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实现你的每一个愿望 - 一个有意义的故事
实现你的每一个愿望 - 一个有意义的故事
Once upon a time a man went to a Zen Master and cried out to him, “Oh wise
one! I have come to you to seek a solution to many problems in my life.
It seems that whenever I find a solution to one problem, another one arises in
my life. Please help me understand the nature of problems and their answers
to help me in my life.
从前,一个人去找一位禅师,对他喊道:“哦,聪明人! 我来找你是为了寻求解决
出现在我的生活中。 请帮助我了解问题的本质及其答案,以帮助我的生活。
The Zen Master said, “I will tell you a story. Listen carefully.”
Then the Zen Master started to narrate a story to the man and the
story goes like this:
‘Once upon a time, a man was walking up a mountain. While walking
along, he accidentally entered Paradise.

禅师说:“我给你讲个故事。 仔细听。” 然后禅师开始给这个人讲一个故

事,故事是这样的:“从前,一个人走上山。 走着走着,一不小心进入了乐
In Paradise there was a divine wish-fulfilling tree which was called
Kalpavriksha. Kalpavriksha is a special tree indeed. If you just sit
under the tree and wish for anything, immediately that wish would
be fulfilled.
The man was tired after walking for a long time. When he saw the
Kalpavriksha, he thought of having some rest under the tree.
天堂里有一棵神圣的如意树,叫做 Kalpavriksha 。 Kalpavriksha
确实是一棵特殊的树。 如果你只是坐在树下许愿什么,那个愿望马上就
会实现。 走了很久,男人累了。 当他看到 Kalpavriksha 时,他想在
As he lay under the tree, he fell asleep. After sometime he woke
up. He was feeling very hungry. He thought in his mind, “How I
wish I could get some delicious food from somewhere.”
As the thought went through his mind, immediately some
delicious food appeared out of nowhere.
他躺在树下,睡着了。 过了一会儿,他醒了。 他感到非常饥饿。 他心
里想:“我多么希望我能从哪里得到一些美味的食物。” 念头一转,顿
The man was so hungry that he did not give any thought as to where the
food had come from. He immediately started eating the food. The food
was so delicious that he finished the food within minutes.
Now after eating food, he felt very satisfied. Then another thought arose
in his mind. He thought, “How nice it would be to have some delicious
drinks to drink!”
No sooner had he thought such thoughts in his mind, precious wine and
delicious drinks appeared from nowhere.
这个人太饿了,他根本没有想过食物是从哪里来的。 他立即开始吃食物。 食物
太美味了,他在几分钟内就吃完了。 现在吃完饭,他觉得很满足。 紧接着,他
的脑海中又升起了一个念头。 他想:“要是能喝点好喝的饮料该多好啊!” 他
Seeing this, he became very happy and started drinking the
delicious drinks. As he was drinking the wine in the cool shade of
the divine tree, with the cool breeze of Paradise caressing his
face, he started wondering, “What is happening? Why is my every
wish getting fulfilled?” He thought, “There must be a ghost
around here who is playing tricks on me.”
见状,他高兴极了,开始喝起美味的饮品。 他在神木阴凉处饮酒,天国
的凉风拂面,不禁疑惑道:“这是怎么回事? 为什么我的每一个愿望都
得到了满足?” 他想:“这附近肯定有鬼在捉弄我。”
As soon as he pictured the horrifying ghost in his mind, the ghost
appeared. The ghost was ferocious, horrifying and terrifying. The
man started to tremble with fear and thought, “Now the ghost will
surely kill me.” And as the thought went through his mind, the
ghost killed him on the spot. He dropped on to the ground dead.’
脑海中刚刚浮现出那个恐怖的鬼影,那个鬼影就出现了。 那鬼魂狰狞可
怖,令人毛骨悚然。 那人吓得浑身发抖,心想:“现在鬼一定要杀了
我。” 念头一闪,鬼魂当场杀了他。 他倒在地上死了。
After narrating the story, the Zen Master looked at the confused face of the
man and said “My dear friend, this story portrays your whole life.
Kalpavriksha is none other than your own mind. Whatever you think sooner
or later it is fulfilled.
Sometime the time lapse is so long that you forgot that you have desired it.
Sometimes the time lapse is very many years. The time lapse can even be
over lifetimes. Therefore always be careful about the desires and thoughts
that arise in your mind because it is your thoughts that are creating your
生的写照。 Kalpavriksha 就是你自己的头脑。 你想的迟早会实现。有时时间流逝
太长以至于你忘记了你想要它。有时时间流逝是很多年。 时间流逝甚至可以跨越一
生。 因此,要时刻注意心中升起的欲望和念头,因为正是你的念头在创造你的生
LIFE LESSONS From The Story 故事中的人生教训

If we reflect on our lives, then we will find that this Kalpavriksha is

none other than our own mind.
Your thoughts create your hell. Your thoughts create your heaven.
They create your misery, they create your blessings.
Your thoughts are the ones responsible for creating the negatives in
your life and your thoughts are the ones responsible for creating the
positives in your life.
如果我们反思我们的生活,那么我们会发现这个 Kalpavriksha 就是我们
自己的心。你的想法创造了你的地狱。 你的思想创造你的天堂。 他们制

If you think bad you will be bad or meet with bad and if you think
you are good you will be good. If you consider yourself worthy
then you are worthy and if you consider yourself unworthy you
will be really unworthy. If you believe that your future is bright
then your future will be bright and if you believe that your future is
dark then your future will be dark.
你就会很好。 如果你认为自己有价值,那么你就是有价值的,如果你认
为自己不值得,那么你将真的不值得。 如果你相信你的未来是光明的,


You can have whatever you want with your mind. You are a
magician spinning and giving “magical words” around yourself.
You are then caught in your own web. There is no one torturing
you except yourself. Your whole life is your own work, your own
你可以随心所欲地拥有任何你想要的东西。 你是一个魔术师,在自己周
围旋转并给出“魔术词”。 然后你就陷入了自己的网中。 除了你自
己,没有人折磨你。 你的整个生命都是你自己的作品,你自己的创造。

Reflection on Dhammapada Verse 1 法句经第 1 节的反

The mind is the forerunner
of all things, the mind is
their leader, they are created
by the mind. If one speaks
or acts with impure
thoughts, suffering caused
by them follows, as the
wheel follows the hoof
of the ox.
首,万物为心所造。 如果一个
Reflection on Dhammapada Verse 2 法句经第 2 节的反思

The mind is the forerunner

of all things, the mind is
their leader, they were
created by the mind. If one
speaks or acts with pure
thoughts, happiness caused
by it follows, like one's
shadow that
never leaves him.
首,万物为心所造。 如果一个

May You Be Well and Peaceful. With Metta,

愿你安好平安 Bro. Oh Teik Bin

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