Module 1 Energy and Society FACULTY

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Module 1

Renewable Energy System (RES)

ECE Elective 2

Module 1 – Energy and Society

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 Why is it important to
have ENERGY?

Module 1 – Energy and Society 2

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 Is CANDLE important to

Module 1 – Energy and Society 3

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Module 1 – Energy and Society 4

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Energy is LIFE

Would you believe it?

Module 1 – Energy and Society 5

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 Energy is in everything that we eat,

consume, or use.

 Energy fuels and regulates the body's

natural internal functions. 

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 Energy is all around you!

 You can hear energy as sound.

 You can see energy as light.
 And you can feel it as wind.

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 This module is going to teach us basically about energy.

 What is energy, and with which units do we measure energy?

 We will learn about the commonly used units we use to

measure energy.

 There are different forms of energy that we use; for example, we

use electrical energy or mechanical energy, like moving a car, etc.,
and we need to know the units in which we measure these
different forms of energy.

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 To be clear, that is the key concept in this lesson is – power and energy.
And once we know the difference, we know that using power, we can
calculate energy, or if we know the energy and time, we can calculate

 We will also look at some of those calculations.

 For example, a computer consumes some power, the rate at which

energy is drawn, and if we use the computer for so many hours, what is
the energy consumption by this computer?

 We can do the same thing for a refrigerator, or we can do it for any other
appliance that you use at home.

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 Energy?

 When thinking about energy the following questions may come to

1. What is energy?
2. How do we measure it?
3. Where is it coming from?
4. Do we have enough?
5. What is the impact of energy use?

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 What is Energy?

 Energy is the life blood of any modern society.

 Energy is used in every walk of life.

 Without it, modern life would almost come to a standstill.

 From the moment of waking up in the morning with an alarm

clock, we use energy for almost everything we do.

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 What is Energy?

 Energy is a property of matter that can be converted to work,

heat, or radiation.

 The simplest definition of energy is "the ability to do work". Energy is

how things change and move.

 It's everywhere around us and takes all sorts of forms. It takes

energy to cook food, drive to school, and jump in the air.

 It can move things or do work, produces heat even if it does not

move anything, and be converted to light (or more accurately,

Module 1 – Energy and Society 12

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Learning Objectives

 After completing this module, the learners should be able to:

1. define energy.

2. articulate fundamental forms of energy.

3. know the different units of energy.

4. define and distinguish differences between energy and


5. classify Energy Sources

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Forms of Energy

Basic Forms of Energy

• Energy exists in a number of different forms, all of which measure

the ability of an object or system to do work on another object or

• There are different basic forms in which we use energy in our day-
to-day life:

Module 1 – Energy and Society 14

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Basic Forms of Energy

1. Mechanical Energy (Kinetic)

 Energy that a body possesses by virtue of its motion.

A few examples are

a baseball player pitching a ball,
a plow being pulled by a tractor, and
a hammer that is being used to pound nails.

 We use about a third of our total energy for transportation or

movement of people and goods.

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Basic Forms of Energy

1. Mechanical Energy (Potential)

• Energy that a body possesses by virtue of its position relative to a

reference point.

A few examples
a pendulum,
a bow (archery),
a spring, and
a hammer that is raised in preparation to pound

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Basic Forms of Energy

2. Chemical Energy

Energy locked in the bonds of molecules in the form of

microscopic potential energy, which exists because of the electric and
magnetic forces of attraction exerted between the different parts of each

• It is the same attractive force involved in thermal vibrations.

• The molecular parts get rearranged in the chemical reactions,

releasing or adding to this potential energy.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

2. Chemical Energy

 Some examples include a battery, burning wood, and glucose in the


 Approximately 61% of the energy used in the Philippines comes

from fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

• All of these fuels store energy in the form of chemical energy.

• When they are burned, these fuels release energy in the form of
heat or thermal energy.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

2. Chemical Energy

 The glucose (blood sugar) in your body is said to have

"chemical energy" because the glucose releases energy
when chemically reacted (combusted) with oxygen.

 Your muscles use this energy to generate mechanical

force (work) and also heat.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

3. Thermal Energy or Heat Energy

 Energy that combines microscopic, kinetic, and potential energy

of the molecules.

 Some examples of this include a hot beverage and boiling water.

