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● What is VR ● Applications

● History ● Components
○ Software
○ Hardware
● How it works

● Programming language used in

● Various method to apply VR

● Types of VR
● Case Studies

● Difference between VR and AR 2

What is Virtual

● "Virtual" has had the meaning of

"being something in essence or effect,
though not actually or in fact".
● In other words Virtual means "not
physically existing but made to appear
by software"

● VR is a computer-generated environment with
scenes and objects that appear to be real,
making the user feel they are immersed in
their surroundings.
● VR is a simulated experience that employs
pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to
give the user an immersive feel of a virtual
● Morton heilig in 1956 developed a single user console called Sensorama. This
enabled the user watch the television in 3 dimensional way.

● The Sensorama experience a real city environment which you rode on bike and
multisensory stimulation let you see the road, feel the vibrations, hear engine and
smell motor exhaust.

● The virtual reality industry mainly provided VR devices for medical, flight
simulation, automobile industry design, and military training purposes from 1970
to 1990.


How it works
● Currently, standard virtual reality systems use either virtual reality headsets or
multi-projected environments to generate realistic images, sounds and other
sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual environment.

● A person using virtual reality equipment is able to look around the artificial
world, move around in it, and interact with virtual features or items.

● The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a head-mounted

display with a small screen in front of the eyes, but can also be created
through specially designed rooms with multiple large screens.

● Virtual reality typically incorporates auditory and
video feedback, but may also allow other types of
sensory and force feedback through haptic

● The VR process combines hardware and software

to create immersive experiences that “fool” the
eye and brain. Hardware supports sensory
stimulation and simulation such as sounds, touch,
smell or heat intensity, while software creates the
rendered virtual environment.

Various methods to apply Virtual

1. Simulation-based virtual reality.
Driving simulators, for example, give the driver on board the impression of
actually driving an actual vehicle by predicting vehicular motion caused by
driver input and feeding back corresponding visual, motion and audio cues to
the driver.

2. Avatar image-based virtual reality.

People can join the virtual environment in the form of real video as well as an
avatar. One can participate in the 3D distributed virtual environment as form
of either a conventional avatar or a real video. Users can select their own type
of participation based on the system capability.
3. Projector-based virtual reality.
Modeling of the real environment plays a vital role in various virtual reality
applications, such as robot navigation, construction modeling, and airplane
simulation. In generating realistic models, it is essential to accurately register
acquired 3D data; usually, a camera is used for modeling small objects at a short

4. Desktop-based virtual reality.

It involves displaying a 3D virtual world on a regular desktop display without

use of any specialized VR positional tracking equipment. Many modern first-
person video games can be used as an example, using various triggers,
responsive characters, and other such interactive devices to make the user feel
as though they are in a virtual world.

Types of Virtual Reality
1. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality
Immersion into a virtual reality is a perception
of being physically present into a non-physical

Elements that increases the immersiveness of

the experience are:-
● Continuity of surroundings
● Conformance of Human vision
● Freedom of movement
● Physical interaction
● Physical feedback

Ex- Sword art online (anime)

2. Non Immersive Virtual Reality
This technology provides a computer generated
environment, but allows the user to stay aware of and
keep control of their physical environment.

This type of VR of systems rely on a computer or a

video game console, display,projectors and input
devices like keyboard, mic, and controller.

For example:- Various video game which uses

Playstation technology.
3. Semi Immersive Virtual Reality
Semi immersive virtual experiences provide users
with a partial virtual environment. It will still give the
user the perception of being in different reality when
they focus on digital image, but also allows users to
remain connected to their physical surroundings.
This technology provides a realism through 3d
graphics,high resolution display, projectors, some
input devices like joy-sticks.

For ex:- its is used for educational purposes

Difference between VR and AR
╸ VR builds the world in ╸ augmented reality
which we immerse (AR), our own world
ourselves through a becomes the
specific headset. framework within
╸ It is fully immersive which objects, images
and everything we see or similar are placed.
is part of an ╸ Everything we see is in
environment a real environment and
artificially constructed it may not be strictly
through images, necessary to wear a
sounds, etc. headset.
╸ Example :- Video ╸ Example :- Pokémon
games Go.
Various industries that uses VR
Immersive journalism takes
The most important way VR is modernizing
the user to the places where
healthcare is through training. VR
events have occurred with
facilitates an environment to learn and
live streaming of 360°
grow outside in real-world situations.

Various industries that uses VR
Try a holiday before you
In classrooms, the use of VR allows
buy it. No, seriously. One
students to better retain knowledge
pointed virtual reality
and helps students with learning
application is tourism.

Various industries that uses VR
Entertainment Architecture Cultural

Users can enter a scene Virtual Reality helps Some museums and
in a video game or architects to better envisage galleries offer virtual visits
practice extreme sports a space and present the or immersive experiences to
without moving from project to their clients. help understand the history
their sofa. and culture associated with
each work.
Various industries that uses VR
Military Dining Automotive
The Ministry of Defence Now we can travel virtually VR helps car manufacturers in
of various country uses to different places and analyzing road scenarios and
VR for training in immerse ourselves in the behavior of cars. The
simulated combat certain environments while simulated situations allow
environments. tasting the dishes from them to analyze and make
these locations changes to the prototypes
before developing a new

Software used in VR

● The Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), first introduced in

1994, was intended for the development of "virtual worlds" without
dependency on headsets.

