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By: Chency Batra

Roll no.:22/1647
Submitted to: Dr.Sunil sir
VAC Practical
To Understand the trait of the happy people : Observe Persons
 Observation Method
 An observational method that involves observing people's behavior in the environment in
which it typically occurs. When researchers engage in naturalistic observation by making
their observations as unobtrusively as possible so that participants are not aware that they are
being studied.
 Observation as a fundamental technique of data collection refers to watching and listening
to the behaviour of other persons over time without manipulating and controlling it and
record to the behaviour of other persons over time without manipulating and controlling it
and record findings in ways that allow some degree of analytical interpretation and
 Observation involves broadly selecting recording and encoding behaviour for empirical aims
of description.
 In fact observation when properly and scientifically conducted is characterized by the
following features:-
 1) In observation there is a natural social context in which persons behaviour is
 2) It captures those significant events or occurrences that affect the relations among
persons being studied.
The above characteristics are such as make the scientific and fundamental observation.

Purpose of Observation
One major purpose of observation is to capture and study human behaviour as it
actually happens.
It helps in snapshot comprehension of the activities of the persons in real life or social
Another purpose of observation is to provide a graphic description of real life that can be
acquired in other ways.
Another purpose of observation is exploration.
Important type of observation
 There are several ways of classifying observation.
 1- Systematic observation
 2- Unsystematic observation
 3- Participant observation
4 Non-participant observation
The trait of Happy people by using observation of the behavior
1-Systematic observation: Systematic observation is an assessment strategy used to document the
behavior, activities, knowledge, or skills of a sample space (here, a group of people) over a period of time,
rather than assessing the sample space at the same time.
2-Unsystematic observation: Unsystematic observation is a key process in psychology and other sciences. It
allows us to gain knowledge about the world around us without making any assumptions or predictions.
We simply observe what is happening and then form a hypothesis based on our observations.
3-Participant observation: Participant observation is a variant of the above (natural observations) but here
the researcher joins in and becomes part of the group they are studying to get a deeper insight into their
4-Non –participant observation: Non-participant observation is often used in tangent with other data
collection methods, and can offer a more "nuanced and dynamic" appreciation of situations that cannot be
as easily captured through other methods. (Liu & Maitlis 2010) The observer effect: the presence of the
researcher may influence the participants' actions.
Unstructured Interview of the one
 Name- Shreya Dixit
 Occupation-student
 Age-19
 Place-Delhi
 (Hons)
 Family Single or Joint-single
Important Trait
According to you, what is an important trait of happiness?
 Integrity
 Honesty
 Loyalty
 Respectfulness
 Humility

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