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Welcome to Excel Class

What’s Microsoft
Microsoft is a company which Make
Computer and computer programs
And also this company produce Other
Technologies ( mobiles , Xbox, Clouds)..
The Programs Which Produce By Microsoft
1-MCP ( Windows)
2-MCSA ( Microsoft Certified System Administrator )
3-MCSE ( Microsoft Certified Solution Expert )
4-Microsoft Office
What is Microsoft Office
Is a collection of programs which solve office problems and Daily activities


Microsoft Office Version
M-Power point
M-Access 2007
M-outlook 2013
M-Publisher 2019
M-info path

M-share point
What's Microsoft Excel

MS Excel is a commonly used Microsoft Office application. It is a

spreadsheet program which is used to save and analyses
numerical data.

Excel is a mic office program which is use for calculation
What’s Extension

Two or three letter which comes After Dot (.)

-By Extension Computer Know The Program
-By Extension we can change the format of program
-By Extension we can search Files

Extension of Microsoft Excel is XLSX

Other Extension : MP4 Mp3 JPG

How we can Open M-Excel
At First Install Microsoft Office
Run = Winkey + R = Excel

Start Menu = Excel

New = Excel
Environment of M-Excel
Excel Icon

Environment of M-Excel
Back Stage
Environment of M-Excel
Quick Access Toolbar

Title Bar

Caption Buttons
Environment of M-Excel
Tabs Bar


Environment of M-Excel


Environment of M-Excel

Zoom Level

Status bar
M-Excel Program - File Menu

The collection of row and column is called Page

The collection of pages are used to create a sheet we can add 255 sheet in
one Excel work book


the collection of sheets are called workbook

M-Excel Program - File Menu
Always Open File Read only

If we on it will send as a message Yes or No if we check yes we can open it

read only and if we click No we can open the file and we can change it also.

Encrypt With password

this option give password to our file and we can not open it with out password.

Restrict Access
from this option we can restrict user from bringing changes into a document.
M-Excel Program - File Menu
Add Digital Signature
this option is use to make a place for Signature.

Mark as Final
if we on this option it will send as message to don’t bring changes in the document.

Inspect Document

This option is use to check the changes on a document or This option is use to check

where we brought changes.

Check Accessibility

This option is use to check which option of the Excel program is disable or not accessible.
M-Excel Program - File Menu
Check Compatibility
If we click this option it will show to us which feature or parts are not supported
in earlier versions like 2003, 2007

Recover unsaved Document

This option is used to recover as the unsaved files or this option is user the files

Delete All unsaved Document

This option is used to remove all the unsaved document or this option is use to
delete all the files which saved automatically
M-Excel Program - File Menu
New Ctr+N
This option is use to make a new Workbook

Open Ctr+O
This option is used to Open an Excel File we can open a Excel file from
Computer , Network , One Drive

Save Ctr+S
This option is used to Save a Workbook we can Save Excel file To
Computer , Network , One Drive
M-Excel Program - File Menu
Save As Alt + F + A
This option is use to Save the changes separately if we want to save the
changes on other name and place we use save as

Print Ctr+P
From this option we can print a page or a Sheet
M-Excel - File Menu
From this option we can share our Workbook to other users or from here
We can Email Our Workbook to anybody
PDF : portable Document Format

This option is used to Save Excel Files into different Formats
Like : Notepad , PDF ,WordPad , PDF , Webpage…

Close Ctr+W
It use to close Excel page
M-Excel Program - File Menu
We can sign in a Email in Excel Program from this option

