Class 2

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The Nature of

Class 2
Course Instructor: Hazzaz Al Abtahee
Course Name: Basic Communication Skills
Course Code: GED 142
Google Classroom Code:

What is communication?

Communication can be defined as giving, receiving or exchanging information, opinions and

ideas by writing, speech or visual means, so that the material communicated is completely
understood by everyone concerned.

We have to make sure that we get the message right-our ideas and information are completely
Objectives of communication

● To be received (heard or read)

● To be understood
● To be accepted
● To get action (change of behavior or attitude)

When we fail to achieve any one of these, we have failed to communicate. And, when communication
fails, it creates problem.
What is the problem of the following

● “ I didn’t know you wanted me to submit the assignment on Animal Farm as well as A Room of
One’s Own!”
● “Sir, I didn’t know that I needed to submit the assignment in hand-written format”
● “I would have arranged the seating in the 4th floor, but nobody told my that the class is going to
be held in the 6th floor.”
● “Interesting presentation. But what was the point of it?”

#Failed Communication#
Implication of failed communication

● The student may not get the opportunity to resubmit the assignment
● The student’s marks will be deducted because of wrong formatting
● Students may reach the classroom late
● The teacher did not understand the presentation prepared by the student
Consequences of failed communication

● Loss of time
● Loss of respect
● Loss of money
● Loss of confidence
● Loss of credibility (quality of being trusted)
● Loss of relationships
● Loss of trust
Benefits of a successful communication

● People feel good

● People do their jobs well
● People work together
● People feel motivated
● People save time
● People feel empowered
● People earn respect, trust, etc.
● People get noticed
Necessity of effective communication

● Gain the ability to motivate, explain and convince

● Saves time (Communicators)
● A sense of teamwork can be developed
● It is sign of professionalism
● Enhances credibility and trustworthiness
● Helps to empower others
Methods of Communication

Internal Communication

● Oral- Telephone, Messages, Intercom, Face to face discussion, meeting, presentation

● Written- Memo, report, staff newsletter, Email, Minutes, Notice, form/questionnaire, Graphs

External Communication

● Oral- Telephone, Meeting, Conversation, Conference/Seminar, Presentation

● Written- Letter, Leaflet/Brochure, Customer newsletter, Invitation, Email, Fax, Report, Notice,
Press Release, Forms/Questionnaires, Visuals
Advantages and disadvantages of Oral Communication

Advantages Disadvantages

Person to person Lack of time to think

Instant feedback No record kept

Allows audience participation Can lead to dispute

Speedy Possible inaccuracy

Personal touch possible Can be overheard

Messages can be restricted to its intended

audience more easily, maintaining
Advantages and disadvantages of Written

Advantages Disadvantages

Language is polished Lack of confidentiality

Facts can be checked No instant feedback is possible

Creates good impression

Advantages and disadvantages of Non-verbal
Advantages Disadvantages

When sender and receiver can see each Body language can distort them messages
others’ body language, it supports the conveyed

Body and sign language can reinforce the Sign can be misunderstood

Visual aids can present complex

information simply and effectively

Signs are particularly powerful when they

are standardised
Factors for choosing the means of

● Cost
● Confidentiality
● Safety and security
● Influence
● Urgency
● Distance
● Time of the Day
● Resources
● Written Record
Thank you!

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