● The Web3D consortium subsequently developed X3D from the VRML

framework as an archival, open-source standard for web-based
distribution of VR content.

● WebVR is an experimental JavaScript application programming interface

(API) that provides support for various virtual reality devices, such as the
HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard or OSVR, in a web browser.


FOR softwares AMAZON


Hardware used in VR
Input devices
╸ Data Glove
╸ Joystick
╸ Motion Tracker
╸ 3D scanner
╸ Magic Wand
╸ Stem
╸ Razer Hydra

Hardware used in VR

Output devices
● Headset (HMD)
● 3D audio
● Helsinki
● Sensory Gloves
● Body Suit
● 360’ camera

Head Mounted Devices
● A head-mounted display (HMD) more fully
immerses the user in a virtual world.

● A virtual reality headset typically includes

two small high resolution OLED or LCD
monitors which provide separate images for
each eye for stereoscopic graphics
rendering a 3D virtual world, a binaural
audio system, positional and rotational real-
time head tracking for six degrees of

● HMD allows freedom of physical

movement allowing the user to perform
locomotive motion in any direction.

Programming languages used for VR

Some of the most used programming language in the field of VR are as follows

● C#
It is the more popular language as it is used by unity game engine.
It works around both pc and mac, for basic gaming vr model it is the best

● C++
It is used by Unreal engine and is very powerful but a difficult to learn. It is
used for bigger gaming VR models.

● Java
It is the most versatile language and is also widely used if you are
creating a non gaming VR model. It uses older codes and assists
software updates.

● Javascript
It is the language of internet. It works well with WebVR platform
which is involved in creation of most VR applications. It also
great for developers to readily create VR apps.

● Python
It is a less used language in the field of VR, But if you are
beginner and just starting VR it is your go-to language. Many VR
application use Python as a scripting language.

Python in Virtual Reality
Python is not widely used in VR sector but still there are some major projects
which uses python.
● BlenderVR :- the game engine is a component of full featured Blender
3D content creator software which uses python API.

● Vizard :- It aims to deploy content of VR around wide spectrum of

hardware including 3d display, gloves, HMD’s.

● Autodesk 3d visual prototyping and visualization software VRED uses

many python function for VR.
Case Study
1. American Football Training

● Abstract
This is the study of American football training through the use of
virtual reality. Association developed a proprietary training
software SIDEKIQ designed for professional training of student
athletes in an immersive virtual reality environment, where
trainees experience the football gameplays created by their
coaches on desktop PCs, Oculus Rift or even CAVE-like facility.

The user-friendly interface allows the football coach to create a

play as quickly as 3 minutes. Teh Coach will then train student
athletes in SIDEKIQ either using a normal computer screen, or
inside an immersive display including headmounted display
(HMD) and CAVE-like facility.
● System Overview
American football VR training tool SIDEKIQ delivers realistic
training experience through the following aspects: high-fidelity
motions, immersive rendering with head tracking, and carefully
created gameplays. With the friendly user interface and preloaded
play templates, coaches can easily and quickly create training
plays in SIDEKIQ as an authoring tool.

● UI and gameplay creation

User interface (UI) design style was to focus on simplicity. As an
authoring tool to create plays, SIDEKIQ is mainly used by non
computer savvy football coaches.
All UI elements can be easily hidden when the render viewport
switches to full-screen for immersive rendering. With preloaded
play templates.

● User Evaluation
The user evaluation shows that the majority of the
subjects were more capable or correctly answering the
assessment questions at the end of day 3 compared to
day 1, with scores measuring on average 30% overall
improvement among all subjects.
. Certain subjects have improved their decision making
by as much as 60%, including improvement in pre-
snap reads and in-game decision making.

● Future
Association is working on how to improve SIDEKIQ
software and overcome some limitations. They are
planning to distribute the software in various football
training academy for testing and to reach the goal of
using Virtual Reality for football training.

● Conclusion
In this work we have presented our American football virtual training
application and showed the effectiveness of the VR training through a 3-
day user evaluation with student athletes.

● Reference /id /10354114/harris-poll-nfl-mostpopular-mlb-2nd.

2. Sword Art Online Anime

● Abstract
SAO is a very famous anime released on 7th of july 2012 which
uses the concept of Virtual Reality on a very wide scale. Whole
anime series of 4 season is based on VR and VR technology.
Concept behind the anime was graciously welcomed and it gave
a boost to use of VR in entertainment sector.

● Concept behind anime

NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user five senses via
brain, the player can experience and control their in-game
character with their mind.
If the player dies in the game the will die in real life too.

● Future
Many such anime followed the same concept and cause the
huge impact on the people making people notice Virtual
Reality, and it caused a huge rise in people interests in VR.
This in turn lead to massive rise in selling of VR software and
hardware such as HMD’s, Sensory gloves, Motion Tracker, etc.

● References


Kunal Sharma


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