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By: Sharlyn Mae Pangan
•Everyday life application

-Every day, AI becomes more useful and more well-liked in the world. To put it simply,
artificial intelligence is the capacity of a system or software to reason and acquire
knowledge via experience. In the last several years, AI software has come a long way and
is now used in nearly every industry.

•Number of users/companies using the technology

- As of the year 2021, 86% of CEOs say artificial intelligence is a standard piece of office
equipment. Over 90% of the most successful companies are making consistent AI
investments. Furthermore, Gartner claims that companies who implement AI will see a
25% increase in consumer satisfaction by 2023. According to Forbes, 50% of businesses
want to increase spending on AI and machine learning in 2021, with 20% reporting
significantly increased budgets. Companies have adopted AI in large numbers, but not for
global conquest; most use it to streamline operations, improve customer support and
personalisation, boost productivity, and analyze data. In general, firms want to improve
their position in the marketplace..

•Benefits to various Industries

-Artificial intelligence and machine learning allow for more effective data analysis. This
can aid in the development of algorithms and models for foreseeing the results of various
trends and scenarios based on available data. Data processing and analysis for R&D can
be sped up by AI's powerful computational skills, saving time that would otherwise be
spent manually reviewing and comprehending the information.

•Impact on the current technological advancements

- The healthcare industry, education system, transportation system, food industry,

entertainment industry, manufacturing sector, and many more are all being impacted by
the rise of machine learning. Nearly every facet of people's daily life will be affected by
this, from where they live to how they get around to where they buy to how they get their
•Everyday life application

-There are several advantages of using cyber security applications. Below are a few of
them- Safeguards the reputation of your company, Shields Personal Information, Enables
workers to do so securely, Facilitates Remote Work, and Improved Data Management.
Application security encompasses the tools, technologies, and procedures used to identify
and fix software and hardware security flaws. A router's hardware application security,
for instance, prevents unauthorized users from discovering a computer's IP address.

•Number of users/companies using the technology

-Tools, methodologies, and procedures for finding and fixing vulnerabilities in software
and hardware are all part of application security. The IP address of a computer is hidden
from prying eyes via the router's hardware application security, for instance.

•Benefits to various Industries

-Provides digital protection for your organization, ensuring that your employees are safe
from attacks like Adware and Ransomware. Improved output, as computer viruses often
render computers unusable for any kind of serious work.

•Impact on the current technological advancements

- Cybersecurity prevents unauthorized access to and compromises of critical data such as

customer records and proprietary company information. Many rules and privacy statutes
call for the implementation of a cybersecurity program as a condition of compliance.
For me cyber security is better than artificial intelligence and machine
learnings because When it comes to preventing loss, theft, or corruption of
information, cybersecurity is paramount. Information systems in both the
public and private sectors contain private information, including sensitive
data, PII, PHI, personal information, intellectual property, data, and
government and industry records. Your company will be an easy target for
cybercriminals if it has a cybersecurity program to protect itself from data
breach efforts. Globalization and the rise of cloud storage services like
Amazon Web Services are raising both inherent and residual risks associated
with storing sensitive data and private information on the cloud. The
likelihood of a successful cyber attack or data breach occurring at your
company is increasing due to the widespread bad design of cloud services and
the increasing sophistication of cyber thieves.

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