Business Plan

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Business Plan
 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Applied Economics
Table of Contents
Market & Industry Analysis
Customer Profile Sales and Marketing
Demand Analysis
Market Share, Segment & 04 Management Plan
Pricing Strategy 03 05
Business Description Chapter
Location Map Financial Plan
Chapter Chapter
02 06
Chapter Recommendation
Contingency Plan
Executive Summary Summary and
01 Chapter 07
INTRODUCTION Yummlicious’ Polvocake is a combination of polvoron and
cupcake ingredients to make it yummy and delicious. This
variant of polvoron is way to different from the polvoron we often see,
eat or buy. Made in a cupcake size with mixture of some cupcake ingredients
to make this product.
Polvoron is a type of shortbread with Levantine origin, popular in Spain.

It is a very simple shortbread which is made out of flour, sugar and milk. In
Philippines it is called “pulburon”.
A cupcake is a small cake designed to serve one person, which may be

baked in a small thin paper or aluminum cup.

These two products were combined together to satisfy sweet cravings
especially for those Filipinos who are sweet- toothed. This product is a really
good product to start a business because it just cost a small amount of capital
for it to make or start and a great opportunity to gain more profit
Yummylicious’ Polvocake aims to satisfy customer’s
cravings of sweet foods at the same time this product
has been put up to earn profit. We put up this
COMPANY business to create and sell a product that is not so
OBJECTIVES much pricey for its target market but a price that’s
worthy for its price. Its main objective is to gain profit
and gives a good quality of Yummylicious Polvocake.
Product/Service Offering
Our product “Yummylicious’
Polvocake” is a business that will give
and satisfy the customer’s sweet
cravings for desserts or snacks. Its best
offerings are good quality and affordable
product. Freebies will be given if a big
quantity will be sold. A good and
presentable serving of this product is
to be done.

The target market are those people in

AIFCP school campus.

 Students

 Parents if possible

 Faculty and Staffs

Key Management
Team Members

 Yummylicious’ Polvocake is a partnership form of business

where five persons bind themselves to contribute money,
property, or industry to a common fund, with their intentions
of dividing their profit among themselves.
 These five persons are the main team members of the
business their maintaining responsibility for key business
Brief Description
of the
Educational Background

Elementary: Datu Guiabar Memorial

Central Pilot Elementary School
Secondary: Sta. Ana National
Personal Background
Highschool (Junior High)
Name: Rey Jhon Tabion
Date of Birth: March 27, 2001 Agro Industrial College
Address: Pob. Kalamansig, Sultan Foundation of the Philippines (Senior
Age: 18 years old High)
  Sex: Male Work Experience: N/A
Brief Description
of the
Educational Background

Elementary: Magallanes Elementary

Secondary: Davao City National
Personal Background
Highschool (Junior High)
Name: Rhacel Mae S. Barcoma
Date of Birth: May 3, 2001 Agro Industrial College
Address: Prk. 2, Bago Gallera, Talomo Foundation of the Philippines
District, Davao City
Age: 18 years old (Senior High)
  Sex: Female Work Experience: N/A
Brief Description
of the
Educational Background

Elementary: Kabacan Elementary

Secondary: Agro Industrial College
Personal Background
Foundation of the
Name: Kissy G. Forro
Date of Birth: December 28, 2001 Philippines
Address: Molave St., Sto. Nino, Work Experience: N/A
Ecoland, Davao City
Age: 18 years old
  Sex: Female
Brief Description
of the
Educational Background

Elementary: Magallanes Elementary

Secondary: Agro Industrial College
Personal Background
Foundation of the
Name: Tessa May L. Mintal Philippines
Date of Birth: June 20,2020
Address: Bugac Maa,Davao City Work Experience: N/A
Age: 17 years old
Sex: Female
Date Activity Amount paid

FUNDING Buying Ingredients:

Raw Materials  
REQUIREMENT  1 kg All- Purpose Flour  Php 55.00

 ¾ Skimmed Milk Php 30.00

 1pc. Butter Php 45.00

The propose
 ¼ Assorted Toppings Php 15.00
business needs an
initial capital of Php  2pcs. 250g Dark Chocolate Php 35.00

1500.00. It will be February 1, 2020 Packaging Materials  

use in all expenses,  100pcs. Paper Liners Php 50.00
this includes the raw  
materials to be
processed to make Other Expenses
our product
 Transportation expenses  Php 70.00
Polvocake and also  Utility Expenses Php 100.00

transportation  Rent Expense Php 1,100.00

expenses and utility

Total: Php 1,500.00

Business Our product was named “Yummylicous’ Polvocake”, combined
term of yummy and delicious for the first word which is Yummylicious’
and shorten term of Polvoron Cupcake for Polvocake. This business is a
type of manufacturing business were uses of raw materials take place to
create a new product.