I Like Excel
I Don’t Like Word
I Have a suggestion
Excel Program – Home Tab

CutCtr + X
This option is use to cut a text from a place and put it in clipboard for paste.
Copy Ctr + C
This option is use to copy a text from a place and put it in clipboard for paste.
paste Ctr + v
It is use to put the cut or copy content in the Workbook
Paste Special Ctr + Alt + V
It is use Make link between tow files or two programs
Format painter Ctr + Shift + C Ctr + Shift + V
This option is use to copy design of a text a and paste the design into other
Excel Program – Home Tab
This Command is use to change the style ( Font ) of a text.
Font Size
This Command is use to change the size of a text 8p , 72p
Increase Font Size
This command is use to increase the size of text
Decrease Font Size
This command is use to Decrease the size of text
Excel Program – Home Tab
Bold Ctrl + B
This Command is use make the text bold or strong
Italic Ctr + i
This command is use to make the text fallen , willing , or italic
Underline Ctr + U
This command is use to Bring line Under the text
Excel Program – Home Tab

This command is use to add border on Excel Cells if we add border we
can see the Cells in Print also.
Font Color
This command is use to Change the text color
Excel Program – Home Tab
There are two different between Excel commands and indicator
1- all setting in the command are temporary but we can set it from
indicator permanently

2- the advance settings are exist in indicator

Excel Program – Home Tab

From these options we can set the position of text on a cell.
Its use for rotation of text on a cell.
Wrap text
this command is use to set title for our text
Merge Center
Its use to merge ( join ) multiple cells .
Excel Program – Home Tab

Right To Left ( Dari )

This Command is use to change the direction of the text from right to Left
Left To Right ( English )
This Command is use to change the direction of the text from Left to right
Number Group
This group is use to set a format for a Number or date.
Excel Program – Home Tab
This option is use to reset a number in excel and remove formats
If we select number format for a digit it will add tow decimal , separate after thousand , and add red color to
negative numbers
This option has 3 task
1- add 2 decimal
2- add money Sign
3- add red color to negative numbers
This option has 3 task
1- add 2 decimal
2- add money Sign
3- separate after thousand
Short date
Its use to change the format of date or we can change a date into short format. (1/1/2022)
Excel Program – Home Tab
Long Date
This Command is use to change a short date into Long date for Example
sat 25 – January -2022
This command is use for dividing numbers on a cell.
The Scientific format is used to display numbers in scientific
or we can say Scientific compact way to display
values in the same column, even when they vary greatly in size
Excel Program – Home Tab
Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting is a feature in Excel Program that allows you to apply specific
formatting to cells that meet Certain conditions. It is most often used as color-based
formatting to highlight, emphasize, or differentiate among data and information stored in a
Format as table
This command has 4 task in excel
a) it use to change a text into table and apply style or themes
b) if we apply format as table we can filter a table
c) it can find the total of a column autumnally
d) it can set a specific name for a table
Cell Style
A cell style is a defined set of formatting characteristics, such as fonts and font sizes,
number formats, cell borders, and cell shading. To prevent anyone from making changes to
specific cells, you can also use a cell style that locks cells.
Excel Program – Home Tab
From this option we can add multiple rows , columns , sheets
From this option we can Delete multiple rows , columns , sheets
From this command we can change the column and row status and also we
can hide and unhide row and columns.
Excel Program – Home Tab
Auto sum
When you click AutoSum, Excel automatically enters a formula (that uses the
SUM function) to sum the numbers we can also find the minimum and
maximum numbers in auto sum dropdown
Excel's Fill command lets you fill an adjacent group of cells with the same
text or numbers, or with text or numbers that form a series
This command is use to clear Text , color of text , links and
Remove links
Excel Program – Home Tab
The Excel SORT function sorts the contents of a range or array in
ascending or descending order. Values can be sorted by one or more
From this command we can search data or content of one column
Are multiple column in excel workbook
This command is use to clear Text , color of text , links and
Remove links
Excel Program– Home Tab-
Find Ctr + F
This Command is use to find a text in Microsoft Excel
Replace Ctr + h
This Command is use to change a text into another text
Select All Ctr + A
This command is use to select all data in Microsoft Excel page
Go to
From this command we can go to a specific column or row in excel sheet
Excel Program – insert Tab
Pivot table
This Command is use for grouping data and analyzing data.

