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Prepared by

Group 2:

AND SMART Frederick Bondoc

FACTORIES Rhea Mae D. De Vera

Mary Antionette
Princess Bulawan
Joana Maralit
Princess Bulawan
Aira Mae Garcia
What is Cyber Security???
Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes,
and controls to protect systems, networks, programs,
devices and data from cyber attacks. It aims to reduce the
risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised
exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies.
The Father of Cyber Security
Bob Thomas is considered the father of cyber security as it is through his
invention that cyber security took to evolve.
The 1970s. The true birth of cybersecurity occurred in the 1970s.
How does it work??
How does cyber security work involves implementing both hardware
and software mechanisms to protect cyber and infrastructure from
unauthorized access, misuse, effective cyber security helps protect
organizational assets against multiple internal and external threats example
of cyber security application security - involves implementing various defense
with all software and serves within an organization against wide range of
threats. * Identity Management and Data - Includes frameworks, processes
and activities that enables authentication and authorization of legitimate
individuals. * Mobile Security - Refers on protecting personal information
stored in mobile device. How does Smart Factory works
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What is Smart Factories?
Smart Factory aka. Sma
Workplace is An intercon
network of machines,
communication mechanis
ms, and
computing power, the sm
art factory
is a cyber-physical system
that uses
advanced technologies su
ch as
artificial intelligence (AI)
machine learning to analyz d
e data,
drive automated processes
, and
learn as it goes.
The start of Smart Factories and
• Smart Factory The smart factory started in 2011
• Industry 4.0 will transform current production into smart factory
production, altering business processes and reshaping the role of people
in this realm, as smart machines take to sharing and complementing the
roles of humans in production.   
• Industry 4.0 is the fulfillment of digitization as envisioned by industries
across the board. We can sum up the definition of Industry 4.0 as the
amalgamation of technology and business strategy. It is the key to
unlocking any enterprise’s maximum manufacturing potential.
How does it work??
Smart factory work by integrating machines, people and big data into
single digitally connected ecosystem, smart factory analyze and curates data.
It interprets and gains in sight from data sets to forecast trends and events to
recommend and implement manufacturing work flows.
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