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Quarter 3 Week 7

Ellen A. Castillo
Page 33
Lesson 7 Repeated Patterns and
Repeated patterns are frequently
used structure or method of poetry
writing. Certain words and/or sounds
are repeated for effect or emphasis.

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Refrain is a repeated line or group of
lines that may be found at the middle, or
usually at the end of each stanza. It may
be repeated at regular intervals.

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What I need to KNOW?
In this lesson, you are expected to participate in
choral speaking and echo reading of short poems,
rhymes, and stories with repeated patterns and refrains
in English.

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Example A
I visited my grandfather.
I visited my grandmother.
They love to see me often.
They love to cook and sleep.
They rest under an old tree.

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Example B
I visit them always
As they love to see me often.
I love my grandparents.
They always cook and sleep.
I bring their favorite food.
I love my grandparents.

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Which of the examples shows repeated
patterns? Which one presents refrains?

Example A is a poem that shows repeated patterns. Two patterns

are shown in the given poem ---
I visited my and They.

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Meanwhile, Example B shows the use
of refrain. The last line in each stanza
shows the refrain of the poem.

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The Moon

The moon shines in the dark.

The moon is half.
The moon is tainted.
So is the human heart.

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Learning Task 1:
Read the poems carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Write the letters of your answers in your notebook.

______1. What is being repeated in the story?

A. sun B. moon C. heart
______2. What type of pattern is used in the poem?
A. repetitive pattern B. refrain
______3. Which among the words below rhymes with
A. zoom B. noon C. room

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My mother baked a delicious cake.
She prepared spaghetti and pancit.
It’s my birthday.

Fried chicken was prepared

By my loving and supportive father.
page 34 It’s my birthday.
Learning Task 1:
Read the poems carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Write the letters of your answers in your notebook.

______4. What is being repeated in the story?

A. It’s my birthday.
B. Fried chicken was prepared.
______5. What type of pattern is used in the
A. repetitive Pattern
B. refrain

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Repeating patterns refers to the repeated words to

place emphasis on the given poem. Sounds may also be
repeated to emphasize the pattern.

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Refrain is the repetition of lines. This is also to
emphasize the idea shown in the poem. The lines may be
repeated at the middle part of each stanza. However,
refrain usually occurs at the end of each stanza.

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The stars shine bright at night.
The stars bring joy to my life.
The stars guide us in our lives.
They make us happy at night.

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Learning Task 2:
Read the poems carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Write the letters of your answers in your paper.

______1. What is being repeated in the story?

A. bright at night
B. the stars
______2. What type of pattern is used in the
A. repetitive pattern
B. refrain
page 35
Repeating patterns refers to the repeated words to place
emphasis on the given poem. Meanwhile, Refrain is the
repetition of lines. This usually occurs at the end of each

page 34
Learning Task 3:
Read the poem below. Ask your parents, guardians, or siblings to read
it with you.

I play my toys during my free time.

My parents allow me to bring them outside.
I am still a child.
My friends play with me in the park.
We bring our toys with us.
I am still a child.

page 35
Learning Task A:
In your paper, complete the paragraph by selecting the correct answers
from the choices below.

Repeating (1)__________ refers to the repeated words or

sounds to place (2)__________ on the given poem.
Meanwhile, (3)__________ is the repetition of lines. This
usually occurs at the end of each stanza.

refrain emphasis patterns

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I learned that__________________.
I realized that__________________.

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