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•in psychoanalytic theory , any of
a group of mental processes that
enables the mind to reach
compromise solutions to conflicts
that it is unable to resolve.
• is the unconscious blocking of
unpleasant emotions, impulses,
memories, and thoughts from your
conscious mind.
•EXAMPLE : A child, who faced abuse by a
parent, later has no memory of the events
but has trouble forming relationships.
• which involves a refusal to accept
reality, thus blocking external
events from awareness.
•EXAMPLE : Someone denies that they
have an alcohol or substance use disorder
because they can still function and go to
work each day.
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•taking your own unacceptable
qualities or feelings and ascribing
them to other people.
•EXAMPLE : if you have a strong dislike
for someone, you might instead believe
that they do not like you.
• transferring one's emotional
burden or emotional reaction from
one entity to another.
•EXAMPLE : getting angry at your child or spouse
because you had a bad day at work. Neither of these
people is the target of your strong emotions, but your
subconscious may believe reacting to them is likely
less problematic than reacting to your boss.
• the the ego reverts to an earlier stage
of development usually in response to
stressful situations.
•EXAMPLE : a person stuck in traffic may
experience road rage, the kind of tantrum
they'd never have in their everyday life but
helps them cope with the stress of driving.
•is usually considered a healthy and
mature way of dealing with urges that
may be undesirable or unacceptable.
•EXAMPLE : a woman who recently went
through a breakup may channel her emotions
into a home improvement project.
•occurs when a person internalizes the ideas or
voices of other people. This behavior is
commonly associated with the internalization of
external authority, particularly that of parents.
•EXAMPLE : a dad telling his son “boys don't cry”-
this is an idea that a person might take in from their
environment and internalize into their way of
•suggesting that people act out
behaviors from the stage of
psychosexual development in which
they are fixated.
•EXAMPLE : an individual fixated at an
earlier developmental stage might cry
or sulk upon hearing unpleasant news.
•which a person unconsciously replaces
an unwanted or anxiety-provoking
impulse with its opposite, often expressed
in an exaggerated or showy way.
• EXAMPLE : a young boy who bullies a
young girl because, on a subconscious
level, he's attracted to her

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