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Descriptive text

What is descriptive text ?

Apa itu text deskriptive?

Merupakan sebuah text yang

menggambarkan secara rinci tentang
sebuah objek berupa;
• orang (person)
• binatang(animal)
• tempat (place)
• dan juga benda (thing)
Langguage feature/unsur kebahasaan
Teks descriptive ditulis dengan menggunakan sebuah pola kalimat yang

disebut dengan “simple present tense”.

Kinds of simple present tense/jenis kalimat SPT
1. Nominal sentence
Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah fakta yang masih ada.
• Saya berumur 14 tahun (i am fourteeen yeas old)
• Saya santri yang sopan (i am a polite student)

• Rumus kalimat
(+) S + TO BE + O/C (i am a polite student)
(-) S + TO BE not + O/C (I am not a polite student)
(?) TO BE + S + O/C (am i a polite student)

To be: am, is, are

i she, he, it you, they, we
2. Verbal sentence
Digunkan untuk menyatakan sebuah kebiasaan, ataupun kejadian bersifat rutinitas. Ciri-ciri dari verbal
sentence adalah menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb1).

Rumus kalimat
(+) S + VERB1S/ES + O/C (He likes to wear a short simple shirt)
(-) S + Do not/Does not + VERB1 + O/C (He does not like to wear a short simple shirt)
(?) Do/Does + S + VERB1 +O/C? (Does He like to wear a short simple shirt?)

Do : digunakan oleh subjek I, YOU, THEY, WE

Does : digunakan oleh subjek SHE, HE, IT
Contoh text

I have a brother. His name is

He has cute curly blonde hair.
He is thin, because he doesn’t Questions:
like to eat much.
1. Who is your brother name?
His hobby is reading books.
2. How is he like?
He also likes to wear a short
is his and
4. What does he look like?
Describe these people

Bayard Rustin was a close advisor to Jesse Owens was an American track and Zora Neale Hurston was an American
Martin Luther King and an American field athlete and four-time gold medalist author, anthropologist, and filmmaker. In
leader of the civil rights movement. Rustin in the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany. 1937, she published her famous novel,
organized and led several protests, Owens specialized in the sprints and the Their Eyes Were Watching God.
including the 1963 March on Washington. long jump.
Arts and literature Click icon to add picture

Provide examples of art and literature that are

significant to Black History Month. Here are a
few examples:
• The writing of James Baldwin
• The music of Miles Davis
Click icon to add picture
• The artwork of Alma Thomas
How to celebrate
List some ways you can celebrate Black History Month.
Here are a few examples:
• Discover African American artists
• Read African American authors
• Listen to African American musicians
• Learn important moments of African American history
Provide a brief summary of your presentation.
Remind the audience what you covered in the previous slides.
Questions & answers
Invite questions from the audience
List the resources you used for your research:
• Source #1
• Source #2
• Source #3

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