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Chapter 8:Developing a Brand

Equity Measurement and

Management System
How Can You Brand A Banana?

Disclaimer: This presentation was produced by me independently as an educational document to be shared with other interested communicators. It does not
reflect the views of my agency, nor is it intended to promote any agency or organization.
Take Charge of Your Communication
King Solomon Knew It

“A good name is
more desirable
than great riches.”
- Proverbs 22:1

Artist: Lars Justinen

And So Did The Leaders of Modern Industry

"If this business were

split up, I would give
you the land and bricks
and mortar, and I would
take the brands and
trade marks, and I
would fare better than

- Quaker Chairman John Stuart, ca.

1900, quoted in Brand Valuation
World’s #1 Brand: Coca-Cola
• Estimated value of the brand
alone: $68.7 million
• Brand is recognized by 98%
of the world’s population
• World’s #1 provider of
“sparkling beverages, juices
and juice drinks and ready-to-
drink teas and coffees”
• For nearly half a century (47
years), has increased stock
dividend every year

Sources: 100 Best Global Brands 2009”, Investor report 2008, America’s Greatest Brands, Volume III (2007),
Company website; see also here
We Intuitively Know Why People Pay More,
But Can We Demonstrate The Impact?
Understanding How Your Brand Builds
Value Helps With Business Decisions
• What kinds of businesses or brands to invest in
• Requests for marketing dollars
• Where to spend marketing dollars
• How to measure return on marketing investment
• How to use different brands for different parts of the organization
• What kinds of organizations to partner with
• How to communicate with stakeholders about these decisions (you
can show a logical basis)

Source: Adapted from “Brand Valuation: The Financial Value of Brands,”

You Too Can Learn to Brand A Banana
• Name
• Logo/Visual Imagery
• Customer Loyalty
– Differentiation
– Relevance
– Esteem
– Knowledge
• Reputation
– Integrity
– Accountability
– Transparency
Brand value chain
• Brand value chain is a
structured approach to
assessing the sources
and outcomes of brand
equity and the manner
by which marketing
activities create brand
Value stages
• Marketing programme
help to develop of a brand
It includes:
• Advertising
• Personal selling
• Sponsorship
• Publicity
• Public relation
Marketing programme
 Sponsor different kind of national and international
games and events.
 Building campaign to develop public relation like
 Publicity through media, newspaper, magazines,
signage and banner
 Telling brand story through media by relating it to
any occassion
 Brand endorsement through various young and
popular celebrity.
Program Multiplier Plan

The ability of the marketing programme to affect

the mind set of the customer depend on quality of
marketing programme investment Like “Thunda
matlab coco cola”to create the effect in customer
mind in such away that whenever they think about
cold drinks coca cola comes in the mind
Customer mind
• Brand awareness-high level of
• Brand association-strong
favourable, and unique brand
• Brand attitudes-positive brand
• Brand attachment-intense
brand attachment
Different ways to track brand
• What to track

1.Product-Brand Tracking......
-Brand Recall. – Life Insurance
-Brand Recognition.--zindigi ki saat vi zindigi ki
baad vi.
2. Corporate or Family Brand
– Sample Brand Tracking System
Assume that Apple iPhone 5 is conducting a short phone
interview to gather consumer opinions about the service.

Brand awareness and Usage:

a)What brands of hand set are you aware of?
b)At which brand of hand set you consider using or buying?
c)Have you bought any hand set in the last week? Which
d)If you need to buy any hand set tomorrow , which one
would you go for?

•Have you ever heard of Apple iPhone 5? [Establish

•Have you used Apple iPhone? [Establish trial]
•How to Conduct Tracking Studies
1. Whom to Track
-Heavy User- efficacy & speed of relief.
-Light User-gentleness & no side effect.
2. When and Where to Track
-Continuous tracking over the time-

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