This study will answer the following questions/ statements:

1. How often the students of AIFCP buy this product?
2. Does the price of this product fits with their daily allowance?
3. Does this product satisfy their sweet cravings?
4. Its quality was worthy for its price or not?
5. What can they say about the product?

Polvocake will be located
beside the junior high
school canteen because
most of the students are
near there and it’s easy to
be recognize because our
store will new to their
Market and Industry
In this section the result and summary of the survey

conducted will be shown. The survey was based on the “Demand Analysis”

form the target market which are students of Agro Industrial Foundation

College of the Philippines.

As this study started beforehand, the entrepreneurs have goals and one

of these is to know and make sure if this product is feasible. Aftereffect of

the survey shows this business as an arduous venture yet a good one to

start. Results of the survey make the entrepreneurs decide to officially

launched this business in AIFCP.

The survey was participated by 200

random selected students of AIFCP, who

answer the survey papers to let us know if

how they’re interested and willing to buy

Customer Profile
our product or not. Including in the survey

are their profiles that need to be filled

up; Name(optional), Gender,

Demand Analysis
(Willingness to buy and taste the product)

15% of the May Ye 73% of the students

students (30 out of be s (146 out of 200)
200) said 15% answer YES.


12% of the
No Are they willing
students (24 out
of 200) responded to buy and taste
this product?
 It clearly pictured out that there a big possibility that Yummylicious’ Polvocake will be sellable not
only to those who love to eat sweets but also to those people who wants to try it.
Daily allowance
130 out of 200  This result help us
students have an on how to make a
allowance 140 130

pricing strategy
ranging Php 50 120
and let us know
– 150. that most of the

students are
Number of students
capable to
purchase our
20 out of 200 60 50
50 out of 200
students have an 40 students that
allowance 20
have an
which is below 20
Php 50. 0 which are above
Amount of Allowance

Below Php 50 Php 50-150 Above Php 150 Php 150.

Mar ket Share
Our business will take it step
by step to succeed among the others.
Key team members will do everything
they can to maintain the consistency of
doing well in this industry.
Mar ket Segment
The target market of this business are those
people inside Agro Industrial Foundation College of
the Philippines specially those students. This
business has a lot of competitor which are those
canteens inside the school campus that offers a lot of
different products especially sweet products.
Rivalry is a high risk of this business but
we make sure that our business specifically our
product will create its own spot and name above
them all by having a great edge with our competitors
in terms of pricing strategy, marketing strategy and
Mar ket Demand
Yummylicious’ Polvocake one of the
main goals is to meet market demand and
through this we will do the best we can to satisfy
customers specially those customers that
willingly spend a certain price on our product.
As our market demand increases, we
will make sure that our product price will stay
still. We will do all the best we can in
maximizing our efforts in pursuing our target
Pricing Strategy
Make sure that our
product price is Be fair and just in
worthy enough making a prie.
with its quality.

Put a price that

can earn profit not
product prices
to gain loss.
and consider
also a basis. 05 04

Make a price that is Consider target

appealing to market profile, like
customers but in a there wants and
way that still earn needs.
4 Sales and Marketing
Distribution Strategy Advertising & Promotion Slogan

Plan to make our product Advertise our product by For our product to easily get
and services available to printing a tarpaulin that is remember we make a fancy
our target markets through visible to everyone with a basic slogan wit appealing design
supply chain. It designs information of our product. on it that helps to catch the
the entire approach for Also, using the power of our attention of customers and
availability of our product technology, we used it to make them curious and
specifically inside the promote our product using interested to buy and taste
school campus because it’s social medias by making page our product. We also use this
Management Plan Ownership
This business is owned by five persons since this business is in a

form of partnership. It is managed by Rhael Mae S. Barcoma assisted

with Kissy G. Forro and with the help of Tessa May L. Mintal, Rey John

Tabion and Janine Marie Bangkong. The following entrepreneurs are a

bona fide student of AIFCP. They have a clear background in terms of

business because they were an ABM (Accountancy Business

Management) and all the knowledge they have learned is a big help in
 Must know how to cook and a good
Manager skill on it.
 Do work passionately and in a
 Must be a junior high completer.
clean way.
 Has a business-related experience.
 Has a background regarding with
 Have a skill in auditing expenses,
profit/losses or any accounting
Treasurer related acts.
 Honesty and devoted with his  Truthful in doing their job.
 Willingness to take good care the
Marketing Expert
 Do well in “sales talk”.
 Knows how to handle money in
 Has a good communicating skill.


