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By Sadaf Farooq
What is Summary?
■ A summary is a brief overview of an entire
discussion or argument.
■ Summarizing is when you take a lot of
information and create a condensed version that
covers the main points.
■ A summary is always very simple and easy to
understand and doesn’t contain any idioms,
metaphors, sayings and complicated English
style. The summary is almost always in the
writer’s own words. 
Purposes of Writing Summary:
■ It helps to judge the understanding of an individual about the
given passage.
■ It also helps to build the comprehending capability of the
■ It helps curate the essential components from the passage
without causing a confusion
■ Helps to remember the passage and its important details i.e
helps builds memory.
Framework to Write a Summary:
Before writing a summary, one must ask
themselves the following questions:
■ What is or are the main ideas given in the passage?
■ What the passage is about
■  It’s tone
■ What type of writing it is.
■ What are the crucial details and points that support the
■  Are the parts relevant to the passage?
■ What is the irrelevant information in the passage?
■ If you were to write a headline or heading for the
passage in your own words, how would you begin?
Steps for summarizing
■ After reading the passage once, re-read it but slowly.
■ As you read the passage, note down important points
and keywords which you can include in your summary.
■ Once your summary is ready, read it to check its
similarity to the original passage given.
■ Summarize each part, paragraph or segment in one to
two sentences.
Characteristics of a Good Summary:

■ Can be understood without the reference to the original text.

■ It only contains the important ideas and information from the
■ It is brief without any unnecessary details.
■ Is a readable unified whole.

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