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Chapter 9
Tse-Min Lee
Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources
National Sun Yat-sen University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
• fresh and marine waters
• A much greater variety of forms is found in marine
members and appears more important in tropic waters than
colder polar waters.
• an epicone and hypocone divided by the transverse girdle
or cingulum. There is a longitudinal sulcus running
perpendicular to the girdle.
• Cone: thecal plates, the exact number and arrangement of
which are characteristic of the particular genus
• Chlorophylls a and c2
• Carotenoids: peridinin and neoperidinin
• Pyrenoid
• Starch
• The cells can be photosynthetic or colorless and
• Photosynthetic organisms have chloroplasts
surrounded by one membrane of chloroplast
E.R., which is not continuous with the outer
membrane of the nuclear envelope.
• Chlorophylls a and c2 are present in the
chloroplasts, with peridinin and neoperidinin
being the main carotenoids.
Cell structure
• Theca
membrane-polysaccharide-protein vesicle
• The thecal structure of motile Dinophyceae consists of an outer
plasmalemma beneath which lies a single layer of flattened vesicles
(Figs. 7.2, 7.3(c), 7.5) (Dodge and Crawford, 1970; Sekida et al., 2004).
These vesicles, which normally contain cellulosic plates, give the theca
its characteristic structure
• Scales: protein plate outside membrane
• Amphiesma is the term used to specify the
outermost layers of the dinoflagellate cell
(Schutt, 1895) and includes all of the thecal
plates with their lists (ribs), the peripheral
vesicles, and the attendant microtubules.
• Inside this vesicle are a number of cellulosic
thecal plates subtended by a proteinaceous
pellicle (Morrill and Loeblich, 1983a).
different types of
amphiesmal arrangements
Induction of ecdysis
• Ecdysis in Gambierdiscus toxicus is induced by
a glycerol compound (Fig. 7.8) that is released
by the green alga Bryopsis sp. (Sakamoto et
al., 2000).
• The dinoflagellate occupies the thallisphere of
this green alga.
• Although relatively rare, scales occur outside
the plasma membrane in some Dinophyceae
(Figs. 7.9, 7.10) (Sekida et al., 2003). In
Heterocapsa, the scales are formed in Golgi
vesicles that migrate to the area of the basal
bodies, where the scales are released outside
the cell (Morrill and Loeblich, 1983b).
• The longitudinal flagellum contains an R-fiber
running along the length of the flagellum.
Retraction of the flagellum occurs when the R-
fiber contracts to one third of its length. Influx
of Ca2+ into the longitudinal flagellum causes
retraction of the R-fiber (Maruyama, 1985).
longitudinal flagellum
R fiber (R) and the axoneme (A)
transverse flagellum
• The transverse flagellum is about two to three
times as long as the longitudinal flagellum and
has a helical shape (Figs. 7.12, 7.13, 7.14).
• The dinoflagellates
are the fastest.
• Dinoflagellates swim
from 200 to 500 mm
s-1 (Raven and
Richardson, 1984).
Leiotropic (left-turning) rotation
• Marine dinoflagellates
frequently move into
deeper, nutrient-rich
waters at night and better
illuminated waters near
the surface during the day.
• The diel (over a 24-hour
period) migrations of
dinoflagellates are 5 to 10
m in relatively quiet
• A pusule is a sac-like structure that opens by
means of a pore into the flagellar canal and
probably has an osmoregulatory function
similar to that of a contractile vacuole.
Chloroplasts and pigments
• The plastids of most photosynthetic dinoflagellates
originated from a secondary endosymbiosis with a
red alga.
• These plastids are surrounded by three membranes
(two membranes of chloroplast envelope and one
membrane of chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum)
(Fig. 7.2) and contain chlorophyll a and c, and
peridinin (Fig. 7.17) as the major photosynthetic
pigments (Ishida and Green, 2002).
Tertiary endosymbiosis
begins with the loss of the
plastid (originally derived
from a secondary
endosymbiosis) from a
dinoflagellate followed by
endosymbiosis of an alga
from the Prymnesiophyceae
(a haptophyte alga).
PCP-photosynthetic pigments
• A water-soluble protein complex: peridinin–
chlorophyll a–protein (PCP)
• Within the chromophore the peridinin and
chlorophyll a are in a 4 : 1 ratio (Prézelin and
Haxo, 1976).
• PCP is similar to the phycobiliproteins in
cyanobacteria and red algae in that it is on the
surface of thylakoids, is water-soluble, and acts
as a light harvesting pigment.
Chromatic adaptation by PCP
• Under 1/12 light intensity condition, PCP amount
increases with increasing peridinin amount but
less increments in chlorophyll.
• An increase in PCP amount without changes in
pigment compositions
• Similar to cyanobacteria and red algae!
• As the cells receive less light (i.e., grow in
deeper water), they produce more PCP, with
the peridinin capturing light and passing it to
chlorophyll a.
Photactic response
• Plasma membrane
• 450 nm
• Less than 5% of
the Dinophyceae
eyespots, and
those that do are
• The chromatin condensed into 2.5 nm fibrils in the
interphase nuclei (Figs. 7.2, 7.4).
• The organization of the chromatin is different from
either prokarytoic or eukaryotic cells and has been
referred to as mesokaryotic or dinokaryotic (Rizzo,
• Mesokaryotic nucleus: chromosomes remain
condensed and attached to nuclear membrane,
breakdown of the nuclear envelope and nucleolus is
delayed, and centrioles are existing.
Cell division
a large amount of the DNA is genetically
inactive (structural DNA) in dinoflagellates

