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Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Under the guidance of: Presented By:

Ms.Y.Anjani M.Tech(Ph.D) L.Uma Chowdary 19B81A0598
Assistant Professor M.Gnanesh 19B81A0599
M.Siddu Reddy 19B81A05A0
Dept of CSE M.Vasavi 19B81A05A1
M.Varaprasad 19B81A05A2

 Introduction
 Domain Knowledge
 Problems in existing system
 Proposed System
 Requirements Specification
 Analysis
 System Design
 Implementation
 Testing

 Agriculture is a non technical sector where in technology can be

incorporated for the betterment. Agricultural technology needs to be
quick in implementation and easy in adoption.
 Soil fertility refers to the ability of soil to sustain agricultural plant
growth, i.e. to provide plant habitat and result in sustained and
consistent yields of high quality.
 This project helps to predict the soil fertility i.e vegetation cover. The
higher the vegetation cover higher is the fertility of the soil for crops.
 Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the
ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly
 Data is the core backbone of machine learning algorithms. With the help of the historical
data, we are able to create more data by training these machine learning algorithms.
 Data preprocessing :
• In pre-processing we removed some features from the dataset that are not required
manually after we identified the missing values In the dataset and filled those missing
 Data Visualization :
• Data Visualization is the presentation of data in graphical format. It helps people
understand the significance of data by summarizing and presenting a huge amount of
data in a simple and easy-to-understand format and helps communicate information
clearly and effectively.
 Regression :
• Regression is a supervised learning technique that helps in finding the correlation
between variables and enables us to predict the continuous output variable based
on one or more predictor variables. It is mainly used for prediction, forecasting, time
series modeling, and determining the causal-effect relationship between variables.

 Existing System uses crop mutation process to maintain the soil

fertility consistently. In this process if the soil is unfit to the yield,
farmer has to experience the loss in yield which leads to:
 Loss of money.
 Delay in time.
 Less accurate results.
 Needs more human effort.
 Requires more laboratory for testing Soil Fertility.
 Whereas the new system will helps to overcome all these drawbacks
and helps in providing more accurate results.

 The main aim of the project is to predict the soil fertility for better
vegetation cover.
 The dataset contains the various elements found in the soil, for instance,
organic matter, various nitrogen compounds, potassium, sodium,
sulphates, boron, etc. It also contains various soil properties like pH.
 The target of the data set is to predict the vegetation cover which is the
percent vegetative cover of the 102m area surrounding the sample site.
The higher the vegetation cover higher is the fertility of the soil for crops. 
 Vegetation cover is calculated in percentage from 1 to 100, so, it becomes
the regression task. To achieve the results various regression methods are
applied and performance of each model is analysed.
Software Requirements :
 Operating System : Windows
 Language : Python
 Dataset : MS Excel (CSV – “Comma-Separated Value”)
 Software IDE : Google Collaboratory
 Web Browser
 Documentation : Microsoft Office

Hardware Requirements :
 Processor : i5 (Recommended)
 RAM : 4GB (Recommended)
 Hard Disk
Functional Requirements :
 Collection of soil attribute data set.
 Data Pre-processing
 Data Visualization
 Working on various machine learning algorithms to find the more
accurate one.
 The system can predict soil fertility.

Non Functional Requirements :

• Accuracy
• Scalability

 The main aim of the analysis phase in software development life cycle is
• To identify the implementation details.
• To understand the architecture of the system.
• To identify what the system is supposed to do.

 In order to analyze the system we use uml (Unified Modelling Language)

diagrams like
• Use Case Diagram
• Activity Diagram
• Sequence Diagram

 Method – 1: Data Preprocessing

 Method – 2 : Data Visualization
 Method – 3 : Linear Regression
 Method – 4 : Support Vector Regression
 Method – 5 : Decision Tree Regression
 Method – 6 : Random Forest Regression

 Random forest regression is a machine learning algorithm that belongs to the family of
decision tree-based algorithms.

 It can handle a large numbers of features and can scale well to large datasets.

 It can provide useful insights into the importance of different features of making

Mean Square Error : 6.103546779873153

Root Mean Square Error : 2.4705357273015003
Mean Absolute Error : 12.937131624118512
R2 Score : 0.927307274464933
Accuracy :0.927307274464933
 Soil attribute dataset contains various nutrients values that are required to maintain the
fertility of the soil.
 It also contains the vegetation cover of the soil which defines the how much fertile the soil is.
 Soil attribute dataset contains attributes like :

1.Sample 2.DIR. 3.NT/EXT 4.Sub-Sample #

5.Date 6.Time 7.Latitude 8.Longitude

9.Slope 10.Aspect 11.%Veg.Cover 12.NO3-N(ppm)

13.NH4-N(ppm) 14.P Bicar(ppm) 15.K Acet(ppm) 16.S04-S(ppm)
17.B(ppm) 18.Organic Matter % 19.pH 20.Zn(ppm)
21.Cu(ppm) 22.Fe(ppm) 23.Ca(meq/100g)

24.Mg(meq/100g) 25.Na(meq/100g)
 Soil attribute dataset contains various nutrients values that are required to maintain
the fertility of the soil.
 It also contains the vegetation cover of the soil which defines the how much fertile
the soil is.
 After removing unnecessary data, Preprocessed Dataset contains various attributes
like :

1.Vegetation Cover 2. NO3(ppm) 3. NH4(ppm)

4. P(ppm) 5. K(ppm) 6. SO4(ppm)

7. B(ppm) 8. Organic Matter % 9. pH

10. Zn(ppm) 11. Cu(ppm) 12. Fe9ppm)

13. Ca(meq/100g) 14. Mg(meq/100g) 15. Na(meq/100g)

 The objective of the implementation phase is :
• Install the software in the production environment
• Ensure that the system as developed:
 Satisfies the functional requirements
 Satisfies the business needs
 Test the code that they have written
 Operates as described in the user and operator manuals
 Objectives :
• The main objective of this proposed system is the ability to predict the
fertility of the soil.
• It provides the accurate measure of vegetation cover of the field.
 Test Case 1 : 
 Input :

NO3=23 NH4=2.25 P=101 SO4=32 K=12 B=0.71 Organic Matter=0.96

pH=7.8 Zn=1.7 Cu=0.3 Fe=4 Ca=1 Mg=0.8 Na=0.12 
 Output: 95

 Test Case 2 : 
 Input :
NO3=1.75 NH4=0.5 P=17 SO4=4 K=6 B=0.25 Organic Matter=0.10
pH=8.8 Zn=0.3 Cu=0.1 Fe=1 Ca=4.7 Mg=0.5 Na=0.1
 Output: 14

The system uses supervised Machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Decision
tree algorithm, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest Classifier and gives best result
based on error analysis. The results of these algorithms will be compared and the best
among them i.e., Random Forest Classifier which gives the best and accurate output is

In this project, we give suggestions to user when the user gets less percentage of
fertilily based on the nutrient values they provide. So In the future, we aim to
give suggestions to the user based on the crop that user needs to cultivate by
comparing the nutrient values of various crops dataset and also we add some
input fields to get information related to the crop that user want to cultivate.

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