Lubricate Electric Tools in Line With Manufacturer's Specification

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Good day!

Oh loving God the Father, we thank you for the blessings we
receive day by day.

We praise you for giving us the knowledge to search for the

truth and the will to do good.

We ask you to enlighten our minds and warm our hearts to be

able to understand our lessons very well and make us feel that
our work in school is exciting and enjoyable.

Forgive us of our misconduct and teach us to be true, respectful

and obedient like your son.

Drive away all evils around us and protect us from harm


Bless our principal, teachers, staff, parents, benefactors and

schoolmates and help us to become responsible and useful
citizen of our community.

This we pray in Jesus name. Amen

Checking of Attendance
1.Observe minimum health protocol.
2.Follow classroom rules and regulations.
A video presentation about electrical devices
At the end of the learning period, at least
80% of the students should be able to:

a.maintain electric and hydraulic tools

Presentation and Discussion
Group Activity
Discuss your understanding about electrical
Group 1.
Group 2.
Group 3.
1.What is electrical supply and material?
2.What are the examples of electrical supplies and
3.Where does the electrical supplies and materials
used? Cite an example.
4.Why do you need electrical supplies and materials
in electrical installation and maintenance?
5.How important are the electrical supplies and
materials electrical installation and maintenance?
There are variety of ways to maintain
hand tools, electrically or hydraulically
operated tools and these are the
1. Regular cleaning – it is the most basic and
commonly performed maintenance procedure
for tools. All you have to do is to wipe the tool
using any kind of rug as long as it is advised by
the manufacturer’s standard.
2. Sharpening – tools like hack saw, electrician’s
knife and chisel is classified as cutting tool.
These tools are maintained by sharpening its
edges to ensure safety while using it.
3. Storing properly – it refers to proper
sorting, labeling and systematizing way of
storing the tools or equipment. Hand tools can
be stored by hanging in a cabinet. Electrical
tools must be placed on its original cases
4. Lubricating – it is the process of applying
greasy or oily substance to a part of a machine
or equipment.
Lubrication is applied to machinery,
automotive, food processing, engineering and
etc. Its primary purpose is to prevent
friction, wear and tear, corrosion and dust;
control contamination and temperature, and
many more. Temperature rises when friction
creates heat. Just like rubbing your hand, it
can easily create heat which we should avoid
for electrical tools and equipment
Correct application and selection of lubricants
will help tools or equipment extend the life
span, we might want to consider the following
properties of lubricant:
1. Viscosity is the consistency of a lubricant.
If the oil has a consistency just like water. It is
merely applicable to a tool or equipment which
requires low temperature while a honey-like
thick consistency of oil are applicable where
high temperature is present.
2. Film Strength refers to lubricants’ ability to
separate metal to metal contact by means of
film thickness. In other words, thin oil alone
doesn’t have enough strength to reduce friction
in average temperature. Through the help of
other chemicals, it creates the consistency of
thickness of any lubricant which makes the oil
strengthened and thick.
3. Chemical Stability refers to the life service
of any lubricant. Water alone in a heat turns
into gas after a minute. Oil, together with
other chemicals which goes through the
process of oxidation gains chemical stability
that lengthens its life service.
4. Oiliness is a property of lubricant which
gives us the option what kind and how much
viscosity we need in a particular application.
There are several types of lubricating
material that we can use based on the
requirement of the tool or equipment. Using
lubricant must be advised by the
1. Oil. This is the most and commonly used thin
lubricant; applied in hinges, handheld tools; for
sharpening blades and bearings. It is best recommended
not to use oil where surface is exposed from dust or dirt
as it will eventually gum up and cause more friction. It is
also suggested not to apply oils where water is present
because it will only wash away the oil.
2. Grease. Grease is combination of oil and thickeners
product. It is usually used for gears, chains, bearing and
linkages. Unlike oil, grease is used if you want to seal
out containment of water and dust. If you need to
lubricate a part that needs to stay put and stick to
surfaces for a long time, grease is the best solution due
to its sticky property.
3. Dry lubricants or Solid lubricants. Dry lubricants,
usually in spray form are used with a primary
purpose of applying liquid that will eventually
evaporate and leave thin film after application.
4. Penetrating lubricants. Penetrating means
freeing rusted metal parts. Just like a bolt rusted
in a nut, using penetrating lubricant can easily
soften and separate the rusted surface

