Leadership Lecture2 Sp23

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Leadership, Chapter #1

Week of January 22-26

• Introduction to the Textbook, Lecture Notes and Activities in relation
to Midterm and Final
• Chapter One overview
• The PMU Core Competencies
• Explanation of this week’s homework, Activity #1.1 and #1.2
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Leadership is a Trait
• “First, leadership is though of as a trait. A trait is distinguishing quality of an
individual, which is often inherited. Defining leadership as a trait means that
each individual brings to the table certain qualities that influence the way he
or she leads” (2)
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Leadership is an Ability
• ”A person who as leadership ability is able to be a leader—that is has the
capacity to lead…ability can be acquired” (2).
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Leadership is a Skill
• “Conceptualized as a skill, leadership is a competency developed to
accomplish a task effectively. Skilled leaders are competent people who know
the means and methods for carrying out their responsibilities (5).
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Leadership is a Behavior
• “Leadership is also a behavior. It is what leaders do when they are in a
leadership role. The behavioral dimension is concerned with how leaders act
towards others in various situations. Unlike traits, abilities, and skills,
leadership behaviors are observable. When someone leads, we see that
person’s leadership behavior.
• Two types of leadership behavior: Task Behaviors and Process Behaviors
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Leadership is a Relationship
• From this perspective, leadership is centered on the communication between
leaders and followers rather than on the unique qualities of the leader…
[where] leadership becomes a process of collaboration” (6).
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Leadership is an Influence Process
• “Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of
individuals to achieve a common goal” (7).
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• Universal Leadership Attributes
Chapter 1: Understanding Leadership
• The Dark Side of Leadership
• ”Leaders use their influence for personal ends.”
• “Toxic”
• “Leaders leave followers worse off than they found them”
• ”Dark leadership [shares three conditions] a destructive leader, susceptible
followers, and a conducive environment.”
Small Group Discussion
• We often use the phrase, “Toxic Environment” or “Toxic Culture” in
contemporary English to describe a professional situation where
significant amounts of interpersonal conflict exist. This is often
attributed to a lack of leadership.
• Can you think of an experience you’ve had in such an environment or
culture. Describe the situation and explain what lapses or failures in
leadership you detected that lead to this situation? What was done
about it? What should have been done, in your opinion?

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