• Dinoflagellates, however, have much more DNA in

their nuclei, with values ranging from 3.8 pg per
nucleus in Cryptothecodinium cohnii (Fig. 7.3(e)–
(g)) to 200 pg per nucleus in Lingulodinium
polyedrum (Fig. 7.40(b)) corresponding to about
200 000 Mb (in comparison, hexploid Triticum
wheat is 16 000 Mb and the haploid human
genome is 3180 Mb) (Sigee, 1984). This implies that
a large amount of the DNA is genetically inactive
(structural DNA) in dinoflagellates.
Resting spores or cysts or
hypnospores and fossil Dinophyceae
• The resting spore or cyst of most dinoflagellates is
morphologically distinct from the parent cell.
Resting spores or cysts or
hypnospores and fossil Dinophyceae

• The newly formed cysts of Scrippsiella

trochoidea have ten times more carbohydrate
and 1.5% the respiratory rate of vegetative
cells (Brooks and Andersen, 1990).
• The cell walls of the cysts are highly resistant
to decay and contain dinosporin, a chemical
similar to sporopollenin in the pollen of
higher plants (Kokinos et al., 1998).
fossil Dinophyceae
• dinosporin
• The cysts are extremely resistant and are preserved in
ancient sediments where they are of value in
paleoecological studies.
• Fossilized cysts are called hystrichosphaerids
(hystrichospores) and are included in fossilized cyst-
like structures of unicellular algae called acritrachs.
• These fossilized dinoflagellates first appeared in the
Triassic and reached a peak in the Jurassic and
Cretaceous, followed by a decrease in the Tertiary
(MacRae et al., 1996).
• The process of encystment or resting spore
formation is regulated by a complex
interaction of day length, temperature, and
nutrient concentration (Kremp, 2001; Sgrosso
et al., 2001).
A case for encystment
• In the freshwater dinoflagellate Woloszynskia tylota,
encystment involves the following changes (Bibby and
Dodge, 1972):
(1) replacement of the theca by a thin amorphous outer
wall, which gradually thickens by the deposition of
material on its inner face;
(2) the appearance of a layer of closely packed lipid
droplets at the cytoplasmic margin of the mature cyst;
(3) the reduction in size or disappearance of cytoplasmic
structures such as chloroplasts, Golgi bodies, and
(4) the enlargement of a central orange-brown body and
cytoplasmic vacuoles containing crystals.
• Some Dinophyceae have the ability to produce
very potent toxins which cause the death of
fish and shellfish during red tides when there
are dinoflagellate blooms that color the water
• The dinoflagellates become lodged in the gills
of the shellfish, and when shellfish are eaten
by humans or animals, poisoning results.
Red tide, paralytic shellfish poisoning
• Historically, red tides and paralytic shellfish poisoning
have been mentioned many times (Shilo, 1967).
• Case 1: One of the plagues that struck Egypt was
described in the Bible: “all the waters that were in
the river were turned to blood. And the fish that was
in the river died; and the river stank, and the
Egyptians could not drink the water of the river . . .”
(Exodus 7 : 17).
• Darwin, in his description of discolored water in 1832
during his voyage on the Beagle, graphically
described blooms of algae that were dinoflagellates.
• Death and illness caused by consumption of poisonous
mussels and clams were reported by Captain Cook and
Captain George Vancouver during their expeditions to
the coast of the Pacific Northwest.
• An old custom among Indian tribes along the coast of
Alaska was to station sentries to watch for the marine
luminescence occurring during hot weather, which
they understood to be associated with Kal-Ko-O, their
