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‘An organization is s organized group of people , who work

together in an organized way for common objective.’
Organizational management
Organizational management is the process of structuring, planning and directing the
resources and members of the organization to achieve its goal. In the world of business,
the end goal is pretty much the same - to make a profit for the organization's owners.
Organisational behaviour is a discursive subject and much has been written about it.
The study of organisations and management has therefore to proceed on a broad front.
It is the comparative study of the different approaches that will yield benefits to the
manager. The study of organisations, their structure and management is important for
the manager.
It helps in achieving group goals
Optimum utilization of resources
Reduces cost
Establishes sound organization
essentials for prosperity of society
Concept of organization
•All relevant and affected parties have been identified ,design team members
creatively search for and develop a general organizational concept for the
•Organizational concept phase is completed, the design team has several useful
•They include description of the organization as a totality, in its systematic
content initial preferences concerning the legal structure of the organization a
set of diverse visual image of potential organizational structure , decision
concerning basic organizational elements and their relationships and a sketch
of the way that governances bodies will initially be composed .
•Prior decisions about purpose, principle and participants will inform
development organizational concept.

The classical writers thought of the organisation in terms of its purpose

and formal structure. They placed emphasis on the planning of work,
the technical requirements of the organisation, principles of
management, and the assumption of rational and logical behaviour.
were concerned with improving the organisation structure as a means
of increasing efficiency.
They emphasised the importance of principles for the design of a
logical structure of organisation.
 Their writings were in a normative style and they saw these
principles as a set of ‘rules’ offering general solutions to common
problems of organisation and management.

Many of the classical writers were concerned with the improvement of

management as a means of increasing productivity. At this time, emphasis was on
the problem of obtaining increased productivity from individual workers through
the technical structuring of the work organisation and the provision of monetary
incentives as the motivator for higher levels of output. A major contributor to this
approach was F. W. Taylor (1856–1917), the ‘father’ of scientific management .
principles organizational management:
■ The development of a true science for each person’s work;

■ The scientific selection, training and development of the workers;

■ Co-operation with the workers to ensure work is carried out in the
prescribed way;
■ The division of work and responsibility between management and the
Democracy refers to a political system in which
government is form by the people,exerciseed either directly
or through elected Representative main point; people
elected government. There is freedom of speech. There is
no one party government in the country. Right to give vote
to elect their representative. The common people,
considered as primary sources of political power. The
principal of social equality and respect for the individual
within a community
Bureaucracy refers to a specialized system and
rocess of maintaining uniformity or authority with
n an organization

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