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Extra work
◦Showing you are a lider before you are
given more responsibilities
◦Extra work does not mean more time at
your desk or a big amount of work
1- Walk and talk like a lider:

◦ Charismatic and relatable

◦ Work on eye contact and saying “hi” on the hallway
◦ No need to be loud or extrovert to be a lider
◦ You can be soft spoken but you need a certain level of confidence and purpose
◦ Take a class in case you need to
◦ Avoid fillers (umm/uhh/like)
◦ Pay attention to your posture:
A. Stand up straight
B. Shoulders back
C. Smile at everyone when you pass
D. At your desk too (it can send the wrong message)
2- Build meaningful relationships with your co workers.

◦ Avoid getting used to the routine

◦ Stop isolating yoursefl
◦ Talk to everyone at work, even if they are 1 or 2 steps above you
◦ Make people feel acknowledge
◦ Talk to them by their first name
◦ Ask them about:
A. Pets
B. Kids
C. Weekend
D. Ask them if they want to have lunch


*Bosses: take into account if you are well-known by your peers

3. Stop writing bad quality emails

◦ They MUST be short and to the point

◦ It means you respect others time
◦ Include inspirational quotes, fun facts, etc
◦ Check your grammar
◦ Keep it profesional and private
4. Dress for the jod you want, not the job you have

◦ Overdress to achieve the promotion you want

◦ Upgrade your outfit with small details
◦ Even is casual fridays: try to have a profesional look
◦ Accesories count (good-looking lunch bag )
5- Take on bigger challenges

◦ Step up and take the role and the responsibilities of an above position
◦ Do not ask for more money before the promotion
◦ Take the iniciative
◦ Create a personal development plan
◦ What else can I do to..?
◦ NO: when am I getting promoted?
◦ Be efficient at your work

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