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Chapter 2 I Lesson 1

Presented by:
Group 1, Grade 11 – Loyal
Lesson 1: Kinds of Qualitative Research,
Characteristics, uses, strength and weaknesses
• What is Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research has, to speak, formalized this
manner of getting at the bottom Of human situations, social
phenomena or inquiries about human behavior in daily life.
▪︎ Cresswell (1994) defines qualitative research as “an inquiry
process of understanding a social or human problem based on
building a complex holistic picture formed with words, reporting
detailed views of informants and conducted in a natural setting.”
▪︎ Locke, Spirduso and Silverman (1987) – The intent of
qualitative research is to understand a particular social
situation, event, role, group of interaction.
▪︎Franenkel and Wallen (1990) – Stress that researchers are
interested in understanding how things occur.
Qualitative Research, by its very nature is essentially a
descriptive analysis and follows the inductive process of
▪︎All social researchers systematically collect and analyse
empirical data and carefully examine the patterns in them to
understand and explain social life.
▪︎Qualitative Research is interpretive, follows a non-linear
research path, and speaks a language of “cases and context”
Cases that arise from daily life are closely examined
▪︎Qualitative Research, Follows a linear path, speaks a
language of “variables and hypotheses” and emphasizes
measuring variables and testing hypotheses that are linked to
general casual explanation.
Kinds of Qualitative Research

● Marshall and Rossman (1995) describe succinctly varied

qualitative research methods.
● Observation – entails the systematic nothing or
recording of events, behaviors and artifacts (objects) in the
social setting chosen for study. Through this method, the
researcher learns about behaviors and the meaning
attached to those behaviors.
● A degree of systematization in questioning may be
necessary, especially in a multisite case study or when
many participants interviewed.
● Content Analysis – It is systematic examination of
forms of communication to document patterns
objectively-as shown in letters, emails, minutes of
meetings, policy statements and a lot more.
• ● Narratology – It can be applied to any spoken or
written story. Narrative inquiry requires a great deal
of sensitivity between participant and researchers.
Attentive to recurring patterns, as well as the narrators
feelings, views and values as reflected in both oral and
written stories.
● Films, Videos and Photographs – these provide visual
records of events, especially the films and videos which
capture the perspective of the filmmaker or videographer.
~Pictures, Manifest the intent, interests and values of the
Characteristics and Uses of Qualitative
● The research takes place in a natural setting-a
home, an office, an institution, or a community where
human behavior and events occur. This enables the
researcher to be immersed in the actual experiences of
the research participants and to get as much detailed
data s/he needs.
● The focus of Qualitative Research is on the
participants’ perception and experiences the way they
make sense of their lives
● The methods are interactive and humanistic, call for active
participation of research participants, and on the part of the
researcher, sensitivity to the needs of the participants.
● The theory or general pattern of understanding will emerge as it
begins with initial codes, develops into broad themes, and coalesces
into a ground theory or broad interpretation.
● It is fundamentally interpretative. This includes a description of
an individual or setting, analyzing data for themes or categories, and
finally, making an interpretation or drawing conclusions about its
meaning, personally and theoretically, stating the lesson learned and
offering further questions to be asked.
● The researcher may filter the data through a
personal lens that is situated in specific sociopolitical
and historical moments.
● The researcher is the primary instrument in data
● The Qualitative Researcher systematically reflects
on who he or she is in the inquiry and is sensitive to
his/her personal bias and how it shapes the study.
Strength and Weaknesses of Qualitative

Qualitative Research has its own share of strength

and weaknesses, just like other methods of Research. The
strength far outweigh the weaknesses since qualitative
research goes to the very depth of human behavior or
human experience, that cannot be explained with mere
numbers or statistical treatment.
• Strength
● Qualitative Research can offer the best life on or best
answer to certain phenomena-social, economic,
political or even psychological.
●It can be build, on or even develop theories through
consistent themes, categories, relationships,
interrelationships that are crystallized during the data
gathering and data analysis processes.
The weaknesses of Qualitative Research will not affect the serious
researcher who is willing to invest any amount of time or resources
in this endeavor.
● Total immersion in the natural setting of the research can be
time-consuming and tedious, and resource- draining, as well.
● There comes a point when the personal-self and the researcher-
self are inseparable, so, subjectivity, on the part of the researcher,
cam happen.
Thank you for
Group 1
Leader: Murillo, Justine T.
Acebedo, Regina Joy V.
Abud, Poreferio T.
Agner, Ashly Mae L.
Flores, Angelo R.

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