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Time Management

Submitted By:
Name:Mahak Sharma Name :Yamini sharma
Roll no. :20011100 29 Roll no. : 2001110016
BBA 3rd sem BBA 3rd sem

Submitted To:
Dr. Sharif Mohd.
Time management Refer to time managing
time effectively So That the right time is
allocated to the Right activitie.
■What is time management?
■ Time as a commodity
■Essential Habits
■Types of time
■Over and under Estimation of time
What is time management ?
Management has five main aspects.
■ Planning and goal setting.
■Managing yourself
■Dealing with other people
■Your time
■Getting results

The first four are interconnected and interact to

generate Fifth-- Results
Time as a commodity
■ Time most precious thing we have
■ Time is ultimately the Most valuable Resource
■ Time and How we spend It within the organisation
Must be managed effectively .
■ Time is totally Perishable
■ Time cannot stored up for use later
Essential habits For good time
■ Know where the hours are going
■ Keep fouce on the end results
■ Work to defined priorities
■ Shedule Time for important issues
■ Keep applying the Essential habits
Type of time
Types can be categorised into two Types
-- Fast time
When oberved and enjoying an activity
-- Slow time
When Bored with an activity and having a bad time
Over and under estimating
■Intensity of activity
■Level of brain function
■Fear or ecstasy
Why do we need time
management ?
■ To save time
■ To reduce strees
■ To function effectively
■ To increase our work output
■ To have more control over are work
and responsibilities
How to use time effectively ?
■ Effective planning
■ Settings up goal and objectives
■ Setting plan and policies
■ Setting deadline
■ Delegation of responsibility
■ priortizIng activity as per there importance
■ Spending right time to right activity
Time Management Principles

The Management Principles

Spent Time Matrix
Quadrant 2
Time-Based Management
Stephen Richards Covey
(October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) 
Author, professional speaker,
professor, consultant, management-expert
Time Management
■ Covey identified 4 waves in the time management
Notes and Checklists
Recognition of the demands on energy and time
Calendar and Appointment books
Scheduling with some focus on the future
comparison of the relative worth of activities
Self Management
we do not manage time
we manage : ourselves ,others and work
Spent Time Matrix
Q1 Q2

Q3 Q4
■ Quadrant 1 brings : stress, burnout, crises management, focus on
the immediate.
 Quadrant 3 brings : short term focus, crises management, low
value on goals, lack of control/ feeling of victimization,
shallow relationships .
 Quadrant 3&4 : Cycling between quadrant 3&4 brings:
total irresponsibility
high dependency on others for basics
short career path in the organisation
Quadrant 2
Being in Quadrant 2 brings : Vision, Perspective, Balance, Discipline, Control
 Characteristics of a Quadrant 2 person
 There are 6 basic criteria for a person to function in Quadrant 2
I. Coherence
II. Balance
III. Focus
IV. An ability to get on with people
V. Flexibility
VI. Portability
Quadrant 2 requirements
■ Clear definition of organizational goals and specifically your own role
■ Selection of and focus on smart goals
S : specific and well defined objectives
M: mearurable outputs and inputs
A: achievable in terms of resources available and expectations
R: relevant to the overall business strategy
T: time bound with an operational schedule
■ Development and utilization of schedules
■ The practice of daily adapting in work role
Saying No and Quadrant 2
■ To stay within Quadrant 2, there is a requirement that one must say no:
 In a professional manner
 When items are associated with Quadrant 3 or Quadrant 4 activities
Not important Not urgent
Not important but urgent
will not deliver comprtitive advantage
Time-Based Management
■ Fundamentals:
 Focus is on time and resources:
o a reasonable attempt made to look at the time and resources required to
complete a task
o Quality of the outcome is directly influenced by resources and time
constraints involved.
 Pre – analysis of performance
 Analysis of goals and objectives
 Systemization of processes

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