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Made by: Muhammad Ibrahim Khan 8-S

Change in the output of crops from 1965-2015
and the area used for planting the crops.

 From 1965 to 2015 it is clearly seen that

output of the main crops increases gradually
but mostly the output of main crops
increases drastically between 1965 and
1995. On the other hand area used for crop
cultivation also increases from 1965 to 2015
we can see a drastic change from 1965 to
1995 because of growing population and
My opinion why the change was needed

 Do I think the change was needed?

 Yes, the change was needed because to fulfill

the growing demand of population and

benefit our economy.
What impact will the change have on the
 As the particular change in the output of
crops and area used for crop cultivation have
certain impact on population as it may
provide employment and it may benefit our
economy by increase in export.

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