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There have been reports

of some people who
died of COVID even
after having been
vaccinated. Should this
be a reason to halt the
ongoing vaccination?
What do you think is
the ethical way of
approaching this issue?
Ethical Approaches


Common Good Approach

Virtue Ethics
• According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccines
have protected millions of lives through preparing the body to fight
off the viruses that are against it. They have found that the vaccines
are generally safe and effective even with people who are related
with a high-risk disease.
• In research from Santa Clara University (2015), The right to the
truth is that we have a right to be told the truth and to be informed
about matters that significantly affect our choices.
> Right to know the
• The right not to be injured: We have the right not to be harmed or Truth
injured unless we freely and knowingly do something to deserve
punishment or we freely and knowingly choose to risk such
injuries. > Right not to be
• Deontology approach which focused on the individual's right to
choose for herself or himself is often associated with the Injured
philosopher Immanuel Kant.
It possesses a holistic view to guide the majority and count the

• The vaccine that is rolled out in different countries are all to be
taken with consent and the intake of the vaccine is purely
voluntarily. Health warnings and potential side effects are
disseminated all the time through media and it all comes down to
the decision of an individual to take the vaccine even if he/she The greatest amount of
has a risk factor. good for the greatest
• The possible deaths that would follow with the halt of vaccine
deployment surely outweighs the few that have died from vaccine number of people
side effects.
• People who are capable of enduring the side effects can
recover and continue their lives. It is possible to save a
massive population and prevent a great loss without
disregarding the consequences.
• The right courses of action must be taken to protect the M
well-being of the people. The group who will carry the The greatest amount of
vastest weight and suffer from distress will be measured
and scrutinized.
good for the greatest
number of people
• Pertains to the benefits received by society
as a whole. It promotes the extent of
guarding one another against the GOOD
widespread of the virus. APPROACH
Virtue Ethics encourages the people to get the golden mean
before deciding the course of action.
• The vaccination for CoVID is the most probable and
efficient way to stop the virus from spreading. Hence,
halting vaccination may cause further harm than good
• There are different body reactions upon vaccines. So, we ETHICS
cannot blame and disregard the people who had been
healed by the medicine.
• Focuses on attitudes, dispositions, or character traits that
enable us to be and to act in ways that develop our human
potential. And with the potential of the of the people whom
to be vaccinated they are in threat for the quality and
assurance the vaccine will use to them VIRTUE
• The principle of the virtue states that “What is ethical is
what develops moral virtues in ourselves and our ETHICS
communities.” which It holds that the proper goal of
human life that is related to eudaimonia which can be
variously translated as "happiness", "well-being" or the
"good life".
Pole of Decisions:
• Allow the Vaccines even with the increasing death rates.
• Stop the vaccination which may lead to increase of
COVID Patients.
• Make sure the quality and assurance must be tested and
approved by official healthcare organizations,
professionals, and other legit institutions who safe-guards

the quality of the vaccine before using it to the populace ETHICS
The vaccine shall be given indviduals whom shown clear
and official requirements to be vaccinated such as making
sure of their medical background, state, etc.
The ongoing vaccination shouldn’t be
Sheila Mae Sagadal
Thea Romero
Dale Steven Ramos
Anne Carla Samson
Sean Benedict Pernes
Sunshine Raful

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