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Elements of Music.mp4
..\folksong\magtanim ay di biro.mp4
• 1. What was in the music that kept you moving on time?
• 2. Should the song be sung in a fast manner? Why?
• 3. Were you able to sing the pitch intervals accurately? Did
you follow the repeat marks?
• 4. What portion in the song can you find contrasting sections?
Can you sing them?
We learned in grade school that rhythm is the movement of
music. It is heard and felt
in a song. It is in the music.

Rhythm is also everywhere. Try to listen to the footsteps of the

people moving, whether
they are walking or running. Listen to the carpenter sawing.
Listen to the streetsweeper
sweeping the streets. There are patterns on the sound they are
• Pulse in Music
• The pulse is what makes us move. It is the heartbeat
of music. It is also called the steady beat or simply,
the beat.
• The beat moves so regularly that it keeps us together
if we move with it. This movement of music is what
makes the rhythm.
• Tempo
• In music, the movement varies whether it is in a slow
or a fast pace.
• Tempo tells us how fast or slow the composition is. In
general, it is the speed of the music.
• It helps depicts the mood or a character of a song.
• Music of the lowlands of Luzon has different kinds of
tempo depending on how the character of the song is
being represented.
• Melody
• Melodies of music have lines too, and these lines are
heard. The lines of melodies go up and down.
• These are made of tones or pitches of different levels:
high and low.
• These high and low tones are arranged to make a line of
• These pitches may move by skips or steps.
• The distance form one pitch to another pitch is called
• Forms
• Music has smaller and bigger parts that are arranged
to become a complete form.
• The smaller parts are the short rhythm and melody
patterns. These patterns can be combined to form a
• A phrase contains a short patterns which form a
musical idea or musical sentences.
• When these phrases are grouped together, they now become a
bigger musical part called a section. The musical idea of a
section is more complete than that of a phrase.
• In most music of the lowlands of Luzon, they are designed to
be simple, or to have a different or contrasting sections. They
are in:
• unitary form - design of songs that have one part of section
• two-part form (AB) - design of songs that have two different
• three-part form (ABA) – design of songs that have three
parts, but the third part is just a repetition of the first section.
The middle section is contrasting with the first and third
Performance task
Round 1 - Sing the folksong with right melody,
rhythm, and tempo
Round 2 - Sing the folksong with right melody,
rhythm, tempo, and clap.
• 1. Rhythm -
• 2. Tempo -
• 3. Melody -

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