This command Has four task
1-use to add a design for selected text
2-is use to change a text into table and set for it a
specific name
3- if we change a text into table we can filter or search it
4- it can sum the numbers automatically
Excel Program – insert Tab
From this option we can insert a picture in a page or this option is use to
Insert a picture in Microsoft Excel page
From this option we can draw multiple shapes in Excel or if you want draw shapes like
rectangle , oval , line , arrows you can use shapes in M-Excel
From this option we can take picture from the open files in our computer and we can bring
it to Excel workbook
Excel Program – insert Tab
Smart Art
From this command we can make process, Diagram or
We can deliver graphical information's , Organization chart , and etc.

This Command is use to change a text or data into chart ( bars , area , line
chart)the benefit of charts is that everyone know it better and it Make comparing easy
Get Add ins & My Add ins
From this command we can add new functionality to
Office ( Excel ) and we can install new software to help
Microsoft Excel.
Excel Program – insert Tab
This command is use to Create a link in our Workbook for
Accessing quickly of a file or a website or email
Word Art
Word art is use to change the style of a text in Excel program
,or text designs are exist in Word art.
Text Box
This command is use to Draw a box for writing a text.
Excel Program – insert Tab
Header and Footer
From header and footer we can add a text at the top and bottom
Of pages , header is use to add a text , logo, Date at top of page
And footer is use to add a text , logo, Date at bottom of page
When we add a text, logo, Date in header and footer it will add
Automatically in all pages of a document
Excel Program – insert Tab
Signature Line
This Command is use to make a place for sign
Date and time
This Command is use to add current date and time to page.
Object is use to link two or three programs with each other , or
From object we can use multiple programs in one Workbook
This command is use for writing of mathematics notes.
From this option we can Bring Symbols and signs to pages
Excel Program – Page Layout Tab
From this command we can change the Themes and Style of page and content of page
Like color , shadow , font , and etc.…
From this command we can just change the color
If we change the color from themes it will change other
Attributes also but color is use to change just color of
Contents which exist on the page
Excel Program – Page layout Tab
From this command we can just change the
Font or style Of the text
If we change the font from themes it will change other
Attributes also but Font is use to change just style of text
From this command we can just change the Effect ( shadow , Border )
If we change the Effect from themes it will change other
Attributes also but effect is use to add or remove shadow or border in
Contents which exist on the page
Excel Program – Page Layout Tab
Margin is use to set the margin for the current Sheet

Or from this option we can set spaces around the page

From this command we can select the Layout of page portrait or landscape
This option is use for selecting size of page. We can select Multiple sizes
from this option to our page In Microsoft Excel
Excel Program – Layout Tab
Print area
From this option we can select a place for printing or we can select a
specific text for printing

This option is use to break the page from the place which cursor exist

From this option we can set a picture on the background of the sheet
Excel Program – Layout Tab
Bring Forward
From this option we can select a place for printing or we can select a
specific text for printing
Send to Backward
This option is use to break the page from the place which cursor exist
Selection pane
From this option we can set a picture on the background of the sheet
Excel Program – Layout Tab
From this option we can select a place for printing or we can select a
specific text for printing
This option is use to break the page from the place which cursor exist
From this option we can set a picture on the background of the sheet
What is Functions:

• Function is a small program that perform a specific task is

called function.
=Sum( ) is use to add two or more numbers
=max( ) is use to find the maximum number
• We have two kinds of function:
• Internal Functions
• External Functions
Internal Functions:
• Those functions, which are installed with any program installation is
called internal function.
• EX: Excel Functions.

External Functions:

• Those functions, which come from other sources like (internet, macro
(VBA), etc.).