Cook Treasurer Marketing Auditor
Statement of Assumptions:
Financial Plan
1. The business will be selling estimated 120 pieces of Yummylicious’
Polvocake per day.
2. The time schedule that we will sell our product every weekdays, is at 8:00 –
11:00 in the morning and until 1:00 – 5:00 in the afternoon.
3. The business has its owned equipment that is safety to use.
4. Each Yummylicious’ Polvocake will be sell at only Php 10.00.
5. The business will require a php 100.00 per day for the utility’s expenses for everyday
use in making the product.
6. Every year we will have an end year accounting of all the expenses, gain profit and
etc. for us to know what action will going to make.
7. The business will also provide service if there’s any errors in the product.
8. Our business is willing to accept online orders and have meet-ups in selling and
Yummylicious’ Polvocake
Projected Income Statement
  For the year 2020
Total per month
Sales Revenue Php 2,000.00 (12) Php
Less: Cost of sales Php 230.00 (12) Php
Gross Profit Php 1,770.00 (12) Php
Less: Operation Expense

Transportation Expense Php 70.00 (12) Php


Projected Balance Sheet Projected Cash Flow

for the year 2020 for the year 2020

  Beginning 2020
Cash Flows from Operating Activities  
Current Assets     Cash receipts from customers Php 24,000.00

 Cash Php 1,770.00 Php 21,240.00  Cash paid for Utility Expenses (Php 1,200.00)

 Inventory Php 930.00 Php 11,160.00  Cash paid for Rent Expenses (Php 13,200.00)

Total Assets: Php 2,700.00

Net cash flow from operating activities: Php 9,600.00
Php 32,400.00
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Liabilities       --- --- ---
 Debt
 Utilities Payable Php 100.00 Php 1,200.00
Net cash flow from financing activities: --- --- ---
 Rents Payable Php 1,100.00 Php 13,200.00
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Total Liabilities: Php 1,200.00 --- --- ---
 Investments
Php 14,400.00
Net cash flow from investing activities: --- --- ---
Owner’s Equity    

 Capital Php 1,500.00 Php 18,000.00 Net Increase/Decrease in Cash Php 19,470.00

Cash at the beginning of the period Php 1,770.00

Total Owner’s Equity: Php 1,500.00 Php 18,000.00
Schedule 1.1 COST OF SALES
Particulars Quantity/Unit Amount

All-Purpose Flour 1 kg Php 55.00

Skimmed Milk ¾ kg Php 30.00

Butter 1 pc. Php 45.00

Assorted Toppings ¼ kg Php 15.00

Dark Chocolate
2pcs. Dark Chocolate
250g Php 35.00
Schedule 1. 2 EXPENSES
Operation Expense Quantity/Unit Amount

Paper Liners 100 pcs. Php 50.00

Transportation expense Per month Php 70.00
Total Cost of Sales: Php 230.00

Utility Expense Per month Php 100.00

Rent Expense Per month Php 1,100.00

Total operation expenses: Php 1,270.00

Schedule 1 .3 SALES PER DAY
Number of
Year Selling price Sales Revenue per day (20) Sales Revenue per year

2020 10pcs Php 10.00 Php 100.00 Php 24,000.00

Selling price – price per piece

Mark – up =
Price per piece

Php 11.50 + Php 63.50

(Average Cost) Php 7.50 =
10 pcs.

Php 10.00 - Php 7.50

(Mark-up) 1. 33% =
Php 7.50
Php 7.50 x 1.33
= Php 9.975 or
Php 10.00
0 Conclusion
Therefore, we say that our product Yummylicious’ Polvocake will
have a good service in every customer for us to gain more profit and the
customers will be able to go back in our store for them to feel relax and
comfortable by buying in our store. The process will be maintained and
twisted with some uniqueness to catch the attention of the
As an entrepreneur student, we highly recommend this study as a
basis of help or information to the future entrepreneurs/researchers that
want to put up a business, we also do recommend that this product is a
07 Contingency Plan
CONTINGENCY PLAN In order for us to be prepared into possible risks, we should consider the
following: lacking of staffs/person experience in work, we need to be detailed and
observant in every staffs activity inside the business, avoid such risky decisions,
and we provide and take responsibility to the possible damages, illness or death in
Summary of Findings
This study will show the results and summary based on the results on the given
survey that we make for the “DEMAND ANALYSIS” from the Agro Industrial
Foundation College of the Philippines and most of the student said that food is what
they wanted the most. This summary will also give an answer to the following
1. Before this study started, we as entrepreneurs already have goals and one of it is to
secure the business decisions and if this product will be feasible enough in the

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