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Introduction to Information Technology

Chapter one Definition of Information Technology

Dr. Khalid Rabayah


Analysis of the term: Information & Technology
Definition of Information Data Information Knowledge Definition of Technology Elements of Information Technology Information Technology: the Discipline Who are IT professionals Why information technology Moors Law

What is Information Technology

Information Technology= Information +technology Definition of Technology:
 The application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life.  Technology is people using knowledge, tools, and systems to make their lives easier and better

Science deals with the study of phenomena in the natural world (physics, chemistry, geology, Science deals with "understanding" while technology deals with "doing Technology stages: stone age, bronze age, industrial age, technology age, knowledge age

Definition of information
Knowledge chain: data Information Knowledge

raw facts, a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. collection of observations or attributes, which may or may not be true can have different forms: text, numbers, images, or thoughts. Data may not be facts

Definition of information technology

Information Processed meaningful data Information is the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the receiver. In other words, it is the context in which data is taken. Information leads to knowledge

Definition of information
Knowledge cognition: the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning. Is built up from interaction with the world, and is organized and stored in each individual's mind. Knowledge is part of the hierarchy made up of data, information and knowledge. Data are raw facts. Information is data with context and perspective. Knowledge is information with guidance for action based upon insight and experience.

Assignment #1
Write an article differentiating between Max. 2 pages Data, Information, knowledge, and development. resources: Google, Wikipedia,

Definition of information technology

IT is given to be the development of tools, machines, processes, and systems that process and manipulate data in order to extract (useful) information out of them. Information technology is defined as the implementation of different branches of technology in information processing. acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, and reception of data The development and use of the hardware, software, firmware, and procedure associated with these processes

Elements of Information technology

Sensing and Acquisition Technologies Analysis Technologies Communications Technologies Display Technologies

Information technology: the discipline

Explain the difference between
Information technology Computer science Information system Management information system Information system engineering Others

Two level of distinction

Curricular level Professional level

Information Technology VS. Computer Science

Professional level Computer scientist tends to build, develop and extend the basic computing technologies IT specialist tends to apply these technologies to solve real-world problems for enterprises and people Curricular level C.S. has stronger emphasis on programming Design and implement complete IT solution including software C.S. has deeper roots in Math and more abstract than IT IT focuses more on practice than C. S. IT specialist needs to make management decisions than C.S.

Information Technology VS. Information Systems

System: collection of items that works together to do some thing An information system is a collection of components that work together for the purpose of providing information to help in the operation and the management of the organization Components of information systems: Hardware, Software, Storage devices, Human resources (personal), data or information, and the operations or procedures. information systems are broader than information technologies. Information System = Information technology + (data) Information + Human resources

Management Information systems - MIS

discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and procedures collectively called information systems to solving business problems. The group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. Decision Support Systems. decision support systems, resource and people management applications, project management, and database retrieval applications. Assembly of computer hardware, software, and/or firmware configured to collect, create, communicate, compute, disseminate, process, store, and/or control data or information. ...

Computer system engineering

Discipline that encompasses broad areas of both electrical engineering and computer science. Computer engineers are electrical engineers that have additional courses in the areas of software design and hardware-software integration. Computer engineers work to design and manage all forms of computer systems used in industry, education, Business, management, etc. Computer systems is some times called information system engineering Computer system engineering has the design dimension over the Information technology and systems disciplines.

Who are IT workers

Wide range of occupations are assumed by IT professionals Core IT skills: develop, implement, enhance, operate, upgrade and maintain information technologies and systems. IT workers are supposed to have skills rather than IT pure skills: management, accounting, communication, educations, IT professions can be found in business and service sector, including government, industry, civil organizations, academia


Who are IT workers

There are two categories for IT workers depending on whether IT knowledge is more important in doing the job than any other knowledge or skill. IT worker: when IT knowledge is more important in doing the job than any other knowledge or skill. IT related worker: if less than the value of his/her work is IT focused. IT workers skills, technical knowledge about information technology, business knowledge and experience, and organizational and communication skills.

Who are IT workers

Category Designers
visualize and design the basic of computer systems.

Examples Product designers, system analysts, computer science researchers.

Those who work on designing, constructing, and testing information systems.

System designers, programmers, software engineers, computer engineers.

Modifiers and extenders

Those who modify or add an information technology artifact.

Maintenance programmers, programmers, software engineers, computer engineers, database administrators, web developers, network administrators.

Those who deliver, install, operate, maintain, or repair an information technology asset.

Customer support, help desk, hardware maintenance, network technician.


Brief history of Information technology

The history of information technology is characterized by principal technology used to input, process, and output and communicates information at that time. Four stages can be defined: Pre-mechanical: invention of writing and the use of Alphabets Mechanical: invented the movable metal-type printing machines Electromechanical: Invention of Electricity, and the transform of data into electric pulse Electronic: the discovery of digital signals or bits. Discovery of electronic devices, integrated circuits,

Magnificent of Information technology

Scope of IT is very broad: The computer, telecommunications, software, media industry and others Vast fields fall under IT such as operating systems, software development, networking, intranets, the Internet, databases, multi-media, video and audio technologies, information security, information management and many more. IT is one of the fastest growing sector nowadays The production, storage, and transfer of knowledge are becoming the basis of any successful enterprises of all sizes and domain of operation. Globalization obliges companies, governments and civil agencies, to react more quickly, and operate more efficiently than they have done in the past Information is managed as assets just like inventories or capital

Magnificent of Information technology

IT is human intensive: Relies heavily on the highly trained IT workforce, unlike the other sectors, which more rely on deploying and using new automation means and technologies. Need for information technology specialists will stay high on different levels. information technology is the fact it moves forward faster than any other technology. Knowledge age: IT is the key technology to enter the 21st century, as the discovery of oil was the key technology of the 20th century. Moors Law: The processing power and storage capacities of semiconductor devices, which are the building blocks of information technology, have been doubling every eighteen months

Information Society
a society in which the creation, distribution, diffusion, use, and manipulation of information is a significant economic, political, and cultural activity. a type of society in which information and information access plays a central role, economically, socially and individually. Governments are making efforts to bring countries into this era. a society integrated by complex communication networks that rapidly develop and exchange information


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