Heritage M5

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Course Outline
 Module 1: What is Heritage Tourism
 Module 2: Types of Heritage Tourism
 Module 3: Cultural Agencies
 Module 4: Cultural Property
 Module 5: Registration of Cultural Property
 Module 6: Heritage Zones
 Module 7: Regulating the Export, Transit & Repatriation of Cultural
 Module 8: Cultural Education
 Module 9: Cultural Property Incentives
Module 5 :
Week 1
Establishment of a Philippine
Registry of Cultural Property
 All cultural properties of the country deemed
important to cultural heritage shall be registered
in the Philippine Registry of Cultural Property.
 The Commission, through the appropriate
cultural agencies and local government units,
shall establish and maintain this Registry within
three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act.
The guidelines in the registration of
cultural property are as follows:
 (a)All cultural agencies concerned shall individually
maintain an inventory, evaluation and documentation
of all cultural properties declared according to their
category and shall submit the same to the
Commission. For cultural property declared as
immovable cultural property, the appropriate cultural
agency shall, after registration, give due notice to the
concerned Registry of Deeds for annotation on the
land titles pertaining to the same;
The guidelines in the registration of
cultural property are as follows:
 (b)Local government units, through their cultural
offices, shall likewise maintain an inventory of
cultural property under its jurisdiction and shall
furnish the Commission a copy of the same;
 (c)Both cultural agencies concerned and local
government units shall continuously coordinate in
making entries and in monitoring the various
cultural properties in their respective inventory;
The guidelines in the registration of
cultural property are as follows:
 Information on registered cultural
properties owned by private individuals
shall remain confidential and may be given
only upon prior consent of the private
owner. The Commission shall operate the
Registry in the NCCA portal cultural
The guidelines in the registration of
cultural property are as follows:
 (d)All government agencies and instrumentalities, government-
owned and/or -controlled corporations and their subsidiaries,
including public and private educational institutions, shall report
their ownership and/or possession of such items to the pertinent
cultural agency and shall register such properties within three
(3) years from the effectivity of this Act;
 (e)Private collectors and owners of cultural property shall
register such properties within three (3) years from the effectivity
of this Act. The private collectors and owners of cultural property
shall not be divested of their possession and ownership thereof
even after registration of said property as herein required.
Conservation of Cultural
 All intervention works and measures on conservation of
national cultural treasures, important cultural property, as
well as national historical landmarks, sites or monuments
and structures previously marked by the National Museum
and/or the National Historical Institute before the
implementation of this Act, shall be undertaken through the
appropriate cultural agency which shall supervise the same.
 The appropriate cultural agency shall approve only those
methods and materials that strictly adhere to the accepted
international standards of conservation.
Documentation and Preservation of
Traditional and Contemporary Arts
 Local government units shall document
traditional and contemporary arts and
crafts, including their processes and
makers, and sustain the sources of their
raw materials. Local government units shall
encourage and sustain traditional arts and
crafts as active and viable sources of
income for the community.
Documentation and Preservation of
Traditional and Contemporary Arts
 The Commission, the Department of Trade and
Industry, the Department of Tourism and other
government agencies involved directly or indirectly
in the production of goods shall assist the local
government units in protecting their traditional and
contemporary arts and crafts, making them viable
for current and future markets, with a view to
encouraging and promoting the unique heritage
and identities of said communities.
Documentation and Preservation of
Traditional and Contemporary Arts
 The Commission, the Department of Trade and
Industry, the Department of Tourism and other
government agencies involved directly or indirectly
in the production of goods shall assist the local
government units in protecting their traditional and
contemporary arts and crafts, making them viable
for current and future markets, with a view to
encouraging and promoting the unique heritage
and identities of said communities.
Documentation and Preservation of
Traditional and Contemporary Arts
 The local government unit concerned shall
submit an annual inventory of these
documentations to the Commission, which
will be included in the Philippine Registry
of Cultural Property
Systematic Research in
Natural History
 The National Museum shall have the authority
to collect, maintain and develop the national
reference collections of Philippine flora and
fauna, rocks and minerals through research and
field collection of specimens including important
cultural property within the territorial jurisdiction
of the Philippines. It shall be exempt from any
and all permit systems regulating the same
Systematic Research in
Natural History
 The National Museum shall have the authority
to collect, maintain and develop the national
reference collections of Philippine flora and
fauna, rocks and minerals through research and
field collection of specimens including important
cultural property within the territorial jurisdiction
of the Philippines. It shall be exempt from any
and all permit systems regulating the same
Systematic Research in
Natural History
 The National Museum shall inform the
Department of Environment and Natural
Resources and the Department of
Agriculture of such collection. All types of
specimen collected in the Philippine
territory shall be deposited in the National
Module 5 :
Week 2
Heritage Agreements
 The Commission, upon advice of the
concerned cultural agency, may enter into
agreements with private owners of cultural
properties with regard to the preservation of
said properties.
 Such agreement shall be in the form of a
contract and may include such terms and
conditions including, but not limited to:
Heritage Agreements
 (a)Public access to the property;
 (b)Value of the encumbrance;
 (c)Duration of the servitude of the property;
 (d)Restriction of the right of the owner or occupant to perform
acts on or near the place;
 (e)Maintenance and management of the property;
 (f)Provision of financial assistance for the conservation of the
property; and
 (g)Procedure for the resolution of any dispute arising out of the
National Inventory of
Intangible Cultural Heritage
 The appropriate cultural agency shall closely
collaborate with the UNESCO National Commission
of the Philippines in safeguarding intangible cultural
heritage in the Philippines. The Philippine Intangible
Cultural Heritage Committee established by the
UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines
shall continue to take the lead role in implementing
the provisions of the UNESCO Convention for the
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Immovable National Cultural
 Immovable national cultural treasures shall not be
relocated, rebuilt, defaced or otherwise changed
in a manner, which would destroy the property's
dignity and authenticity, except to save such
property from destruction due to natural causes.
 The site referred to in this provision may only be
moved after securing a permit from the
Commission or the appropriate cultural agency.
Indigenous Properties
 The appropriate cultural agency, in
consultation with the National Commission
on Indigenous Peoples, shall establish a
program and promulgate regulations to
assist indigenous people in preserving
their particular cultural and historical
Renaming of Historical Streets, Buildings
Designated as Cultural Treasure or Important
Cultural Property
 The names of historical streets, parks,
buildings, shrines, landmarks, monuments
and sites designated as national cultural
treasures or important cultural property shall
not be allowed to be renamed by a local or
national legislation, unless approved by the
National Historical Institute, and only after
due hearing on the matter.
Renaming of Historical Streets, Buildings
Designated as Cultural Treasure or Important
Cultural Property
 Furthermore, for changes of names done
to historical streets, parks, buildings,
shrines, landmarks, monuments, and sites
prior to the effectivity of this Act, the
National Historical Institute may direct the
local government units to restore their
original names, also after due hearing.

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