• Every function is having a name followed by pair of

• A Function can also have list of arguments or

Operators which are used in Functions:
• Arithmetic Operators
+- / * ^
Assignment Operator
• Relational Operators
= <> > < >= <=
Logical Operators
Arithmetic Operators
• + used for addition
• - used for subtraction
• * used for multiplication
• / used for division
• ^ Raises a value to a power
• Examples:
=3 + 2 = 5
=3 – 2 = 1
=10 / 2 = 5
=3 * 2 = 6
=3 ^ 2 = 9
Result A = 1 + 2 * 3

ResultB = (1 + 2) * 3

ResultC = 2 ^ 4

Average = 10 + 20 + 30 / 3

Num = 10 - 3 * 2 + 4 / 2

Ans = 10 * 2 ^ 2
= equal
+ plus
- minus
/ divided
* star or multiply
~ zeugma
? Question mark
> grather than
< less than
<> Not equal to
, Comma
. Dot
‘ Single course
“ Double quotation
; semi colon
: colon
\ back slash
/ front slash
| bar
# hash
@ at
$ dollar sign
% percent
^ raise
( ) parentheses
_ under score
[ ] brackets
>= greater than equal to
<= less than equal to
Internal Functions
• We have eleven groups in internal and external excel
• Text Functions (char, len,upper)
• Data base Functions (dsum,dcount,dmax)
• Logical Functions
• Financial Functions • Computability functions
• Mathematical Functions • Cube functions
• Information Functions • Engineering functions
• Statistical Functions • Web functions
What is Formula:

In Excel, a formula is an expression that operates

on values For example, =A1+A2+A3, which finds the
sum of the range of values from cell A1 to cell A3.

All formula doesn't have names and parentheses

Excel Program – Data Tab
From Access
From this option we can import the data which are saved in access program
From web
If we want to import the data from internet we can use from web
From text
This option is use to import the data form word or wordpad
From text
This option is use to import the data from other programs like sql….
This option show that how many connection we have on the sheet
Excel Program – Data Tab
Text to column
This option is use to Split text from single column into multiple columns
Flash fill
This option is use fill value automictically or its use to fill email addresses
Remove duplicate
This option is use to delete the copy text or copy rows from a table.
Data validation
This option is use add limitation on excel rows and columns.
Excel Program – Data Tab
This option is use to sum the value on multiple sheets.
Data table
This option is use find the week , month and year salary.
Goal seek
This option is use to find the benefit of items in excel programs.
This option is use find the total salary of a group in a table or if you want
to find the salary of a group for example all doctors you can use subtotal
Excel Program – Review Tab
From this option we can check text spelling in all excel sheets
This option is use to find the synonyms of an English word in excel its use
to find the English meaning of a word
Workbook statistics
From this option we can see how many pages , word , sheets , rows or
column we have in our workbook in excel program
Excel Program – Review Tab
Smart lookup
From this option we can find the meaning of an English word and also it show
the as the picture , synonyms , pronunciation of a word.
This option is use to find the meaning of a word . Its use to translate from one
language to other languages
New comment
From this option we can add a comment on excel cells

delete comment

From this option we can delete a comment from selected cells

Excel Program – Review Tab
Protect sheet
From this option we can set a password for current sheet and prevent the user from
changing the data of a sheet
Protect workbook
From this option we can set a password for workbook and prevent the user from deleting
,copying and moving the sheets.
Allow edit range
This option is use to set password for a column , row , or selected area on a excel

Unshared workbook

From this option we can share files and we can set password for our shared files.
Excel Program –view Tab
From this option we can see the excel page in normal status.
Page break Preview
This option is use to show every page separately for user
Custom veiw

From this option we can mark an area and we need we can see it quickly.
Excel Program –view Tab
If we check this option we can see the ruler in excel sheet
Formula bar
If we check this option we can see the Formula bar in excel sheet
If we check this option we can see the Heading bar in excel sheet
If we check this option we can see the Gridlines bar in excel sheet
Excel Program –view Tab
New Windows
This option is use to copy our text into other window or workbook
Arrange all
This option is use to show all open excel pages on screen.
Freeze Pane
Is use to freeze a column or row and keep it visible for user every time
Excel Program –view Tab
View Side by side
This option is use to bring 2 page side by side.
Synchronous scrolling
This option is use to scroll 2 document at the same time.
Reset windows position
This option is use to reset the size of windows which are opened.
Switch window
This option is use to show all opened workbooked for us.
Is use to record our action on excel program and make our work easy

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