 Temperature is really a measure of how much thermal energy

something has:

Module 1 – Energy and Society 20

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Basic Forms of Energy

3. Thermal Energy or Heat Energy

 The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules are moving
around and/or vibrating, i.e., the more kinetic and potential
energy the molecules have.

 Fuels (chemical energy) are oftentimes burned and converted to

thermal or heat energy, which is then converted to motion in an
automobile or electricity.

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Basic Forms of Energy

4. Electrical Energy

 Energy created through the movement of electrons among

the atoms of matter.

 Although electricity is seldom used directly, it is one of the most

useful and versatile forms of energy.

 Following are some examples. When electricity is:

• put into a toaster, it can be converted to heat;
• put into a stereo, it is converted into sound;
• put into an electric bulb, it converts into light;
• put into a motor, it converts into motion or movement
(mechanical energy).

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Basic Forms of Energy

4. Electrical Energy

 Due to its versatility, electricity is in high demand; in the

Philippines about 45% of the total primary energy used is
converted into electricity for various uses.


 All matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of

smaller particles called protons (which have positive charge),
neutrons (which have neutral charge), and electrons (which are
negatively charged).

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Basic Forms of Energy

4. Electrical Energy

Remember This!

The electrons orbit around the nucleus (which contains protons and
neutrons), just like the planets orbit the sun.

Certain metals have electrons that are only loosely attached to their
atoms, so they can be easily made to move from one atom to another if
an electric field is applied to them.

When those electrons move among the atoms of matter, a current of

electricity is created.

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Basic Forms of Energy

4. Electrical Energy

Remember This!

 The electrons orbit around the nucleus (which contains protons

and neutrons), just like the planets orbit the sun.

 Certain metals have electrons that are only loosely attached to

their atoms, so they can be easily made to move from one atom
to another if an electric field is applied to them.

 When those electrons move among the atoms of matter, a

current of electricity is created.

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Basic Forms of Energy

5. Nuclear Energy

 Energy produced when reactions occur in an atom, resulting

in some type of structural change in the nuclei.

 Fusion occurs when two small nuclei join together to create

one large nucleus or particle, and during this process, energy
is released in the form of light and heat.

An example is in the Sun: hydrogen nuclei fuse (combine)

together to make helium nuclei, which release energy.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

5. Nuclear Energy

 Fission occurs when the nucleus of one big atom splits into

two new atoms, and during this process, a tremendous
amount of energy is released in the form of light and heat.

An example is in a nuclear reactor or the interior of the

earth: uranium nuclei split apart, causing energy to be

Module 1 – Energy and Society 27

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

5. Nuclear Energy

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Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

 Energy radiated or transmitted in the form of rays, waves or


 Some examples include:

• visible light that can be seen by naked eye;

• infrared radiation;
• ultraviolet radiation (UV) that cannot be seen with the naked
• long wave radiation, such as TV waves and radio waves;
• very short waves, such as x-rays and gamma rays.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

• Even things that we encounter in our every day life contain some
radioactive material either natural or man-made.

• Smoke detectors, compact fluorescent bulbs, some watches and

granite countertops can emit some nuclear radiation.

• Even airplane travel at high altitudes cause exposure from

cosmic rays.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

•Electromagnetic Radiation

• Energy from the sun comes to the earth in the form of

Electromagnetic radiation, which is a type of energy that
oscillates (side to side) and is coupled with electric and magnetic
fields that travel freely through space.

• Electromagnetic radiation is composed of photons or particles of

light, which are sometimes referred to as packets of energy.

• Photons, like all particles, have properties of waves.

Module 1 – Energy and Society 31

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Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

•Electromagnetic Radiation

Photons make the world a brighter place!

• Photons are created when electrons jump to lower energy levels

in atoms, and are absorbed when electrons jump to higher

• Photons are also created when a charged particle, such as an

electron or proton, is accelerated.

• An example of this phenomenon is a radio transmitter antenna

that generates radio waves.
Module 1 – Energy and Society 32
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6 Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

•Electromagnetic Spectrum

• The “Electromagnetic spectrum“ is a representation of the wide

range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

• Photons are associated with visible light, which accounts for only
a very limited part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

• A great discovery of the nineteenth century was that radio

waves, x-rays, and gamma-rays are just forms of light, and that
light is electromagnetic waves.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

Module 1 – Energy and Society 34

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

 As depicted in the image above, the lower the energy, the longer
the wavelength and lower the frequency, and vice versa.