name for mussel poisoning.
• All of the dinoflagellates that have been convincingly
demonstrated to produce toxins contain chloroplasts,
indicating that the ability to produce toxins may have
been derived from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.
Three kinds of toxins from dinoflagellate
• 1 Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. This occurs primarily in
temperate regions and is caused by species of the
planktonic dinoflagellates Exuviaella, Dinophysis (Fig.
7.30(a), (b)), and Prorocentrum (Figs. 7.30(c), 7.55, 7.56(c)).
• Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning is caused by the polyether
carboxylic acids okadaic acid, macrolide toxins, and
yessotoxin (Figs. 7.31, 23.3, 23.4).
• The toxins are powerful inhibitors of serine- and threonine-
protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A and induce severe
gastroenteritis (Zhou and Fritz, 1994; Morton and Tindall,
1995; Suzuki et al., 1997).
2 Ciguatera fish poisoning. This occurs primarily in tropical regions
with the common causative agent being Gambierdiscus (Figs. 7.6,
7.32) which is common circumtropically between 32°N and 32°S. The
dinoflagellate contains gambieric acids, ciguatoxins, and maitotoxins
(Fig. 7.33), putative Ca2+ channel activators that result in breakdown
of the cell membrane (Igarashi et al., 1999).
• Gambierdiscus is epiphytic on macroalgae that are eaten by
herbivorous fish and shellfish, which, in turn, are eaten by humans.
• In French Polynesia alone, approximately 1000 cases of ciguatera
fish poisoning are reported every year (Chinain et al., 1997). The
term ciguatera is derived from the Spanish term “cigua” for the
turban shell, which was commonly eaten before the illness
• The typical course of ciguatera fish poisoning is diarrhea for two
days, followed by general weakness for one to two days.
Occasionally the condition is fatal (Withers, 1982).
3 Paralytic shellfish poisoning. This is caused by species
of Alexandrium (A. catanella, A. acatenella, A. excavatum
(Fig. 7.35), A. tamarensis), Pyrodinium bahamense (Fig.
7.34), and Gymnodinium catenatum (Fig. 7.34).
• These dinoflagellates produce a group of toxins that
are derivatives of saxitoxin (Fig. 23.2).
• Saxitoxins are potent neurotoxins acting upon voltage-
gated Na -channels, preventing influx of Na , thereby
preventing the generation of an action potential
(Cembella, 2003).
Alexandrium excavatum is a toxic red-tide
Resting spore
Toxin production
• The amount of toxin in cells of Alexandrium is
relatively low when nutrients are in ready
supply (John and Flynn, 2002).
• The toxin concentration is highest under
conditions of phosphorus deficiency, possibly
because free amino acids (precursors of
toxins) accumulate under conditions of
phosphorus deficiency.
Toxin and grazing
• Cells of dinoflagellates that produce toxins are
avoided by grazing copepods, indicating that
the extra energy put into toxin production is
more than offset by the decreased grazing of
the dinoflagellate cells (Guisande et al., 2002).
A number of factors have been suggested as
the cause of red tides:

1 High surface-water temperatures: warmer water

and on the surface
2 Wind: A strong, offshore wind aids upwelling,
whereas a gentle onshore wind concentrates the
bloom near the coast. On the other hand, heavy
weather and strong winds disperse the bloom.
Storms also result in the death of dinoflagellates
and can prevent the development of red tides (Juhl
and Latz, 2002; Sullivan and Swift, 2003).
A number of factors have been suggested as
the cause of red tides:

