Differentiating Biases From Prejudices (Part 1) - 101937 - 074451

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Read the following

comics. Decide to which

of the characters you
agree with and state
your reason.
I agree with _________ because
I agree with _________ because
Subjective content
Factual information
Enabling Competencies:
- Reflecting on the speaker’s
- Sharing personal opinions on the
ideas listened to
- Forming decisions based on
ideas mentioned
• In this lesson, you will be given
opportunities to reflect on
speaker’s ideas,
share opinions, and
form decisions based on
ideas presented to you.
This lessons will help you be more critical on
evaluating ideas such as
differentiating biases from
prejudices to form keen
judgment and
 stand on social related
issues at present.
Factual information are
statements that can be verified
or proven to be true.
Subjective content involves
judgment, feeling, opinion,
intuition, or emotion rather than
factual information.
Learning Task 1
Statements below are taken from President Obama’s address. Identify which among
the statements contain factual information or subjective content. Write F for factual
and S for subjective. Write your answers on pad paper.
1. There were no winners in this government shutdown.
2. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the
manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and
3. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support.
4. First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a
responsible budget, one that grows our economy faster and shrinks our
long-term deficits further.
5. Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration
system. There’s already a broad coalition across America that’s behind
this effort, from business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. It
would grow our economy.
Learning Task 2 (Individual Activity)
An editorial is a journalistic piece of writing that expresses
the writer’s thoughts and opinions on a certain issue. Choose
only one (1) among the current issues given below and write
an editorial article about it.
 Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine
 Mental Illness Stigma in the Philippines
Your article should consist of 200-300 words. It should contain
at least two (2) sentences stating factual information and
three (3) sentences expressing subjective content. Underline
or highlight these sentences. Write your article in one whole
sheet of paper.
Below is the rubric in evaluating your output.
Why is it importan to
distinguish factual
information from
subjectice content?
It is important to know how
to distinguish factual
information from subjective
content when listening to a
speaker or reading an article
when gathering information.
It is important to know how to distinguish factual
information from subjective content when listening
to a speaker or reading an article when gathering
information. For situations that call for a valuable
input from you such as when asked about your stand
on a particular issue (e.g., writing an editorial,
making a speech), it is important that you know
these two important concepts so that you may be
able to balance them to form a strong argument.
Differentiating Biases
from Prejudices
(Part 2)
- a tendency to present or possess
a partial viewpoint
- being in favor of or against a
thing, person, group, or stand
compared to another, usually in a
way not considered fair
- one-sided perspective in
the absence of neutral
- to lean in a certain
direction, either in favor of
- leaning favorably toward something or
thinking positively of it when used with
the preposition “TOWARD” (biased
- leaning negatively against
something or thinking poorly of it
when used with the preposition
- an opinion formed before getting to know
relevant facts of a case or
- a favorable or usually unfavorable feeling or
claim toward a person, thing,
or situation without an actual experience as a
- a preconceived notion or assumption made about
someone or
What is the
between bias
and prejudice?
Why do we need to
identify the differences
of bias and prejudice in
terms of the following:
- reading and listening
- speaking and writing
On prejudice…
Write about an
experience related to this
quote, “Don’t judge a
book by its cover.”

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