 The reason that sunlight can hurt your skin or your eyes is
because it contains "ultraviolet light," which consists of high
energy photons.

 These photons have short wavelength and high frequency, and

pack enough energy in each photon to cause physical damage to
your skin if they get past the outer layer of skin or the lens in
your eye.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

6. Radiation

 Radio waves, and the radiant heat you feel at a distance from a
campfire, for example, are also forms of electromagnetic
radiation, or light, except that they consist of low energy
photons (long wavelength and high frequencies - in the infrared
band and lower) that your eyes can't perceive.

 This was a great discovery of the nineteenth century - that radio

waves, x-rays, and gamma-rays are just forms of light, and that
light is electromagnetic waves.

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Basic Forms of Energy

Activity: Identifying Forms of Energy

 Can you identify

the different forms
of energy in the
picture below?

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

Activity: Identifying
Forms of Energy
Your task is to determine what form of energy is represented by each
A. Light bulb in a lamp post
B. Two women sitting at a picnic table drinking water. The arrow is
pointing to the cups of water. One cup is sitting on the table and
the other is in a woman's hand.
C. A doctor looking at an X-ray
D. A Frisbee flying through the air
E. The sun
F. A man getting ready to hit a golf ball with a golf club. The arrow is
pointing at the head of the golf club.
G. A little boy eating an ice cream cone. The arrow is pointing to the
ice cream on the ice cream cone.
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6 Basic Forms of Energy

Activity: Identifying
Forms of Energy
Enter your answer in the table below:

Fill in the missing forms of energy

A.   E.
B.   F.
C.   G.

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6 Basic Forms of Energy

Activity: Identifying
Forms of Energy
Enter your answer in the table below:

Fill in the missing forms of energy

A. Electrical energy E. Radiation
Mechanical energy -
B. Thermal/Heat energy F. Potential
C. Nuclear energy G. Chemical energy
Mechanical energy-
D. Kinetic    

Module 1 – Energy and Society 40

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Energy Conversion

Energy can be converted from one form to another.


 Gasoline (chemical) is put into our cars, and with the help
of electrical energy from a battery, provides mechanical
(kinetic) energy.

 Purchased electricity is fed into our TVs and is converted

to light and sound.

 Similarly, purchased electricity goes into an electric bulb

and is converted to visible light and heat energy.
Module 1 – Energy and Society 41
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Energy Conversion

of Day-to-day Energy

Module 1 – Energy and Society 42

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Energy Conversion

Activity: Day to Day Conversion Devices

Your task is to look at six devices and decide what form of energy is the
input and which is the output form of energy.

1.Lawn Mower input form of energy? Output form of energy?

2.Computer input form of energy? Output form of energy?
3.Sun input form of energy? Output form of energy?
4.Tree input form of energy? Output form of energy?
5.Gas Furnace input form of energy? Output form of energy?
6.Hair Dryer input form of energy? Output form of energy?

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Energy Conversion

Activity: Day to Day Conversion Devices

Your task is to look at six devices and decide what form of energy is the
input and which is the output form of energy.

Device Input form of Energy Out form of Energy

1 Lawn Mower
2 Computer
3 Sun
4 Tree
5 Gas Furnace
6 Hair Dryer

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Energy Conversion
Activity: Day to Day Conversion Devices

Your task is to look at six devices and decide what form of energy is the
input and which is the output form of energy.

Device Input form of Energy Out form of Energy

1 Lawn Mower
2 Computer
3 Sun
4 Tree
5 Gas Furnace
6 Hair Dryer

Module 1 – Energy and Society 45

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Measurement of Energy

Units of Measurement

How is energy measured?

• It is measured in various units by various industries or countries in

much the same way as the value of goods is expressed in Dollars in
the U.S. and Yen in Japan and Pounds in Britain.

Module 1 – Energy and Society 46

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Measurement of Energy
Different Units for Measuring Energy

Module 1 – Energy and Society 47

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Measurement of Energy

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Sources of Energy
 Energy is stored and is available in different forms and

 The 24,330 times more solar energy that is available than we

need is not in a readily usable form. It needs to be

 For example, when oil (a concentrated fuel) is burned with air,

the resulting gases can reach high temperatures.