3 Light intensity: a period of bright, sunny, calm weather before

4 Nutrients: Red tides usually occur after an upwelling has
stopped, but the nutrients brought to the surface do not,
themselves, appear to be the direct cause of these blooms
(Grindley and Nel, 1970).
It is thought that preceding blooms of diatoms may impoverish
the water and reduce one or more of the inorganic nutrients to a
level favorable for the growth of dinoflagellates (but too low for
the diatoms), and also allow the production of organic nutrients
such as vitamin B12, which are important for their growth.
Dinoflagellates and oil and coal
• Blooms of dinoflagellates have most likely been
responsible for some of the oil deposits of the
world, including the North Sea oil deposit (Downie,
1956; Gallois, 1976).
• The best studied oil deposits are the oil shales of the
Kimmeridge Clay deposits in England, which vary
from less than 100 m in thickness to over 500 m and
are composed of a number of different layers: clays
and black and brown shales intermixed with
occasional thin limestones.
• The Kimmeridge Clay oil shales were formed from algal
blooms in seas that were to some degree land-locked,
with salinity a little beneath the average salinity of the
open ocean. These seas were rich in land-derived
nutrients, allowing the water to support blooms of toxic
dinoflagellates. 陸源高營養鹽
• These blooms deoxygenated and poisoned the water,
providing the temporary anaerobic bottom conditions
required for the preservation of organic matter. 無氧
( 優養化 ) 保有泥炭土 ( 有機物高 未被分解 )
• It is interesting that one of the bivalves commonly
poisoned by toxic dinoflagellate blooms today is Lucinoma
borealis, and the bivalve that forms the most extensive
plasters in the Kimmeridge Clay oil shales is the related
Lucina miniscula.
4-methylsteroidal hydrocarbons
• Petroleum deposits and ancient sediments contain 4-
methylsteroidal hydrocarbons, which probably originated
from 4-methylsterols in dinoflagellates (Robinson et al., 1984).
Light emission in living organisms
• There are two types of light emission in living
(1) bioluminescence (chemiluminescence), in
which energy from an exergonic chemical
reaction is transformed into light energy;
(2) photoluminescence, which is dependent on
the prior absorption of light (Hastings, 1986).

• Many marine, but no freshwater dinoflagellates, are

capable of bioluminescence. The Dinophyceae are the
main contributors to marine bioluminescence, emitting a
bluish-green (maximum wavelength at 474 nm) flash of
light of 0.1-second duration when the cells are stimulated.
• The compound responsible for
bioluminescence is luciferin (Fig. 7.38), which
is oxidized with the aid of the enzyme
luciferase, resulting in the emissions of light.
Mechanism: pH changes
• Luciferin in the dinoflagellates has been reported to be a linear
tetrapyrrole (Fig. 7.38). Associated with dinoflagellate luciferin is a
luciferin-binding protein (LBP) which sequesters luciferin at
alkaline pH and releases it under acidic conditions (Sulzman et al.,
1978). It has been postulated that the flash of bioluminescent light
may occur simply by a lowering of the pH from 8.0 to 6.5.
• Agitation of cells depolarizes the vacuolar membrane,
allowing a flux of protons (H) and acidification of the
peripheral cytoplasm (Johnson et al., 1985).
• Lowering the pH causes two pH-dependent reactions to occur: (1)
release of luciferin from its binding protein at acidic pH, and (2)
activation of luciferase followed by emission of a photon of blue-
green light.
• Luciferin, luciferase, and luciferase-binding protein occur
in particles called scintillons (flashing units) that are
approximately 0.5 to 1.5 m in diameter (Sweeney, 1980).
Scintillations occur in cytoplasmic invaginations in the
vacuolar membrane.
• Flashes of blue-green light are produced when an action
potential proceeds along the vacuolar membrane,
causing an outflow of protons from the acidic contents
of the vacuole. The resulting drop in the pH in the
scintillon causes flashes of light (Nicolas et al., 1991).
circadian rhythm - bioluminescence
• In Lingulodinium polyedrum (Figs. 7.39, 7.40), most
bioluminescence occurs during the night phase of a
circadian rhythm (Fig. 7.41) (Fritz et al., 1991).
• This is due to a ten fold increase in luciferase and
luciferin-binding protein during the night phase.
Daytime photoinhibition of bioluminescence is
considered a mechanism to conserve the energy of
cells when ambient light levels are high enough to
render the bioluminescent flash ineffective (Buskey
and Swift, 1983).
Night and day emission
Other organelle movement during

