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Communicating and

Reporting of Assessment
Data from Alternative

 While everyone is singing, students
should pass the box around the class.
 When the song stops, the student with
the box must pick a piece of paper
inside which contain words that are
related to the topic and they need to
instruction give their personal definition
pertaining to the word they pick.
 Anyone with the paper is given a
maximum of 1 minute to give his/her
1. The teacher will set a phrase/word in
the class and pair up the students.

2. Each pair needs to brainstorm and

generate as much words as they can
which is associated with the given
3. The students can write their answers in
a ½ sheet of paper. Everyone is given 2
minutes to complete the task.

4. After finishing the task, the teacher

will choose 3 pairs to present their
answers in front of the class.
At the end of the period, the students
are expected to:

 Differentiate feedback and

 Provide appropriate feedback based
on alternative methods of
objectives assessments;
 Communicate learners’ progress based
on alternative methods of assessment;
 Report to parents the results of
alternative methods of assessment.
 Feedback is information given to the learner or teacher about the learner's
performance relative to learning goals or outcomes. It should aim towards
and be capable of producing improvement in students' learning.

 Feedback is an important part of the assessment process.

It has a significant effect on student learning and has been

described as “the most powerful single moderator that enhances

achievement” (Hattie, 1999)

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The main objectives of feedback are to:
 guide students on
what steps to take
 motivate them to
to improve
act on their
 identify and reward
specific qualities in
student work  develop their
capability to
monitor, evaluate
 justify to students and regulate their
how their mark or own learning
grade was derived (Nicol, 2010).
To benefit student learning, feedback
needs to be:
As well as highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of a given piece

of work, it should set out ways in which the student can improve the work. For
the student, it:

 encourages them to think critically about their work and to reflect on what
they need to do to improve it

 helps them see their learning in new ways and gain increased satisfaction
from it

 helps promote dialogue between staff and students.

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Give feedback while the assessed work is still fresh in a
student’s mind, before the student moves on to
subsequent tasks.

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It should target individual needs, be linked to specific assessment
criteria, and be received by a student in time to benefit subsequent
work. Effective feedback:

 guides students to adapt and adjust their learning strategies

guides teachers to adapt and adjust teaching to accommodate

students’ learning needs.

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 guides students to become independent and self-reflective learners,
and better critics of their own work

stimulates reflection, interaction and dialogue about learning


 is constructive, so that students feel encouraged and motivated to


 has consequences, so that it engages students by requiring them to

attend to the feedback as part of the assessment

 is efficient, so that staff can manage it effectively.

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Difference of Assessment and
Feedback and assessment are not the same. Assessment is the
process of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or
importance of something. On the other hand, feedback is information
given on the amount, value, quality, or importance of the thing being
judged or measured.

Any inferences we make about what or whether students have learned

are likely to be flawed unless we have a decent working knowledge of
reliability and validity.
asks us to consider whether we are measuring the things we
claim to be measuring and whether the interpretations we
make of students’ test scores and the decisions we
subsequently make are reasonable.

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represents the extent to which a measure stays the same
when different students are assessed by different teachers, or
if the same students were given the same assessment on
different occasions.

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Why is feedback a powerful
means to help learners improve?
Feedback is a powerful means of helping the learners improve their
academic performance. Feedback is a specific means that allows the
learners to determine which part of their performance needs
improvement. Feedback provides specific information to learners on
what they need to do to revise or redo their task in a better way, the
content of feedback can be:
 The part of the answer or response that needs to be corrected

 The specific strategy to be used to perform the task

 The suggested procedure that needs to be undertaken by the


 A direction to the learner where to find the answer

 A challenge to the learner to think about the appropriate response

 A clarification on some misconceptions of the learner

Feedback is given every time students perform a task whether it is a
paper-and-pencil test or performance task.

Feedback is provided either during or after the performance.

Feedback during performance.
Feedback during performance can be verbal or nonverbal. Verbal
feedback can be written in a big signage (like a poster or a handy white
board) visible to the learner. This is possible to do when a performance
cannot be stopped like when one is currently dancing or singing. The
teacher can also provide feedback in segments of the performance`
where the learners can pause like when performing drama or doing
some presentations.

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Feedback after performance.

Feedback can also be given after the performance of the task. This is
appropriate when learners are provided another opportunity to revise
and show again the performance. This is applicable for writing essays
and compositions where students the complete work before a full
feedback is provided.

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To make feedback powerful means to help
learners improved, the following can
be considered:
1. Feedback needs to be specific and concrete. The following are
illustrations of general and specific feedback.

2. Feedback needs to be based on the agreed criteria. The criteria

serve as a guide to provide feedback on the work.

3. Feedback should provide recommendations or suggestions on how

to improved performance.
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Forms of Feedback
1. Focus on the product or performance

.This kind of feedback describes how well the performance was done.
Examples of such are:

“All the parts of the paper are complete.”

“You have used up-to-date references in your paper.”

“Included a definition of the term based on the main author.”

“Rephrase the finding sated by the author on page 25.”

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2. Focus on the procedure.

This kind of feedback focuses on the step-by-step

process that needs to be done by the learner.

“Follow the guidelines state in the workbook in conducting the

experiment to get accurate results.”

“Try different procedure in solving the problem.”

“Use more adjectives to describe the main character in your story.”

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3. Focus on the strategy to improve the work.

Strategies refer to the different cognitive and metacognitive actions that the learner
needs to think about in order to arrive at a better work or performance.

“Given the criteria on delivering a speech, which parts did you achieve well and
provided evidence.”

“Use a different method to check if your answers are correct.”

“Compare your work with the model, which parts are different? How can you
improved these parts further?”
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Complete the Diagram by
identifying the ways to give
a Feedback based on your
understanding. Present the
instruction work in front of the class
after finishing the task.
Ways to give Feedback
1. What is the difference between feedback and

2. Why do we need to give feedback?

3. Why should feedback be specific?

questions 4. What makes a concrete feedback?

5. Why is it important to sit beside each learner as

you explore his or her learning portfolio?

6. How do we avoid negative reactions with

parents when relaying assessment results?
 Make a maximum of three
minute and thirty seconds
infomercial video about the

assignment  The work should be done

creatively and with originality.

 Present your work in the



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