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Basic Electronics

Dr.  Muhammad Jawad Khan

Department of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence


Office: Room 105, RISE Lab

Timings: Monday 2~4 PM

Class discussion time: Thursday/Friday

Lab Engineer
Engineer Ali Hasan
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Text Books
• Text: Electronic Devices , 9th Edition, Thomas L. Floyd
• Ref: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Boylestad and
Nashelsky, Ninth Edition
• Ref: Electronic Devices by Molvino
• Digital Design. 4th Edition, Morris Mano
• 8051 Microcontroller, 4th Edition, Scott Mackenzie
Grading Policy
• Assignments 5%
• Quizzes 15%
• MSE 30%
• Final 50% 100%

• Lab work (12)
Objectives and Outcomes
Provide strong foundation for upcoming courses in Mechanical Engineering.

No. Course Outcomes Book

1. Semiconductor Theory & Electronics Fundamentals

2. Describe the operation of a diode

3. Diodes and its applications Electronic Devices

4. Special Purpose Diodes

5. Bipolar Junction Transistors

6. Construct AND, OR & NOT circuits and truth tables

7. Number systems, Boolean algebra, gates

8. Combinational logic (adders, comparators, decoders, Digital Design

multiplexers, etc.)
9. Sequential logic (flip-flops, registers, counters)

10. Microprocessors (registers; ALU; CU; memory, address, data

and control buses)
8051 Microcontroller
11. ADC and DAC. Micro-controllers 6
Course Learning Objectives
No CLO PLO Level of learning
1 Design and analyses of electronic circuits
using concepts of basic semiconductor PLO3 C4
2 Analyze basic principles of digital logic
systems using digit al design techniques. PLO2 C4

3 Demonstrate the basic architecture of

Microcontroller by applying it on a

Introduction to Electronics
• Electronics is the study of flow of signals in electrical
• Entertainment and Communication
e.g. TV, Radio

• Defense Applications
e.g. Radar

• Industrial Applications
e.g. power station

• Medical Services
e.g. ECG, X-ray
• Chapter 1 (Floyd)
• All matter is composed of atoms.
An atom is the smallest particle of an element that
retains the characteristics of that element
• There are 118 elements
- an atom is a single part of an element
• All atoms consist of electron, proton and neutron.

The Bohr Model
• Atoms have a planetary of structure that consists of nucleus.
- Nucleus is the center of an atom
• The Bohr model of an atom showing
- Protons (+)
Basic particles with positive charge
- Electrons (-)
Basic particles with negative charge
- Neutrons
Uncharged particles

Atomic Number
• Elements are arranged in periodic table according to their
atomic number
• No. of protons = no. of electrons for a neutral atom, with a net
charge on atom as zero

Hydrogen has atomic number 1

- 1 proton and 1 electron

Helium has atomic number 2

- 2 protons,2 neutrons and
2 electrons
Valence Electrons
•The discrete distance (orbit) from nucleus corresponds to energy level.
- Orbits are grouped into energy levels known as shells
• Maximum number of electron in each shell and n is number of shell

• Electrons that are in orbits farther from the nucleus have higher energy than
those closer to nucleus.
- Force of attraction (+ve charged nucleus & -ve charge electrons) decreases
with increasing distance from nucleus

• Electrons with highest energy at outermost shell is called valence shell and
electrons in this shell is called valence electrons.
Valence Electrons
• The Bohr model for silicon atom
- Silicon atomic number = 14

Valence Electrons

• Draw the Bohar model of copper atom Cu.

- Copper atomic number = 29, atomic mass = 63.54

• Draw the Bohar model of germanium atom Ge.

- Copper atomic number = 32, atomic mass = 72.64

- Note: atomic mass, the quantity of matter contained in an atom of an element. The

observed atomic mass is slightly less than the sum of the masses of the protons, 
neutrons, and electrons that make up the atom. The difference, called the mass defect,

• Electrons farthest from nucleus have most energy
Silicon (Si) vs Copper (Cu)
• Silicon atomic number = 14
• Copper atomic number = 29
• Copper is less stable

• Electrons farthest from nucleus have most energy
Silicon (Si) vs Germanium (Ge)
• Silicon atomic number = 14
• Germanium atomic number = 32
• Germanium is less stable.

• When an atom absorbs energy from heat source or
light, energy of electrons are increased
• Process of loosing valence electron is called Ionization
- Escaped valence electron is called free electron
- Atom with excess of positive charge is positive ion
e.g. Hydogen
- Atom with extra electron is called negative ion
e.g. Chlorine

• All materials are made up of atoms
• Conductors
– material that conducts electric current
– have 1-3 valence electrons
e.g. copper (Cu), silver (Ag), gold (Au)
• Insulators
– material that does not conduct electric current
– have 5-8 valence electrons
e.g. rubber, plastic, glass
• Semiconductors – material that is between conductors and
insulators in its ability to conduct electric current
– have 4 valence electrons
e.g. silicon (Si), germanium (Ge)
Band Gap
• The difference in energy between valence band and
the conduction band is called band gap
• Insulator – very high voltage is applied across material
• Semiconductor – Semiconductors are a special class of
elements having a conductivity between that of a good
conductor and that of an insulator. (Boylestad Ch1.2)
• Conductor – move freely

Semi conductor materials
• The three semiconductors used most frequently in the
construction of electronic devices are Ge, Si, and GaAs.

• Single-crystal semiconductors such as germanium (Ge) and

silicon (Si) have a repetitive crystal structure, whereas
compound semiconductors such as gallium arsenide (GaAs),
cadmium sulfide (CdS), gallium nitride (GaN), and gallium
arsenide phosphide (GaAsP) are constructed of two or more
semiconductor materials of different atomic structures.

Covalent bonding and intrinsic
• This bonding of atoms, strengthened by the sharing of
electrons, is called covalent bonding.

• The term intrinsic is applied to any semiconductor material that
has been carefully refined to reduce the number of impurities to a 23
very low level
Energy levels
• The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the higher is the
energy state, and any electron that has left its parent atom has
a higher energy state than any electron in the atomic

• Note: valence: the property of an element that determines the number of

other atoms with which an atom of the element can combine. 24
• An electron in the valence band of silicon must absorb more
energy than one in the valence band of germanium to
become a free carrier. Similarly, an electron in the valence
band of gallium arsenide must gain more energy than one in 25
silicon or germanium to enter the conduction band.

W: Energy
Q: Charge of electron 26
V: Potential Difference

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