lo a d d u e to s e lf w e ig h t
Vs o f ab u tm e n t s te m

4 .95 m
G Ea = Ea rth fill lo a d
3 .0 m

2 .0 m

Vs = Ho rizo n ta l lo ad du e to
s u rc h a rg e

1 .0 0 m
Fb = B rakin g fo rc e

1 .7 5 0 .7 5 1 .5 0

4 .0 0 m

Design Moment and Shear Force
N V La M
Load Type (kN/m) (kN/m) (m) (kNm/m)
DL from abutment 111.16 0 0
DL from superstructure 68.04 0.155 10.55
Superimposed DL of 26.04 0.155 4.04
Live load on superstructure 215.96 0.155 33.47
Braking 48.06 4.95 237.9
Earth fill pressure 131.71 2.00 263.42
Surcharge pressure 48.78 3.00 146.34
TOTAL 421.20 204.12 695.60
The design values shall be as follows:
Normal force N = 421.20 kN/m
Shear force V = 204.12 kN/m
Bending Moment M = 695.6 kNm/m
0 .3 0 0 .4 5

1 .0 5 m
10m m Nd = S u p e rs tru c ture lo a d
Ns 0 .1 5 5 Gw = Lo a d d u e to s e lf w e ig h t
1 .7 0 o f a b u tm e n t s te m
Gf = Lo a d d u e to s e lf w e ig h t
o f fo u n d a tio n

4 .9 5 m
Ea = Ea rth fill lo a d - h o riz o n ta l
Ea Gw

5 .9 5
En = Ea rth fill lo a d - n o rm a l
1 .8 7 5 Ns = No rm a l lo a d d u e to
s u rc h a rg e
3 .5 0
2 .3 3

Vs = Ho rizo n ta l lo a d d u e to
Gf s u rc h a rg e

1 .0 0 m
En 2 .0
3 .1 25 Fb = B ra kin g fo rc e
Re f. P o in t
1 .7 5 0 .7 5 1 .5 0

4 .0 0 m
Earth Pressure
1  sin 
P   s .H .K a   s .H .
1  sin 
H = 7.0 m
Due to backfill
Given that; s = 18 kN/m3,  = 350
P = 18 x 0.271 x 7 = 34.15kN/m2 (triangular pressure)
Hence PH = 34.15 x 7 x 0.5 = 119.51 kN/m,

Due to Surcharge
For HA loading, 10 kN/m2
For HB loading, 20 kN/m2 for 45 HB units
Choose the critical value from HB, hence
P = 20 x Ka x f = 20 x 0.271 = 5.42 kN/m2 ( udl)
Therefore PH = 5.42 x 7 = 37.94 kN/m

Load Type N V La M M
(kN/m) (kN/m) (m) (kNm) (kNm)
DL from abutment 96.66   1.875 181.24  
DL from self weight of footing 96   2 192  
DL from superstructure 59.17   1.7 100.59  
Superimposed DL of superstructure 14.88   1.7 25.30
Live load on superstructure 166.12   1.7 282.40  
Braking  0 43.69 5.95  0 259.96
Earth fill pressure - Horizontal  0 119.51 2.333  0 278.82
Earth fill pressure - Normal 189  0 3.125 590.6  0
Surcharge pressure - Normal 35 3.125 109.38
Surcharge pressure - Horizontal  0 37.94 3.5  0 132.79
TOTAL 621.83 201.14   1481.51 671.57
Lever arm for Earth fill normal load, La = 0.5 x 1.75 + 0.75 + 1.50 = 3.125 m
Safety Against Overturning :
Restoring moment = 1481.51 kNm/m
Overturning moment = 671.57 kNm/m
Restoring moment/ Overturning moment
Factor of safety = 1481.51/671.57 = 2.21 > 1.5 - OK

Safety Against Sliding

Driving force = 136.92 kN/m
Resisting force: N and  = 0.60
Therefore resisting force = 621.83x 0.6 = 373.10 kN/m.
Hence safety against sliding
Factor of safety = 373.10/ 201.14 = 1.85 > 1.5 -- OK
Foundation Normal Earth Pressures

(i) Due to backfill on the footing

Given that; s = 18 kN/m3
P = 18 x 6 x 1.75 = 189 kN/m
For the whole length of the abutment,
P = 189 x 10.3 = 1947 kN

(ii) Due to Surcharge

For HA loading, 10 kN/m2
For HB loading, 20 kN/m2 for 45 HB units
Choose the critical value from HB, hence
P = 20 x 1 x 1.75 = 35 kN/m
For the whole length of abutment:
P = 35 x 10.3 = 360.5 kN
S u rc h a rg e 0 .3 0 0.4 5

1 .0 5 m
1 0m m Nd = S u p e rs tru c tu re lo ad
0.15 5 Gw = Lo ad d u e to s e lf w e ig h t
Ns o f ab u tm e n t s te m
0 .3 Gf = Lo ad d u e to s e lf w e ig h t
0 .13 o f fo u n d a tio n

4 .9 5 m
Ea = Ea rth fill lo a d - h o rizo n ta l
Ea Gw

5 .9 5
En = Ea rth fill lo ad - n o rm a l
Ns = No rm al lo a d d u e to
s u rc h a rg e
3 .5
2 .3 3

Vs = Ho rizo n ta l lo a d d u e to

1 .0 0 m
En s u rc h a rg e
1.1 25 Fb = B ra kin g fo rc e
Re f. P o in t
1.7 5 0.7 5 1 .5 0

4 .00 m

Foundation loads

Load Type N V La M M
(kN) (kN) (m) (kNm) (kNm)
DL from abutment 995.6   0.13 124.45  
DL from self weight of footing 988.8   0 0  
DL from superstructure 609.45   0.3 182.84  
Superimposed DL of   0.3 45.98
superstructure 153.26  
Live load on superstructure 1711.04   0.3 513.31  
Braking 0 450.00 5.95 2677.54  
Earth fill load - Horizontal 0 1230.95 2.33 2868.11  
Earth fill load - Normal 1947 0 1.13 0 2200.11
Surcharge load -Horizontal 0 390.78 3.5 1367.73 0
Surcharge load -Normal 360.5 0 1.13 0 407.37
TOTAL 6765.65 2071.74   7779.96 2607.48
Design moment; M = 7779.96 - 2607.48 = 5172.48 kNm

A = 10.3 x 4 = 41.2 m2

Z = 10.3 x 4 x 4/6 = 27.47 m3

Stress in the soil:

 = 6765.65/A  5172.48 x 6/Z = 164.2  188.30

1 = 352.50 kN/m2 and 2 = - 24.1 kN/m2.

3 = ? kN/m2

4 = ? kN/m2 (obtained after establishing the effective depth, d.

1 .7 5 0 .7 5 1 .5 0
1 .5 d Lv
4 6 .3

kN/m 2
2 8 2 .1
in the  4 
 1 ,2  

 L  Lm 
3 2   1   2 
 L 
Face shear at column/wall face
1 3
V  B .Lm
Critical shear at a distance 1.5d from column/wall face
1 4
V  B .Ls

Design Moment at critical section (= at wall face)

Lm 1 2
M d   3 .Lm .B .  . 1   3 Lm .B . Lm
2 2 3
Md = 284.33 kNm/m


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