• The position of bioluminescence in Pyrocystis fusiformis

(Fig. 7.40(a)) varies over 24 hours (Sweeney, 1980; Seo and
Fritz, 2000).
• During the day, bioluminescence emanates from a
spherical mass of tightly packed vesicles near the nucleus,
whereas at night bioluminescence occurs in the peripheral
cytoplasm. There is a reverse movement of chloroplasts,
with the organelles in the cell periphery during the day and
the chloroplasts concentrating around the nucleus at night.
Dinoflagellates emit light in three modes

(1) they can flash when stimulated mechanically,

chemically, or electrically;
(2) they can flash spontaneously;
(3) late at night they can glow dimly (Sweeney,
Flash behaviour?
• In a population of dinoflagellates, the cells emit
an average of one flash per cell per day
(Hastings and Krasnow, 1981).
• It is not clear whether each cell flashes once
and only once during this period, or whether
some cells are responsible for a larger share of
the flashes whereas others do not emit at all.
• The nutritional status of a cell influences the
brightness of the flash
• Pyrocystis (Figs. 7.40(a), 7.49(c), (d)), one of the most
strongly phosphorescent dinoflagellates, is the chief source
of diffused phosphorescence in the sea in equatorial
regions (Swift et al., 1973).
• Species of Pyrocystis produce at least 1000 times more
bioluminescence per cell than members of the genus
Lingulodinium (Figs. 7.39, 7.40) and about 100 times as
much light per cell as Ceratium fusus, Peridinium
pentagonium, and Pyrodinium bahamense.
the adaptive value of bioluminescence to
1 “Burglar alarm” hypothesis. This hypothesis argues that dinoflagellates
render themselves dangerous as prey to invertebrate grazers because they
generate a signal identifying the location of invertebrate food to individuals
two levels up the food chain from the dinoflagellates (Abrahams and
Townsend, 1993). Bioluminescence generated by dinoflagellates serves to
attract predators of the grazers of the dinoflagellates.
2 “Startle” hypothesis. In this hypothesis, mechanical stimulation of a
bioluminescent dinoflagellate by a grazer produces a flash of light that
startles an invertebrate grazer, such as a copepod, and causes the copepod
to swim away with its feeding appendage retracted (Buskey and Swift, 1983).
• Whichever theory is correct, experiments have shown that copepods
consume only half as many dinoflagellates at night, indicating that the
bioluminescence is serving as a deterrent to grazing (Buskey et al., 1983).
• 夜光藻(学名: Noctiluca scintillans ),屬於甲藻門單
細胞生物( dinoflagellate ),俗稱海耀,又稱夜光蟲,夜
光蟲是屬於異營性渦鞭毛藻或雙鞭毛藻,為一種赤潮 (red
tide) 生物
• 馬祖「藍眼淚」目前是一個旅遊熱門話題,但對於其是由何
種認為是介形蟲 (ostracod) ,另一種認為是渦鞭毛藻或雙鞭
毛藻 (dinoflagellate) 中之夜光蟲 (Noctiluca
scintillans) 所造成發光現象,目前仍無直接證據證實是何
種生物造成此一海中奇景。國立臺灣海洋大學 106 學年度將
解開馬祖藍眼淚之謎 夜光蟲- 國家地理雜誌中文網

