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• 2 olive oil
• 2 piccole onions
• 200 g ground beef
• q.b. salt
• q.b. pepper
• 2 cucchiai prezzemolo tritato
• 1/2 cucchiaio pan grattato
• 1 uovo
• 50 g emmentaler
• 60 g burro
• 80 g parmigiano
Prepare the artichokes by cutting the tops of the outer leaves from the
base and eliminating the toughest leaves, soaking them in water and
lemon juice to prevent may turn yellow. Dip the artichokes in a pot of
lightly salted boiling water in which they were paid two tablespoons of
lemon juice letting them cook for 20 minutes. When cooked, drain the
artichokes also squeezing gently to remove as much water as the
central leaves and can spread up to put in sight of the heart from which
asporterete, using a spoon, hay. Apart prepare the filling by cutting the
onions into thin slices and brown them in oil, then it will also add the
ground beef, seasoned with salt, pepper and chopped parsley, mixing
everything together and letting it brown the meat well. Lift the pan with
the filling from the heat and let cool for a few minutes before adding the
bread crumbs, beaten egg, breadcrumbs and grated cheese, stirring
until everything appears homogeneous. Proceed to the filling of helping
artichoke with a spoon and placing as stuffed artichokes in a buttered
pan, when done bake in preheated oven at 220 ° C for 20 minutes. At the
end of cooking served immediately
The gold rules: 6. You enjoy the
1. It's always foods that are on
breakfast in the the first and second
morning 2. Better floors.
a fruit for snack 3. 7. Less than those
Vary your diet 4. of the third and
Make physical fourth floor and
activity. 5. Drink even less those of
the fifth and sixth.
lots of water.

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