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 prepares for Easter LENT
 time to hear the Word of God, to
convert, to prepare for and
remember Baptism, to be reconciled
with God and one’s neighbor.
 a 40 day observance that begins on
Ash Wednesday.
 a call to conversion
 covers six Sundays and ends at the
Mass of the Lord’s Supper on the
evening of Holy Thursday.
 Catholics are called to meditate with
awe and thanksgiving on the great
Paschal mystery, the salvation God
offers to us sinners through the
suffering , death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ.
 a highlight in the Catholic calendar
 a time of penance, reflection and
prayer that is solemn and restrained,
flowers are generally removed from
the sanctuary
 Songs of praise such as the “Gloria
in Excelsis” and the “Alleluias” are
Lenten Practices:
1. Ash Wednesday
 the first step in our
spiritual renewal
 marks the beginning of the
Lenten season
2. Fasting- partaking only
one full meal a day.
Catholics between the ages
of 18-59 are obligated to
fast on Ash Wed. and Good
3. Abstinence – forbids the use of
meat but not of eggs, milk
products or condiments made of
animal fat.
 14 years and older must abstain
from meat on Ash Wednesday,
Good Friday and all the Fridays
of Lent.
4. Via Crucis/ Way of the
Cross – a street presentation
or a stage re-enactment of
Christ’s arrest, mocking, trial,
painful way to Calvary and
death on the cross.
5. Pasyon/Pabasa – chanting of the
life, passion and death(as well as his
 Held in chapels and residences usually
24 hours straight
 Usually ends at 3:00 in the afternoon of
Good Friday at the time Jesus died on
the cross.
6. Cenaculo – traditional
Filipino dramatization of the
life and times of Jesus Christ.
 done in song(Pasyon) and
recitation and presented in
public square
7. Caridad – free
meal on Good Friday
and to those who
attend the Pabasa.
8. Visita Iglesia –
visiting different
churches on Maundy
9. Salubong/ Alle[uya
 the meeting of the Risen Christ
and his mother on Easter Sunday
 Easter vigil
 A little girl dressed up like an
angel replaces the Blessed
Virgin’s black veil of grief and
mourning with a white one.
1. What is Lent?
2. What is expected of you during the
season of Lent?
3. What Lenten practice do you observe
in the family?
Holy Week – the week
which precedes the
Festival of the
Resurrection on Easter
 Commemorate the Passion of
1. Palm Sunday – Linggo ng
 Marks the beginning of the Holy
 Last Sunday of Lent
 Recalls Jesus’ triumphant entry for
the last time in Jerusalem.
2. Holy Thursday (Maundy
 Washing of the feet
Last supper
Jesus’ arrest
3. Good Friday (Biyernes
 Jesus was crucified on the

4. Easter Triduum : Holy

Thursday, Good Friday, Black
 begins with the
celebration of the Easter
Vigil on Easter Sunday
and ends 50 days later
with Pentecost Sunday.
Significant Persons in the suffering and
Passion of Jesus

1. Peter – denied Jesus three

2. Judas Iscariot – betrayed
Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
3. Pontius Pilate – sentenced
Jesus to death
Significant Persons in the suffering and
Passion of Jesus

4. Simon of Cyrene – helped

Jesus carry his cross

5.Veronica – wiped Jesus’

bloody face
6. Women of Jerusalem –
wept for Jesus
7. John – Jesus entrusted
Mary to him
8. Joseph of Arimathea –
asked permission to Pilate
to bury Jesus
9. Barabass – criminal who
was released instead of

10. Mary – the sorrowful

and loving mother of Jesus
Important places in Jesus’ passion
1. Gethsemane – where Jesus prayed in
2. Golgotha –also known as “Skull” or
“Calvary” where Jesus was crucified.
3. Jerusalem – where Jesus entered with
4. Preatorium –where Jesus was
whipped and scourged.

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