Solar Panel by OGBE Agatha

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Solar energy

Ogbe agatha
10th february, 2022
Introduction to solar energy
The sun is an enormous energy source. The
energy released from the sun is called Solar
Energy. It is thinly distributed over a large area
and must be collected using Solar Collectors.
Production of solar energy
The sun, a vast ball of hot glowing gas with a
temperature of about 15 million centigrade at its
core. A huge amount of energy is produced in
the Sun and by the process of Nuclear fusion.
Two hydrogen isotopes combined to form
Helium and neutrons with huge amount of
energy released. Through this process heat of
about 4.0x1020 is released into space and
principally forms light and heat.
Diagram of flat plate collector
Solar collector/solar panels
•Flat plate collector
•Focusing collector
Diagram of a solar panel
Principle of operation
The metal sheet is exposed to solar radiation.
Sunlight passes through the glazed cover and
strikes the absorber metal plate. The plate heats
up changing the absorbed solar energy into heat
or thermal energy. The heat in the metal
collector is then transferred to the liquid passing
through the pipes attached to the absorber
plates. The heated liquid is transferred to a tank
for storage and use.
Application of solar panels
 for commercial applications/usage
 in heating swimming pool
 in evaporation of salt water to produce salt
for distillation
 in electricity supply
 used as alternative for kerosene or electricity




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