•Aged tool or equipment is most likely to receive care

•If the tool has been too much exposed from heavy
•When a tool or equipment is believed to be suffering
from damage.
•When worksite is far from your workshop.
•The tool experienced severe environmental
conditions like falling or in wet condition.
a.Visual inspection (The purpose of visual
inspection is to satisfy our eyes that the tools or
equipment is free from any visible damages,
defective wires or indicating light.)
b.Accessories (All inspectors look for accessories
because some of the tools will not be effective
without the accessories, for example an electric
drill (equipment) needs drill bit (accessories) to
create a hole.
• Quantity (As a responsible person, it is the
duty of an inspector to count the numbers
of tools and equipment in order to register
them in an inventory checklist for future
Directions: Pictures below show damage electric
equipment. Explain how this equipment should not be
use and what possible remedies could be done.


Fair Good Very Good
Content 10 points 15 points 20 points

Students were able to Student were able to Students were able to convey
Knowledge convey limited ideas on the convey a few ideas on the several ideas on the topic
and topic with little knowledge topic with some degree of with a good degree
understanding knowledge of knowledge

Work was organized and Work was organized and Work was organized and
Accuracy planned with little planned with some planned with considerable
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness

Students put little or no Students put some effort Students put full effort
Effort effort into this activity. into this activity. into this activity.
1. How did you find your lesson so far? Exciting,
Easy, Moderate, Difficult? Explain your answer.
2. How could you help prevent hazards
associated with the use of hand and power tools.
3. Why should you inspect power and hand tools?
4. Which part of the lesson you find interesting?
Directions: Analyze the question and choose the
best letter that corresponds to your answer. Write
your answer in your paper.
1. It is the process of sorting, labelling, and systematizing the
tools properly.
A. Cleaning B. Lubricating C. Sharpening D. Storing properly

2. It is a list of questions you need in order to check the

condition of electric tools and equipment
A. Inventory Form B. Requisition Form
C. Job Plan D. Tools and Equipment Checklist
3. Which of the following properties lengthens the life service
of lubricant?
A. Chemical Stability B. Oiliness C. Film Strength D. Viscosity
4. Jerome found out that the electric drill he bought lacks drill
bit. What kind of inspection did Jerome administer?
A. Accessories inspection B. Quantity inspection
C. Quality inspection D. Visual inspection

5. John wants to remove the rusted bolt out of his fan. What
kind of lubricant should he use?
A. Dry Lubricant B. Grease C. Oil D. Penetrating
6. Which of the following is an advantage of inspecting electric tools on
your own?
A. Less productive B. It requires manpower to inspect
C. It multiplies injury D. It saves money

7. Edwin wants to improve the performance of his bike by lubricating the

chain. What kind of lubricant should he use?
A. Dry Lubricant B. Grease C. Oil D. Penetrating Lubricant

8. Which of the following is the least-needed inspection?

A. A tool that is suspected from damage
B. A tool which experienced severe fall
C. A tool used for 12 hours
D. Aged tool
9. This refers to the consistency of a lubricant.
A. Chemical Stability B. Oiliness C. Film Strength D. Viscosity

10. Which of the following statement is incorrect about

inspecting and giving solution to an electric tool afterward?
B. Inspecting improves productivity of machine
C. Inspecting is expensive
C. Inspecting provides safety
D. Inspecting refrain us from worrying
11. Which of the following is INCORRECT about damaged tools?
A. Condemn B. Separate from functional tools
C. Repair D. Use
12. It is the authorized personnel when checking the condition
of electric tools and equipment.
A. Architect B. Engineer
C. Electrical Inspector D. Foreman
13. Which of the following question is applicable when checking the
condition of pliers?
A. Can it hold tightly and firmly? B. Is it free from any cracks or
C. Does drill bit sharpened? D. Is there any open or frayed

14. Which of the following is NOT true about lubricating materials?

A. Attracts dust B. Mechanism moves smoothly
C. It reduces heat D. Prevent corrosion
15. What is the best solution for rusted metal?
A. Apply oil B. Drip into water
C. Disregard rust D. Wipe with cloth
Assignment: Please bring the following;
• Electrical Tools • Personal Protective
Pliers Equipment (PPE)
Wire Stripper Gloves (fiber)
• Cleaning Materials Mask
Thank You Very Much!

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