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Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam that we must fulfill.

Performing prayers as proof of obedience of God. And
in prayer there are remembrance and prayers that are
offered of God.Prayer as a pillar of religion, The
support of a magnificent and mighty building. Hi is the
bright light of faith, Solace drug, Controller of all
problems in human life. The prayer begins wiht takbir
and ends with greetngs. Because deeds and words
contain a lot of wisdom, Among the wisdom of prayer
is to prevent us from heinous and evil deeds.
Explained in the Qur’an Surah Al-Ankabut
verse forty-five : (Al-Ankabut : 45)
“Read the book that has been revealed to you
and pray. Verily prayer prevents from heinous
and evil deeds. And the remembrance of God
is greater in virtue that other worship. God
knows what you do.”
Present Continuous Tense
• Understanding the Present Continuous Tense
• The present continuous tense, as the
name suggests, is the form of tense that
is used to denote an action that is
ongoing or occurring in that current
moment. It is also referred to as the
present progressive tense as they
represent the action that is progressing
in the present.
Structure of the Present Continuous Tense
• There is definitely just one formula to mastering
the present continuous tense and this is how it
• Subject + am/is/are + present participle
(verb+ing) + the rest of the sentence
• However, there is something more you should pay
attention to. You should also learn how the
sentences with the present continuous tense form
of the verb are structured when they are positive,
negative, interrogative and negative interrogative.

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