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Kemal ataturk biography

Mustafa Kemal was born on 1881 in Greece. Mustafa Kemal was an ottoman turk and.t the age of 12
he joined the salonika military school. Mustafa Kemal’s career almost ended soon after his graduation
when it was discovered that he and several friends were meeting to read about and discuss political
abuses within the empire. He became a military officer and was responsible for the famous defeat of
the allied army at Gallipoli. Mustafa Kemal wished to change turkey into a modern country… Like
Turkish language was given a new script, the sufi orders were closed down and madressas were also
closed because they wanted westernized system.
Mustafa Kemal opened many reforms as:
In 1922 Sultanate abolished.
In 1923 Treaty of Lausanne secured (July 24). Republic of Turkey with capital at Ankara proclaimed.
Q: What reforms did Mustafa Kemal opened in turkey?

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