• 海大研究團隊採取兩個研究方法去解開此一謎團,首先在「藍
物之一。其次利用 20 µm 浮游生物網進行採樣,將發光水域之
浮游生物完全收集,並將其 DNA 全部萃取出來,再利用次世代
酶 (luciferase) 和發光素接合蛋白 (luciferin binding
protein) ,與現有資料庫中相關序列資料進行比對即可知道
Vertical migration of dinoflagellate
In the marine environment, this vertical migration exposes
the cells to several gradients:
(1) Nutrients are more concentrated at lower depths
(accumulating at the bottom of the ocean or at thermoclines)
while surface waters are often practically devoid of nutrients.
(2) Temperatures at the surface exceed those in deeper
(3) Variations in light intensities.
(4) In shallow waters, differences in washout by the tidal
Heterotrophic dinoflagellates
• An estimated half of the more than 2000 living
dinoflagellate species lack chloroplasts and are
exclusively heterotrophic (Hansen and Calado, 1999;
Jacobsen, 1999).
• In addition, many dinoflagellates that contain
chloroplasts are capable of mixotrophy where a
portion of their nutrients is obtained
heterotrophically, particularly when nutrient
conditions are low in the environment (Smalley et
al., 2003).
different modes of heterotrophy
(1) phagotrophy through the direct engulfment
of prey;
different modes of heterotrophy
(2) pallium feeding where the prey is engulfed by a
cytoplasmic veil – the palium – with digestion of the
food taking place outside of the dinoflagellate cell;
different modes of heterotrophy
(3) peduncle feeding (myzocytosis) involving the uptake of
intracellular material of the prey through a cytoplasmic
extension – the peduncle – leaving the plasma membrane
and extracellular material of the prey behind;
different modes of heterotrophy
(4) osmotrophy or the uptake of dissolved

(Hohfeld and Melkonian, 1998)

Symbiotic dinoflagellates
• Symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) occur in almost all
species of tropical and reef-building corals, jellyfish, and sea
anemones (Cnidaria).
• The dinoflagellates are coccoid spheres in the symbiotic state and
have been assigned to the genus Symbiodinium.
• Symbiodinium cells change into typical gymnodinoid form when
placed in culture. Cultured and symbiotic Symbiodinium differ
• The symbiotic cells grow ten times slower than cultured cells. The
host exerts strong control over the translocation of metabolites
from the dinoflagellate endosymbiont, resulting in 98% of the
carbon fixed by the endosymbiont being released to the host. In
contrast, cultured cells release only 10% of their photosynthetically
fixed carbon (Trench, 1993).
Effect of Symbiotic dinoflagellates on coral
• The host animal cells secrete the amino acid taurine
which causes the dinoflagellate to release
photosynthate outside the cell for absorption by the
animal cells (Wang and Douglas, 1997).
• Corals with symbiotic dinoflagellates do not incorporate
calcium into their skeletons as fast as corals without
symbiotic dinoflagellates. During the daytime, corals
with and without symbiotic dinoflagellates calcify at the
same rate. Calcification occurs three times faster during
the day than at night (Gattuso et al., 2001).
marine anemones and marine dinoflagellates
• In the symbiosis between the marine anemones and marine dinoflagellates,
the dry weight ratio of host to alga is about 300 : 1 (Taylor, 1969).
• When the anemone is subjected to poor growing conditions, it responds by
excreting some of the dinoflagellate cells, which the anemone obviously has
difficulty in maintaining. Even under normal growing conditions the algal
population divides too rapidly, and the anemone reacts by pruning the
population down to a level it can support. In this situation the older
dinoflagellate cells in the outer regions of the host (crown and tentacles)
respond by thickening the outer secreted layer around the cell wall and
subsequently forming cysts. As the thickness of the cyst’s outer layer
increases, the cells begin to show signs of degeneration.
• The host then seems to become sensitive to the degenerate condition of the
cysts and reacts by removing them from these outer regions and
transporting them to the mesenteries as intracellular inclusions of its
undifferentiated amoeboid cells. They are stored in the mesenteries in
varying states of decomposition until they are finally excreted by the host.
Order 1 Prorocentrales: cell wall divided vertically into
two halves; no girdle; two flagella borne at cell apex.
Order 2 Dinophysiales: cell wall divided vertically into
two halves, cells with elaborate extensions of the theca.
Order 3 Peridiniales: motile cells with an epicone and
hypocone separated by a girdle, relatively thick theca.
Order 4 Gymnodiniales: motile cells with an epicone
and hypocone separated by a girdle; theca thin or
reduced to empty vesicles.

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