 Solar energy, as it is, is not concentrated and cannot reach

those high temperatures.

 These sources are divided into two groups—renewable and


Module 1 – Energy and Society 49

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Sources of Energy

Renewable Energy Sources:

• Energy sources that can be replenished over and over again;

they are never depleted.

• Some examples include hydropower, solar, wind, tidal,

geothermal energy from inside the earth, biomass from
plants, and nuclear fusion.

• These types of energy sources are usually converted into

electricity or thermal (heat) energy. 

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Sources of Energy

Nonrenewable Energy Sources:

• Energy sources that we are using up and cannot produce in a short

period of time. Some examples include fossil fuels (Petroleum Oil,
Natural Gas, and Coal), Tar Sands, and Nuclear Fission.

• Another nonrenewable energy source is the element uranium,

whose atoms we split (through a process called nuclear fission) to
create heat, and ultimately, electricity.

• These types of energy sources are usually converted into electricity

and mechanical energy.

• We get most of our energy from these nonrenewable energy


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Sources of Energy

Nonrenewable Energy Sources:

Did You Know?

• They're called fossil fuels because they were

formed over millions and millions of years by the
action of heat from the Earth's core and pressure
from rock and soil on the remains (or 'fossils') of
dead plants and animals.

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Sources of Energy
Nonrenewable Energy Sources:

Fossil Fuel Distribution

• Fossil fuels, non-renewable energy sources formed over

a million years, are not distributed uniformly over the
earth’s surface.

• Depending on the climate conditions millions of years

ago, certain parts of the land masses were favorable for
organic matter to grow and thrive.

• Over geological ages, these land masses moved, and

certain regions are richer in fossil fuels than others.

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Sources of Energy Fossil Fuel Distribution

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Sources of Energy
Human Use of Energy Sources
Select the items listed in the center of the image and drag them to the
corresponding or matching energy type listed on the side. 

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Sources of Energy
Human Use of Energy Sources
Select the items listed in the center of the image and drag them to the
corresponding or matching energy type listed on the side. 

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What is Power?

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What is Power?

Power vs. Energy

Both cyclists did the same amount of work (they both pedaled 10
miles), and used the same amount of energy (218 calories).

The blue cyclist, however, demonstrated the most power, because

he did the equivalent amount of work as the red cyclist, but in a
faster time.

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Measuring Power

Units of Power are not the same as units of energy (i.e., Btus,


Units of power are measured in terms of units of energy used per

some unit of time.

Examples of Units of Power include:

 Watt (W) = 1 joule of energy per second or 1 J/S

 BTU per hour (BTUs/h) = 1,055J
 Horsepower (hp) = 550 foot-pounds per second or 550 ft lb/S
 Calories per second (cal/sec)
 Kilowatt (kW) = 1000 watts

Module 1 – Energy and Society 59

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Calculating Power

On a winter day, a home needs 1 x 106 or 1,000,000 BTUs of fuel energy

every 24 hours to maintain the interior at 65° F. At what rate is the energy
being consumed in Watts?

Module 1 – Energy and Society 60

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Power & Cost of Energy

 Energy Use=Power × Time of Power Use

 Cost of Energy=Energy Used × Cost of the Unit of Energy


If a 100 W light bulb is accidentally left on overnight (8 hours),

how much energy does it consume?

Module 1 – Energy and Society 61

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If a 100 W light bulb is accidentally left on overnight (8 hours), how much energy
does it consume?

How much energy does this cost, if electricity costs 10 cents per Kilowatt?

Module 1 – Energy and Society 62

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Energy Use of Home Appliances

Calculating Energy Use

Module 1 – Energy and Society 63

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Energy Use of Home Appliances

Calculating Energy Use

Example 1: Calculating Energy Use of a Ceiling Fan

If you use a ceiling fan (200 watts) for four hours per day, and for 120 days per
year, what would be the annual energy consumption?

Energy Consumption per Day is .8 kWh

To find out energy for 120 days, do

simple multiplication: .8 x 120 = 96 kWh

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Energy Use of Home Appliances

Calculating Energy Use

Example 2: Calculating Annual Cost of a Ceiling Fan

If the price per kWh for electricity is $.0845, what is the annual cost to
operate the ceiling fan?

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Thank you
for your attention !!!

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